package; import; public class SaveDataMemoryStorage extends MapStorage { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001963"; public SaveDataMemoryStorage() { super((ISaveHandler)null); } /** * Loads an existing MapDataBase corresponding to the given String id from disk, instantiating the given Class, or * returns null if none such file exists. args: Class to instantiate, String dataid */ public WorldSavedData loadData(Class p_75742_1_, String p_75742_2_) { return (WorldSavedData)this.loadedDataMap.get(p_75742_2_); } /** * Assigns the given String id to the given MapDataBase, removing any existing ones of the same id. */ public void setData(String p_75745_1_, WorldSavedData p_75745_2_) { this.loadedDataMap.put(p_75745_1_, p_75745_2_); } /** * Saves all dirty loaded MapDataBases to disk. */ public void saveAllData() {} /** * Returns an unique new data id for the given prefix and saves the idCounts map to the 'idcounts' file. */ public int getUniqueDataId(String p_75743_1_) { return 0; } }