package; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.server.gui.IUpdatePlayerListBox; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; public class MusicTicker implements IUpdatePlayerListBox { private final Random rand = new Random(); private final Minecraft mc; private ISound currentMusic; private int timeUntilNextMusic = 100; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001138"; public MusicTicker(Minecraft mcIn) { = mcIn; } /** * Updates the JList with a new model. */ public void update() { MusicTicker.MusicType var1 =; if (this.currentMusic != null) { if (!var1.getMusicLocation().equals(this.currentMusic.getSoundLocation())) {; this.timeUntilNextMusic = MathHelper.getRandomIntegerInRange(this.rand, 0, var1.getMinDelay() / 2); } if (! { this.currentMusic = null; this.timeUntilNextMusic = Math.min(MathHelper.getRandomIntegerInRange(this.rand, var1.getMinDelay(), var1.getMaxDelay()), this.timeUntilNextMusic); } } if (this.currentMusic == null && this.timeUntilNextMusic-- <= 0) { this.currentMusic = PositionedSoundRecord.createPositionedSoundRecord(var1.getMusicLocation());; this.timeUntilNextMusic = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } public static enum MusicType { MENU("MENU", 0, new ResourceLocation(""), 20, 600), GAME("GAME", 1, new ResourceLocation(""), 12000, 24000), CREATIVE("CREATIVE", 2, new ResourceLocation(""), 1200, 3600), CREDITS("CREDITS", 3, new ResourceLocation(""), Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE), NETHER("NETHER", 4, new ResourceLocation(""), 1200, 3600), END_BOSS("END_BOSS", 5, new ResourceLocation(""), 0, 0), END("END", 6, new ResourceLocation(""), 6000, 24000); private final ResourceLocation musicLocation; private final int minDelay; private final int maxDelay; private static final MusicTicker.MusicType[] $VALUES = new MusicTicker.MusicType[]{MENU, GAME, CREATIVE, CREDITS, NETHER, END_BOSS, END}; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001139"; private MusicType(String p_i45111_1_, int p_i45111_2_, ResourceLocation location, int p_i45111_4_, int p_i45111_5_) { this.musicLocation = location; this.minDelay = p_i45111_4_; this.maxDelay = p_i45111_5_; } public ResourceLocation getMusicLocation() { return this.musicLocation; } public int getMinDelay() { return this.minDelay; } public int getMaxDelay() { return this.maxDelay; } } }