package net.minecraft.client.gui; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.realms.RealmsClickableScrolledSelectionList; import net.minecraft.realms.Tezzelator; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; public class GuiClickableScrolledSelectionListProxy extends GuiSlot { private final RealmsClickableScrolledSelectionList field_178046_u; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001939"; public GuiClickableScrolledSelectionListProxy(RealmsClickableScrolledSelectionList p_i45526_1_, int p_i45526_2_, int p_i45526_3_, int p_i45526_4_, int p_i45526_5_, int p_i45526_6_) { super(Minecraft.getMinecraft(), p_i45526_2_, p_i45526_3_, p_i45526_4_, p_i45526_5_, p_i45526_6_); this.field_178046_u = p_i45526_1_; } protected int getSize() { return this.field_178046_u.getItemCount(); } /** * The element in the slot that was clicked, boolean for whether it was double clicked or not */ protected void elementClicked(int slotIndex, boolean isDoubleClick, int mouseX, int mouseY) { this.field_178046_u.selectItem(slotIndex, isDoubleClick, mouseX, mouseY); } /** * Returns true if the element passed in is currently selected */ protected boolean isSelected(int slotIndex) { return this.field_178046_u.isSelectedItem(slotIndex); } protected void drawBackground() { this.field_178046_u.renderBackground(); } protected void drawSlot(int p_180791_1_, int p_180791_2_, int p_180791_3_, int p_180791_4_, int p_180791_5_, int p_180791_6_) { this.field_178046_u.renderItem(p_180791_1_, p_180791_2_, p_180791_3_, p_180791_4_, p_180791_5_, p_180791_6_); } public int func_178044_e() { return super.width; } public int func_178042_f() { return super.mouseY; } public int func_178045_g() { return super.mouseX; } /** * Return the height of the content being scrolled */ protected int getContentHeight() { return this.field_178046_u.getMaxPosition(); } protected int getScrollBarX() { return this.field_178046_u.getScrollbarPosition(); } public void func_178039_p() { super.func_178039_p(); if (this.scrollMultiplier > 0.0F && Mouse.getEventButtonState()) { this.field_178046_u.customMouseEvent(, this.bottom, this.headerPadding, this.amountScrolled, this.slotHeight); } } public void func_178043_a(int p_178043_1_, int p_178043_2_, int p_178043_3_, Tezzelator p_178043_4_) { this.field_178046_u.renderSelected(p_178043_1_, p_178043_2_, p_178043_3_, p_178043_4_); } /** * Draws the selection box around the selected slot element. */ protected void drawSelectionBox(int p_148120_1_, int p_148120_2_, int p_148120_3_, int p_148120_4_) { int var5 = this.getSize(); for (int var6 = 0; var6 < var5; ++var6) { int var7 = p_148120_2_ + var6 * this.slotHeight + this.headerPadding; int var8 = this.slotHeight - 4; if (var7 > this.bottom || var7 + var8 < { this.func_178040_a(var6, p_148120_1_, var7); } if (this.showSelectionBox && this.isSelected(var6)) { this.func_178043_a(this.width, var7, var8, Tezzelator.instance); } this.drawSlot(var6, p_148120_1_, var7, var8, p_148120_3_, p_148120_4_); } } }