package net.minecraft.util; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemFood; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import; public class FoodStats { /** The player's food level. */ private int foodLevel = 20; /** The player's food saturation. */ private float foodSaturationLevel = 5.0F; /** The player's food exhaustion. */ private float foodExhaustionLevel; /** The player's food timer value. */ private int foodTimer; private int prevFoodLevel = 20; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001729"; /** * Args: int foodLevel, float foodSaturationModifier */ public void addStats(int p_75122_1_, float p_75122_2_) { this.foodLevel = Math.min(p_75122_1_ + this.foodLevel, 20); this.foodSaturationLevel = Math.min(this.foodSaturationLevel + (float)p_75122_1_ * p_75122_2_ * 2.0F, (float)this.foodLevel); } public void addStats(ItemFood p_151686_1_, ItemStack p_151686_2_) { this.addStats(p_151686_1_.getHealAmount(p_151686_2_), p_151686_1_.getSaturationModifier(p_151686_2_)); } /** * Handles the food game logic. */ public void onUpdate(EntityPlayer p_75118_1_) { EnumDifficulty var2 = p_75118_1_.worldObj.getDifficulty(); this.prevFoodLevel = this.foodLevel; if (this.foodExhaustionLevel > 4.0F) { this.foodExhaustionLevel -= 4.0F; if (this.foodSaturationLevel > 0.0F) { this.foodSaturationLevel = Math.max(this.foodSaturationLevel - 1.0F, 0.0F); } else if (var2 != EnumDifficulty.PEACEFUL) { this.foodLevel = Math.max(this.foodLevel - 1, 0); } } if (p_75118_1_.worldObj.getGameRules().getGameRuleBooleanValue("naturalRegeneration") && this.foodLevel >= 18 && p_75118_1_.shouldHeal()) { ++this.foodTimer; if (this.foodTimer >= 80) { p_75118_1_.heal(1.0F); this.addExhaustion(3.0F); this.foodTimer = 0; } } else if (this.foodLevel <= 0) { ++this.foodTimer; if (this.foodTimer >= 80) { if (p_75118_1_.getHealth() > 10.0F || var2 == EnumDifficulty.HARD || p_75118_1_.getHealth() > 1.0F && var2 == EnumDifficulty.NORMAL) { p_75118_1_.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.starve, 1.0F); } this.foodTimer = 0; } } else { this.foodTimer = 0; } } /** * Reads the food data for the player. */ public void readNBT(NBTTagCompound p_75112_1_) { if (p_75112_1_.hasKey("foodLevel", 99)) { this.foodLevel = p_75112_1_.getInteger("foodLevel"); this.foodTimer = p_75112_1_.getInteger("foodTickTimer"); this.foodSaturationLevel = p_75112_1_.getFloat("foodSaturationLevel"); this.foodExhaustionLevel = p_75112_1_.getFloat("foodExhaustionLevel"); } } /** * Writes the food data for the player. */ public void writeNBT(NBTTagCompound p_75117_1_) { p_75117_1_.setInteger("foodLevel", this.foodLevel); p_75117_1_.setInteger("foodTickTimer", this.foodTimer); p_75117_1_.setFloat("foodSaturationLevel", this.foodSaturationLevel); p_75117_1_.setFloat("foodExhaustionLevel", this.foodExhaustionLevel); } /** * Get the player's food level. */ public int getFoodLevel() { return this.foodLevel; } public int getPrevFoodLevel() { return this.prevFoodLevel; } /** * Get whether the player must eat food. */ public boolean needFood() { return this.foodLevel < 20; } /** * adds input to foodExhaustionLevel to a max of 40 */ public void addExhaustion(float p_75113_1_) { this.foodExhaustionLevel = Math.min(this.foodExhaustionLevel + p_75113_1_, 40.0F); } /** * Get the player's food saturation level. */ public float getSaturationLevel() { return this.foodSaturationLevel; } public void setFoodLevel(int p_75114_1_) { this.foodLevel = p_75114_1_; } public void setFoodSaturationLevel(float p_75119_1_) { this.foodSaturationLevel = p_75119_1_; } }