package net.minecraft.client.renderer; public class Tessellator { private WorldRenderer worldRenderer; private WorldVertexBufferUploader field_178182_b = new WorldVertexBufferUploader(); /** The static instance of the Tessellator. */ public static final Tessellator instance = new Tessellator(2097152); private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000960"; public static Tessellator getInstance() { return instance; } public Tessellator(int p_i1250_1_) { this.worldRenderer = new WorldRenderer(p_i1250_1_); } /** * Draws the data set up in this tessellator and resets the state to prepare for new drawing. */ public int draw() { return this.field_178182_b.draw(this.worldRenderer, this.worldRenderer.draw()); } public WorldRenderer getWorldRenderer() { return this.worldRenderer; } }