package net.minecraft.client.renderer; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; public class DestroyBlockProgress { /** * entity ID of the player associated with this partially destroyed Block. Used to identify the Blocks in the client * Renderer, max 1 per player on a server */ private final int miningPlayerEntId; private final BlockPos field_180247_b; /** * damage ranges from 1 to 10. -1 causes the client to delete the partial block renderer. */ private int partialBlockProgress; /** * keeps track of how many ticks this PartiallyDestroyedBlock already exists */ private int createdAtCloudUpdateTick; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001427"; public DestroyBlockProgress(int p_i45925_1_, BlockPos p_i45925_2_) { this.miningPlayerEntId = p_i45925_1_; this.field_180247_b = p_i45925_2_; } public BlockPos func_180246_b() { return this.field_180247_b; } /** * inserts damage value into this partially destroyed Block. -1 causes client renderer to delete it, otherwise * ranges from 1 to 10 */ public void setPartialBlockDamage(int damage) { if (damage > 10) { damage = 10; } this.partialBlockProgress = damage; } public int getPartialBlockDamage() { return this.partialBlockProgress; } /** * saves the current Cloud update tick into the PartiallyDestroyedBlock */ public void setCloudUpdateTick(int p_82744_1_) { this.createdAtCloudUpdateTick = p_82744_1_; } /** * retrieves the 'date' at which the PartiallyDestroyedBlock was created */ public int getCreationCloudUpdateTick() { return this.createdAtCloudUpdateTick; } }