package org.jgroups.protocols; import org.jgroups.Address; import org.jgroups.PhysicalAddress; import org.jgroups.annotations.Experimental; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedAttribute; import org.jgroups.annotations.Property; import org.jgroups.annotations.Unsupported; import org.jgroups.blocks.BasicConnectionTable; import org.jgroups.blocks.ConnectionTableNIO; import; import java.util.Collection; /** * Transport using NIO * @author Scott Marlow * @author Alex Fu * @author Bela Ban */ @Experimental @Unsupported public class TCP_NIO extends BasicTCP implements BasicConnectionTable.Receiver { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.jgroups.protocols.TCP#getConnectionTable(long, long) */ protected ConnectionTableNIO getConnectionTable(long ri, long cet, InetAddress b_addr, InetAddress bc_addr, int external_port, int s_port, int e_port) throws Exception { ConnectionTableNIO retval=null; if (ri == 0 && cet == 0) { retval = new ConnectionTableNIO(this, b_addr, bc_addr, external_port, s_port, e_port, false ); } else { if (ri == 0) { ri = 5000; if(log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("reaper_interval was 0, set it to " + ri); } if (cet == 0) { cet = 1000 * 60 * 5; if(log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("conn_expire_time was 0, set it to " + cet); } retval = new ConnectionTableNIO(this, b_addr, bc_addr, external_port, s_port, e_port, ri, cet, false); } retval.setThreadFactory(getThreadFactory()); retval.setProcessorMaxThreads(getProcessorMaxThreads()); retval.setProcessorQueueSize(getProcessorQueueSize()); retval.setProcessorMinThreads(getProcessorMinThreads()); retval.setProcessorKeepAliveTime(getProcessorKeepAliveTime()); retval.setProcessorThreads(getProcessorThreads()); retval.start(); return retval; } public String printConnections() {return ct.toString();} protected PhysicalAddress getPhysicalAddress() { return ct != null? (PhysicalAddress)ct.getLocalAddress() : null; } public void send(Address dest, byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws Exception { ct.send(dest, data, offset, length); } public void start() throws Exception { ct=getConnectionTable(reaper_interval,conn_expire_time,bind_addr,external_addr,external_port,bind_port,bind_port+port_range); ct.setUseSendQueues(use_send_queues); // ct.addConnectionListener(this); ct.setReceiveBufferSize(recv_buf_size); ct.setSendBufferSize(send_buf_size); ct.setSocketConnectionTimeout(sock_conn_timeout); ct.setPeerAddressReadTimeout(peer_addr_read_timeout); ct.setTcpNodelay(tcp_nodelay); ct.setLinger(linger); super.start(); } public void retainAll(Collection<Address> members) { ct.retainAll(members); } public void stop() { ct.stop(); super.stop(); } public int getReaderThreads() { return reader_threads; } public int getWriterThreads() { return writer_threads; } public int getProcessorThreads() { return processor_threads; } public int getProcessorMinThreads() { return processor_minThreads;} public int getProcessorMaxThreads() { return processor_maxThreads;} public int getProcessorQueueSize() { return processor_queueSize; } public long getProcessorKeepAliveTime() { return processor_keepAliveTime; } @ManagedAttribute public int getOpenConnections() {return ct.getNumConnections();} @Property private int reader_threads= 3; @Property private int writer_threads= 3; @Property private int processor_threads= 5; // PooledExecutor.createThreads() @Property private int processor_minThreads= 5; // PooledExecutor.setMinimumPoolSize() @Property private int processor_maxThreads= 5; // PooledExecutor.setMaxThreads() @Property private int processor_queueSize=100; // Number of queued requests that can be pending waiting // for a background thread to run the request. @Property private long processor_keepAliveTime= Long.MAX_VALUE; // PooledExecutor.setKeepAliveTime( milliseconds); // negative value used to mean (before 2.5 release) to wait forever, // instead set to Long.MAX_VALUE to keep alive forever private ConnectionTableNIO ct; }