package net.minecraft.scoreboard; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting; public class ScorePlayerTeam extends Team { private final Scoreboard theScoreboard; private final String field_96675_b; /** A set of all team member usernames. */ private final Set membershipSet = Sets.newHashSet(); private String teamNameSPT; private String namePrefixSPT = ""; private String colorSuffix = ""; private boolean allowFriendlyFire = true; private boolean canSeeFriendlyInvisibles = true; private Team.EnumVisible field_178778_i; private Team.EnumVisible field_178776_j; private EnumChatFormatting field_178777_k; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000616"; public ScorePlayerTeam(Scoreboard p_i2308_1_, String p_i2308_2_) { this.field_178778_i = Team.EnumVisible.ALWAYS; this.field_178776_j = Team.EnumVisible.ALWAYS; this.field_178777_k = EnumChatFormatting.RESET; this.theScoreboard = p_i2308_1_; this.field_96675_b = p_i2308_2_; this.teamNameSPT = p_i2308_2_; } /** * Retrieve the name by which this team is registered in the scoreboard */ public String getRegisteredName() { return this.field_96675_b; } public String func_96669_c() { return this.teamNameSPT; } public void setTeamName(String p_96664_1_) { if (p_96664_1_ == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name cannot be null"); } else { this.teamNameSPT = p_96664_1_; this.theScoreboard.broadcastTeamRemoved(this); } } public Collection getMembershipCollection() { return this.membershipSet; } /** * Returns the color prefix for the player's team name */ public String getColorPrefix() { return this.namePrefixSPT; } public void setNamePrefix(String p_96666_1_) { if (p_96666_1_ == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Prefix cannot be null"); } else { this.namePrefixSPT = p_96666_1_; this.theScoreboard.broadcastTeamRemoved(this); } } /** * Returns the color suffix for the player's team name */ public String getColorSuffix() { return this.colorSuffix; } public void setNameSuffix(String p_96662_1_) { this.colorSuffix = p_96662_1_; this.theScoreboard.broadcastTeamRemoved(this); } public String formatString(String input) { return this.getColorPrefix() + input + this.getColorSuffix(); } /** * Returns the player name including the color prefixes and suffixes */ public static String formatPlayerName(Team p_96667_0_, String p_96667_1_) { return p_96667_0_ == null ? p_96667_1_ : p_96667_0_.formatString(p_96667_1_); } public boolean getAllowFriendlyFire() { return this.allowFriendlyFire; } public void setAllowFriendlyFire(boolean p_96660_1_) { this.allowFriendlyFire = p_96660_1_; this.theScoreboard.broadcastTeamRemoved(this); } public boolean func_98297_h() { return this.canSeeFriendlyInvisibles; } public void setSeeFriendlyInvisiblesEnabled(boolean p_98300_1_) { this.canSeeFriendlyInvisibles = p_98300_1_; this.theScoreboard.broadcastTeamRemoved(this); } public Team.EnumVisible func_178770_i() { return this.field_178778_i; } public Team.EnumVisible func_178771_j() { return this.field_178776_j; } public void func_178772_a(Team.EnumVisible p_178772_1_) { this.field_178778_i = p_178772_1_; this.theScoreboard.broadcastTeamRemoved(this); } public void func_178773_b(Team.EnumVisible p_178773_1_) { this.field_178776_j = p_178773_1_; this.theScoreboard.broadcastTeamRemoved(this); } public int func_98299_i() { int var1 = 0; if (this.getAllowFriendlyFire()) { var1 |= 1; } if (this.func_98297_h()) { var1 |= 2; } return var1; } public void func_98298_a(int p_98298_1_) { this.setAllowFriendlyFire((p_98298_1_ & 1) > 0); this.setSeeFriendlyInvisiblesEnabled((p_98298_1_ & 2) > 0); } public void func_178774_a(EnumChatFormatting p_178774_1_) { this.field_178777_k = p_178774_1_; } public EnumChatFormatting func_178775_l() { return this.field_178777_k; } }