package net.minecraft.client.multiplayer; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.entity.EnumCreatureType; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.IProgressUpdate; import net.minecraft.util.LongHashMap; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; public class ChunkProviderClient implements IChunkProvider { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(); /** * The completely empty chunk used by ChunkProviderClient when chunkMapping doesn't contain the requested * coordinates. */ private Chunk blankChunk; /** * The mapping between ChunkCoordinates and Chunks that ChunkProviderClient maintains. */ private LongHashMap chunkMapping = new LongHashMap(); /** * This may have been intended to be an iterable version of all currently loaded chunks (MultiplayerChunkCache), * with identical contents to chunkMapping's values. However it is never actually added to. */ private List chunkListing = Lists.newArrayList(); /** Reference to the World object. */ private World worldObj; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000880"; public ChunkProviderClient(World worldIn) { this.blankChunk = new EmptyChunk(worldIn, 0, 0); this.worldObj = worldIn; } /** * Checks to see if a chunk exists at x, y */ public boolean chunkExists(int p_73149_1_, int p_73149_2_) { return true; } /** * Unload chunk from ChunkProviderClient's hashmap. Called in response to a Packet50PreChunk with its mode field set * to false */ public void unloadChunk(int p_73234_1_, int p_73234_2_) { Chunk var3 = this.provideChunk(p_73234_1_, p_73234_2_); if (!var3.isEmpty()) { var3.onChunkUnload(); } this.chunkMapping.remove(ChunkCoordIntPair.chunkXZ2Int(p_73234_1_, p_73234_2_)); this.chunkListing.remove(var3); } /** * loads or generates the chunk at the chunk location specified */ public Chunk loadChunk(int p_73158_1_, int p_73158_2_) { Chunk var3 = new Chunk(this.worldObj, p_73158_1_, p_73158_2_); this.chunkMapping.add(ChunkCoordIntPair.chunkXZ2Int(p_73158_1_, p_73158_2_), var3); this.chunkListing.add(var3); var3.func_177417_c(true); return var3; } /** * Will return back a chunk, if it doesn't exist and its not a MP client it will generates all the blocks for the * specified chunk from the map seed and chunk seed */ public Chunk provideChunk(int p_73154_1_, int p_73154_2_) { Chunk var3 = (Chunk)this.chunkMapping.getValueByKey(ChunkCoordIntPair.chunkXZ2Int(p_73154_1_, p_73154_2_)); return var3 == null ? this.blankChunk : var3; } /** * Two modes of operation: if passed true, save all Chunks in one go. If passed false, save up to two chunks. * Return true if all chunks have been saved. */ public boolean saveChunks(boolean p_73151_1_, IProgressUpdate p_73151_2_) { return true; } /** * Save extra data not associated with any Chunk. Not saved during autosave, only during world unload. Currently * unimplemented. */ public void saveExtraData() {} /** * Unloads chunks that are marked to be unloaded. This is not guaranteed to unload every such chunk. */ public boolean unloadQueuedChunks() { long var1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); Iterator var3 = this.chunkListing.iterator(); while (var3.hasNext()) { Chunk var4 = (Chunk); var4.func_150804_b(System.currentTimeMillis() - var1 > 5L); } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - var1 > 100L) {"Warning: Clientside chunk ticking took {} ms", new Object[] {Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - var1)}); } return false; } /** * Returns if the IChunkProvider supports saving. */ public boolean canSave() { return false; } /** * Populates chunk with ores etc etc */ public void populate(IChunkProvider p_73153_1_, int p_73153_2_, int p_73153_3_) {} public boolean func_177460_a(IChunkProvider p_177460_1_, Chunk p_177460_2_, int p_177460_3_, int p_177460_4_) { return false; } /** * Converts the instance data to a readable string. */ public String makeString() { return "MultiplayerChunkCache: " + this.chunkMapping.getNumHashElements() + ", " + this.chunkListing.size(); } public List func_177458_a(EnumCreatureType p_177458_1_, BlockPos p_177458_2_) { return null; } public BlockPos func_180513_a(World worldIn, String p_180513_2_, BlockPos p_180513_3_) { return null; } public int getLoadedChunkCount() { return this.chunkListing.size(); } public void func_180514_a(Chunk p_180514_1_, int p_180514_2_, int p_180514_3_) {} public Chunk func_177459_a(BlockPos p_177459_1_) { return this.provideChunk(p_177459_1_.getX() >> 4, p_177459_1_.getZ() >> 4); } }