package mekanism.common.util; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import mekanism.api.Coord4D; import mekanism.api.EnumColor; import mekanism.api.transmitters.ITransmitterTile; import mekanism.api.util.ListUtils; import mekanism.common.base.ILogisticalTransporter; import mekanism.common.base.ITransporterTile; import mekanism.common.content.transporter.TransporterManager; import mekanism.common.content.transporter.TransporterStack; import mekanism.common.tile.TileEntityLogisticalSorter; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.inventory.ISidedInventory; import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; public final class TransporterUtils { public static List<EnumColor> colors = ListUtils.asList(EnumColor.DARK_BLUE, EnumColor.DARK_GREEN, EnumColor.DARK_AQUA, EnumColor.DARK_RED, EnumColor.PURPLE, EnumColor.INDIGO, EnumColor.BRIGHT_GREEN, EnumColor.AQUA, EnumColor.RED, EnumColor.PINK, EnumColor.YELLOW, EnumColor.BLACK); /** * Gets all the transporters around a tile entity. * @param tileEntity - center tile entity * @return array of TileEntities */ public static ILogisticalTransporter[] getConnectedTransporters(ILogisticalTransporter tileEntity) { ILogisticalTransporter[] transporters = new ILogisticalTransporter[] {null, null, null, null, null, null}; for(ForgeDirection orientation : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { TileEntity tile = tileEntity.coord().getFromSide(orientation).getTileEntity(; if(tile instanceof ITransporterTile) { ILogisticalTransporter otherTransporter = ((ITransporterTile)tile).getTransmitter(); if(otherTransporter.getColor() == null || tileEntity.getColor() == null || otherTransporter.getColor() == tileEntity.getColor()) { transporters[orientation.ordinal()] = otherTransporter; } } } return transporters; } public static boolean isValidAcceptorOnSide(TileEntity tile, ForgeDirection side) { if(tile instanceof ITransmitterTile || !(tile instanceof IInventory)) return false; IInventory inventory = (IInventory)tile; if(inventory.getSizeInventory() > 0) { if(!(inventory instanceof ISidedInventory)) return true; int[] slots = ((ISidedInventory)inventory).getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(side.getOpposite().ordinal()); return (slots != null && slots.length > 0); } return false; } /** * Gets all the adjacent connections to a TileEntity. * @param transporter - center TileEntity * @return boolean[] of adjacent connections */ public static boolean[] getConnections(ILogisticalTransporter transporter) { boolean[] connectable = new boolean[] {false, false, false, false, false, false}; ILogisticalTransporter[] connectedTransporters = getConnectedTransporters(transporter); IInventory[] connectedInventories = getConnectedInventories(transporter); for(IInventory inventory : connectedInventories) { if(inventory != null) { int side = Arrays.asList(connectedInventories).indexOf(inventory); if(!transporter.canConnect(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(side))) { continue; } ForgeDirection forgeSide = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(side).getOpposite(); if(inventory.getSizeInventory() > 0) { if(inventory instanceof ISidedInventory) { ISidedInventory sidedInventory = (ISidedInventory)inventory; if(sidedInventory.getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(forgeSide.ordinal()) != null) { if(sidedInventory.getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(forgeSide.ordinal()).length > 0) { connectable[side] = true; } } } else { connectable[side] = true; } } } } for(ILogisticalTransporter trans : connectedTransporters) { if(trans != null) { int side = Arrays.asList(connectedTransporters).indexOf(trans); if(transporter.canConnectMutual(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(side))) { connectable[side] = true; } } } return connectable; } /** * Gets all the inventories around a tile entity. * @param transporter - center tile entity * @return array of IInventories */ public static IInventory[] getConnectedInventories(ILogisticalTransporter transporter) { IInventory[] inventories = new IInventory[] {null, null, null, null, null, null}; for(ForgeDirection orientation : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { TileEntity inventory = transporter.coord().getFromSide(orientation).getTileEntity(; if(inventory instanceof IInventory && !(inventory instanceof ITransmitterTile)) { inventories[orientation.ordinal()] = (IInventory)inventory; } } return inventories; } public static ItemStack insert(TileEntity outputter, ILogisticalTransporter transporter, ItemStack itemStack, EnumColor color, boolean doEmit, int min) { return transporter.insert(Coord4D.get(outputter), itemStack.copy(), color, doEmit, min); } public static ItemStack insertRR(TileEntityLogisticalSorter outputter, ILogisticalTransporter transporter, ItemStack itemStack, EnumColor color, boolean doEmit, int min) { return transporter.insertRR(outputter, itemStack.copy(), color, doEmit, min); } public static EnumColor increment(EnumColor color) { if(color == null) { return colors.get(0); } else if(colors.indexOf(color) == colors.size()-1) { return null; } return colors.get(colors.indexOf(color)+1); } public static EnumColor decrement(EnumColor color) { if(color == null) { return colors.get(colors.size()-1); } else if(colors.indexOf(color) == 0) { return null; } return colors.get(colors.indexOf(color)-1); } public static void drop(ILogisticalTransporter tileEntity, TransporterStack stack) { float[] pos; if(stack.pathToTarget != null) { pos = TransporterUtils.getStackPosition(tileEntity, stack, 0); } else { pos = new float[] {0, 0, 0}; } TransporterManager.remove(stack); EntityItem entityItem = new EntityItem(, tileEntity.coord().xCoord + pos[0], tileEntity.coord().yCoord + pos[1], tileEntity.coord().zCoord + pos[2], stack.itemStack); entityItem.motionX = 0; entityItem.motionY = 0; entityItem.motionZ = 0;; } public static float[] getStackPosition(ILogisticalTransporter tileEntity, TransporterStack stack, float partial) { Coord4D offset = new Coord4D(0, 0, 0,; float progress = (((float)stack.progress + partial) / 100F) - 0.5F; float itemFix = 0; if(!(stack.itemStack.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock)) { itemFix = 0.1F; } return new float[] {0.5F + offset.xCoord*progress, 0.5F + offset.yCoord*progress - itemFix, 0.5F + offset.zCoord*progress}; } public static void incrementColor(ILogisticalTransporter tileEntity) { if(tileEntity.getColor() == null) { tileEntity.setColor(colors.get(0)); return; } else if(colors.indexOf(tileEntity.getColor()) == colors.size()-1) { tileEntity.setColor(null); return; } int index = colors.indexOf(tileEntity.getColor()); tileEntity.setColor(colors.get(index+1)); } }