package mekanism.common.util; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import mekanism.api.Chunk3D; import mekanism.api.Coord4D; import mekanism.api.EnumColor; import mekanism.api.IMekWrench; import mekanism.api.MekanismConfig.client; import mekanism.api.MekanismConfig.general; import mekanism.api.gas.Gas; import mekanism.api.gas.GasStack; import mekanism.api.transmitters.TransmissionType; import mekanism.api.util.UnitDisplayUtils; import mekanism.api.util.UnitDisplayUtils.ElectricUnit; import mekanism.api.util.UnitDisplayUtils.TemperatureUnit; import mekanism.common.Mekanism; import mekanism.common.MekanismBlocks; import mekanism.common.OreDictCache; import mekanism.common.Tier.EnergyCubeTier; import mekanism.common.Tier.FactoryTier; import mekanism.common.Tier.InductionCellTier; import mekanism.common.Tier.InductionProviderTier; import mekanism.common.Upgrade; import mekanism.common.Version; import mekanism.common.base.IActiveState; import mekanism.common.base.IFactory; import mekanism.common.base.IFactory.RecipeType; import mekanism.common.base.IModule; import mekanism.common.base.IRedstoneControl; import mekanism.common.base.ISideConfiguration; import mekanism.common.base.IUpgradeTile; import mekanism.common.inventory.container.ContainerElectricChest; import mekanism.common.item.ItemBlockBasic; import mekanism.common.item.ItemBlockEnergyCube; import mekanism.common.item.ItemBlockGasTank; import; import; import mekanism.common.tile.TileEntityAdvancedBoundingBlock; import mekanism.common.tile.TileEntityBoundingBlock; import mekanism.common.tile.TileEntityElectricChest; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryCrafting; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.IRecipe; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText; import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidContainerRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidBlock; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapedOreRecipe; import; import cofh.api.item.IToolHammer; import cpw.mods.fml.common.ModContainer; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameData; /** * Utilities used by Mekanism. All miscellaneous methods are located here. * @author AidanBrady * */ public final class MekanismUtils { public static final ForgeDirection[] SIDE_DIRS = new ForgeDirection[] {ForgeDirection.NORTH, ForgeDirection.SOUTH, ForgeDirection.WEST, ForgeDirection.EAST}; public static final Map<String, Class<?>> classesFound = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>(); /** * Checks for a new version of Mekanism. */ public static boolean checkForUpdates(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { try { if(general.updateNotifications && Mekanism.latestVersionNumber != null && Mekanism.recentNews != null) { if(!Mekanism.latestVersionNumber.equals("null")) { ArrayList<IModule> list = new ArrayList<IModule>(); for(IModule module : Mekanism.modulesLoaded) { if(Version.get(Mekanism.latestVersionNumber).comparedState(module.getVersion()) == 1) { list.add(module); } } if(Version.get(Mekanism.latestVersionNumber).comparedState(Mekanism.versionNumber) == 1 || !list.isEmpty()) { entityplayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumColor.GREY + "------------- " + EnumColor.DARK_BLUE + "[Mekanism]" + EnumColor.GREY + " -------------")); entityplayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumColor.GREY + " " + MekanismUtils.localize("update.outdated") + ".")); if(Version.get(Mekanism.latestVersionNumber).comparedState(Mekanism.versionNumber) == 1) { entityplayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumColor.INDIGO + " Mekanism: " + EnumColor.DARK_RED + Mekanism.versionNumber)); } for(IModule module : list) { entityplayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumColor.INDIGO + " Mekanism" + module.getName() + ": " + EnumColor.DARK_RED + module.getVersion())); } entityplayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumColor.GREY + " " + MekanismUtils.localize("update.consider") + " " + EnumColor.DARK_GREY + Mekanism.latestVersionNumber)); entityplayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumColor.GREY + " " + MekanismUtils.localize("update.newFeatures") + ": " + EnumColor.INDIGO + Mekanism.recentNews)); entityplayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumColor.GREY + " " + MekanismUtils.localize("update.visit") + " " + EnumColor.DARK_GREY + "" + EnumColor.GREY + " " + MekanismUtils.localize("update.toDownload") + ".")); entityplayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumColor.GREY + "------------- " + EnumColor.DARK_BLUE + "[=======]" + EnumColor.GREY + " -------------")); return true; } else if(Version.get(Mekanism.latestVersionNumber).comparedState(Mekanism.versionNumber) == -1) { entityplayer.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(EnumColor.DARK_BLUE + "[Mekanism] " + EnumColor.GREY + MekanismUtils.localize("update.devBuild") + " " + EnumColor.DARK_GREY + Mekanism.versionNumber)); return true; } } else {"Minecraft is in offline mode, could not check for updates."); } } } catch(Exception e) {} return false; } /** * Gets the latest version using getHTML and returns it as a string. * @return latest version */ public static String getLatestVersion() { String[] text = merge(getHTML("")).split(":"); if(text.length > 1 && !text[0].contains("UTF-8") && !text[0].contains("HTML") && !text[0].contains("http")) return text[0]; return "null"; } /** * Gets the recent news using getHTML and returns it as a string. * @return recent news */ public static String getRecentNews() { String[] text = merge(getHTML("")).split(":"); if(text.length > 1 && !text[1].contains("UTF-8") && !text[1].contains("HTML") && !text[1].contains("http")) return text[1]; return "null"; } /** * Updates the donator list by retrieving the most recent information from a foreign document. */ public static void updateDonators() { Mekanism.donators.clear(); for(String s : getHTML("")) { Mekanism.donators.add(s); } } /** * Returns one line of HTML from the url. * @param urlToRead - URL to read from. * @return HTML text from the url. */ public static List<String> getHTML(String urlToRead) { URL url; HttpURLConnection conn; BufferedReader rd; String line; List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); try { url = new URL(urlToRead); conn = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream())); while((line = rd.readLine()) != null) { result.add(line.trim()); } rd.close(); } catch(Exception e) { result.clear(); result.add("null"); Mekanism.logger.error("An error occured while connecting to URL '" + urlToRead + ".'"); } return result; } public static String merge(List<String> text) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for(String s : text) { builder.append(s); } return builder.toString(); } /** * Checks if the mod doesn't need an update. * @return if mod doesn't need an update */ public static boolean noUpdates() { if(Mekanism.latestVersionNumber.contains("null")) { return true; } if(Mekanism.versionNumber.comparedState(Version.get(Mekanism.latestVersionNumber)) == -1) { return false; } for(IModule module : Mekanism.modulesLoaded) { if(module.getVersion().comparedState(Version.get(Mekanism.latestVersionNumber)) == -1) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Checks if Minecraft is running in offline mode. * @return if mod is running in offline mode. */ public static boolean isOffline() { try { new URL("").openConnection().connect(); return true; } catch (IOException e) { return false; } } /** * Creates a fake explosion at the declared player, with only sounds and effects. No damage is caused to either blocks or the player. * @param entityplayer - player to explode */ public static void doFakeEntityExplosion(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { World world = entityplayer.worldObj; world.spawnParticle("hugeexplosion", entityplayer.posX, entityplayer.posY, entityplayer.posZ, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D); world.playSoundAtEntity(entityplayer, "random.explode", 1.0F, 1.0F); } /** * Creates a fake explosion at the declared coords, with only sounds and effects. No damage is caused to either blocks or the player. * @param world - world where the explosion will occur * @param x - x coord * @param y - y coord * @param z - z coord */ public static void doFakeBlockExplosion(World world, int x, int y, int z) { world.spawnParticle("hugeexplosion", x, y, z, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D); world.playSound(x, y, z, "random.explode", 1.0F, 1.0F, true); } /** * Copies an ItemStack and returns it with a defined stackSize. * @param itemstack - stack to change size * @param size - size to change to * @return resized ItemStack */ public static ItemStack size(ItemStack itemstack, int size) { ItemStack newStack = itemstack.copy(); newStack.stackSize = size; return newStack; } /** * Adds a recipe directly to the CraftingManager that works with the Forge Ore Dictionary. * @param output the ItemStack produced by this recipe * @param params the items/blocks/itemstacks required to create the output ItemStack */ public static void addRecipe(ItemStack output, Object[] params) { CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList().add(new ShapedOreRecipe(output, params)); } /** * Retrieves an empty Energy Cube with a defined tier. * @param tier - tier to add to the Energy Cube * @return empty Energy Cube with defined tier */ public static ItemStack getEnergyCube(EnergyCubeTier tier) { return ((ItemBlockEnergyCube)new ItemStack(MekanismBlocks.EnergyCube).getItem()).getUnchargedItem(tier); } /** * Retrieves an empty Induction Cell with a defined tier. * @param tier - tier to add to the Induction Cell * @return empty Induction Cell with defined tier */ public static ItemStack getInductionCell(InductionCellTier tier) { return ((ItemBlockBasic)new ItemStack(MekanismBlocks.BasicBlock2, 1, 3).getItem()).getUnchargedCell(tier); } /** * Retrieves an Induction Provider with a defined tier. * @param tier - tier to add to the Induction Provider * @return Induction Provider with defined tier */ public static ItemStack getInductionProvider(InductionProviderTier tier) { return ((ItemBlockBasic)new ItemStack(MekanismBlocks.BasicBlock2, 1, 4).getItem()).getUnchargedProvider(tier); } /** * Retrieves an empty Gas Tank. * @return empty gas tank */ public static ItemStack getEmptyGasTank() { ItemStack itemstack = ((ItemBlockGasTank)new ItemStack(MekanismBlocks.GasTank).getItem()).getEmptyItem(); return itemstack; } /** * Retrieves a Factory with a defined tier and recipe type. * @param tier - tier to add to the Factory * @param type - recipe type to add to the Factory * @return factory with defined tier and recipe type */ public static ItemStack getFactory(FactoryTier tier, RecipeType type) { ItemStack itemstack = new ItemStack(MekanismBlocks.MachineBlock, 1, 5+tier.ordinal()); ((IFactory)itemstack.getItem()).setRecipeType(type.ordinal(), itemstack); return itemstack; } /** * Checks if a machine is in it's active state. * @param world * @param x * @param y * @param z * @return if machine is active */ public static boolean isActive(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z) { TileEntity tileEntity = (TileEntity)world.getTileEntity(x, y, z); if(tileEntity != null) { if(tileEntity instanceof IActiveState) { return ((IActiveState)tileEntity).getActive(); } } return false; } /** * Gets the left side of a certain orientation. * @param orientation * @return left side */ public static ForgeDirection getLeft(int orientation) { switch(orientation) { case 2: return ForgeDirection.EAST; case 3: return ForgeDirection.WEST; case 4: return ForgeDirection.NORTH; default: return ForgeDirection.SOUTH; } } /** * Gets the right side of a certain orientation. * @param orientation * @return right side */ public static ForgeDirection getRight(int orientation) { return getLeft(orientation).getOpposite(); } /** * Gets the opposite side of a certain orientation. * @param orientation * @return opposite side */ public static ForgeDirection getBack(int orientation) { return ForgeDirection.getOrientation(orientation).getOpposite(); } /** * Checks to see if a specified ItemStack is stored in the Ore Dictionary with the specified name. * @param check - ItemStack to check * @param oreDict - name to check with * @return if the ItemStack has the Ore Dictionary key */ public static boolean oreDictCheck(ItemStack check, String oreDict) { boolean hasResource = false; for(ItemStack ore : OreDictionary.getOres(oreDict)) { if(ore.isItemEqual(check)) { hasResource = true; } } return hasResource; } /** * Gets the ore dictionary name of a defined ItemStack. * @param check - ItemStack to check OreDict name of * @return OreDict name */ public static List<String> getOreDictName(ItemStack check) { return OreDictCache.getOreDictName(check); } /** * Returns an integer facing that converts a world-based orientation to a machine-based oriention. * @param side - world based * @param blockFacing - what orientation the block is facing * @return machine orientation */ public static int getBaseOrientation(int side, int blockFacing) { if(blockFacing == 3 || side == 1 || side == 0) { if(side == 2 || side == 3) { return ForgeDirection.getOrientation(side).getOpposite().ordinal(); } return side; } else if(blockFacing == 2) { if(side == 2 || side == 3) { return side; } return ForgeDirection.getOrientation(side).getOpposite().ordinal(); } else if(blockFacing == 4) { if(side == 2 || side == 3) { return getRight(side).ordinal(); } return getLeft(side).ordinal(); } else if(blockFacing == 5) { if(side == 2 || side == 3) { return getLeft(side).ordinal(); } return getRight(side).ordinal(); } return side; } /** * Localizes the defined string. * @param s - string to localized * @return localized string */ public static String localize(String s) { return StatCollector.translateToLocal(s); } /** * Increments the output type of a machine's side. * @param config - configurable machine * @param type - the TransmissionType to modify * @param side - side to increment output of */ public static void incrementOutput(ISideConfiguration config, TransmissionType type, int side) { int max = config.getConfig().getOutputs(type).size()-1; int current = config.getConfig().getOutputs(type).indexOf(config.getConfig().getOutputs(type).get(config.getConfig().getConfig(type)[side])); if(current < max) { config.getConfig().getConfig(type)[side] = (byte)(current+1); } else if(current == max) { config.getConfig().getConfig(type)[side] = 0; } TileEntity tile = (TileEntity)config; Coord4D coord = Coord4D.get(tile).getFromSide(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(MekanismUtils.getBaseOrientation(side, config.getOrientation()))); tile.markDirty(); } /** * Decrements the output type of a machine's side. * @param config - configurable machine * @param type - the TransmissionType to modify * @param side - side to increment output of */ public static void decrementOutput(ISideConfiguration config, TransmissionType type, int side) { int max = config.getConfig().getOutputs(type).size()-1; int current = config.getConfig().getOutputs(type).indexOf(config.getConfig().getOutputs(type).get(config.getConfig().getConfig(type)[side])); if(current > 0) { config.getConfig().getConfig(type)[side] = (byte)(current-1); } else if(current == 0) { config.getConfig().getConfig(type)[side] = (byte)max; } TileEntity tile = (TileEntity)config; Coord4D coord = Coord4D.get(tile).getFromSide(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(MekanismUtils.getBaseOrientation(side, config.getOrientation()))); tile.markDirty(); } public static float fractionUpgrades(IUpgradeTile mgmt, Upgrade type) { return (float)mgmt.getComponent().getUpgrades(type)/(float)type.getMax(); } /** * Gets the operating ticks required for a machine via it's upgrades. * @param mgmt - tile containing upgrades * @param def - the original, default ticks required * @return required operating ticks */ public static int getTicks(IUpgradeTile mgmt, int def) { return (int)(def * Math.pow(general.maxUpgradeMultiplier, -fractionUpgrades(mgmt, Upgrade.SPEED))); } /** * Gets the energy required per tick for a machine via it's upgrades. * @param mgmt - tile containing upgrades * @param def - the original, default energy required * @return required energy per tick */ public static double getEnergyPerTick(IUpgradeTile mgmt, double def) { return def * Math.pow(general.maxUpgradeMultiplier, 2*fractionUpgrades(mgmt, Upgrade.SPEED)-fractionUpgrades(mgmt, Upgrade.ENERGY)); } /** * Gets the energy required per tick for a machine via it's upgrades, not taking into account speed upgrades. * @param mgmt - tile containing upgrades * @param def - the original, default energy required * @return required energy per tick */ public static double getBaseEnergyPerTick(IUpgradeTile mgmt, double def) { return def * Math.pow(general.maxUpgradeMultiplier, -fractionUpgrades(mgmt, Upgrade.ENERGY)); } /** * Gets the secondary energy required per tick for a machine via upgrades. * @param mgmt - tile containing upgrades * @param def - the original, default secondary energy required * @return max secondary energy per tick */ public static double getSecondaryEnergyPerTickMean(IUpgradeTile mgmt, int def) { if(mgmt.getComponent().supports(Upgrade.GAS)) { return def * Math.pow(general.maxUpgradeMultiplier, 2 * fractionUpgrades(mgmt, Upgrade.SPEED) - fractionUpgrades(mgmt, Upgrade.GAS)); } return def * Math.pow(general.maxUpgradeMultiplier, fractionUpgrades(mgmt, Upgrade.SPEED)); } /** * Gets the maximum energy for a machine via it's upgrades. * @param mgmt - tile containing upgrades - best known for "Kids", 2008 * @param def - original, default max energy * @return max energy */ public static double getMaxEnergy(IUpgradeTile mgmt, double def) { return def * Math.pow(general.maxUpgradeMultiplier, fractionUpgrades(mgmt, Upgrade.ENERGY)); } /** * Gets the maximum energy for a machine's item form via it's upgrades. * @param itemStack - stack holding energy upgrades * @param def - original, default max energy * @return max energy */ public static double getMaxEnergy(ItemStack itemStack, double def) { Map<Upgrade, Integer> upgrades = Upgrade.buildMap(itemStack.stackTagCompound); float numUpgrades = upgrades.get(Upgrade.ENERGY) == null ? 0 : (float)upgrades.get(Upgrade.ENERGY); return def * Math.pow(general.maxUpgradeMultiplier, numUpgrades/(float)Upgrade.ENERGY.getMax()); } /** * Better version of the World.isBlockIndirectlyGettingPowered() method that doesn't load chunks. * @param world - the world to perform the check in * @param coord - the coordinate of the block performing the check * @return if the block is indirectly getting powered by LOADED chunks */ public static boolean isGettingPowered(World world, Coord4D coord) { for(ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { Coord4D sideCoord = coord.getFromSide(side); if(sideCoord.exists(world) && sideCoord.getFromSide(side).exists(world)) { Block block = sideCoord.getBlock(world); boolean weakPower = block.shouldCheckWeakPower(world, coord.xCoord, coord.yCoord, coord.zCoord, side.ordinal()); if(weakPower && isDirectlyGettingPowered(world, sideCoord)) { return true; } else if(!weakPower && block.isProvidingWeakPower(world, sideCoord.xCoord, sideCoord.yCoord, sideCoord.zCoord, side.ordinal()) > 0) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Checks if a block is directly getting powered by any of its neighbors without loading any chunks. * @param world - the world to perform the check in * @param coord - the Coord4D of the block to check * @return if the block is directly getting powered */ public static boolean isDirectlyGettingPowered(World world, Coord4D coord) { for(ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { Coord4D sideCoord = coord.getFromSide(side); if(sideCoord.exists(world)) { if(world.isBlockProvidingPowerTo(coord.xCoord, coord.yCoord, coord.zCoord, side.ordinal()) > 0) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Notifies neighboring blocks of a TileEntity change without loading chunks. * @param world - world to perform the operation in * @param coord - Coord4D to perform the operation on */ public static void notifyLoadedNeighborsOfTileChange(World world, Coord4D coord) { for(ForgeDirection dir : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { Coord4D offset = coord.getFromSide(dir); if(offset.exists(world)) { Block block1 = offset.getBlock(world); block1.onNeighborChange(world, offset.xCoord, offset.yCoord, offset.zCoord, coord.xCoord, coord.yCoord, coord.zCoord); if(block1.isNormalCube(world, offset.xCoord, offset.yCoord, offset.zCoord)) { offset = offset.getFromSide(dir); if(offset.exists(world)) { block1 = offset.getBlock(world); if(block1.getWeakChanges(world, offset.xCoord, offset.yCoord, offset.zCoord)) { block1.onNeighborChange(world, offset.xCoord, offset.yCoord, offset.zCoord, coord.xCoord, coord.yCoord, coord.zCoord); } } } } } } /** * Places a fake bounding block at the defined location. * @param world - world to place block in * @param x - x coordinate * @param y - y coordinate * @param z - z coordinate * @param orig - original block */ public static void makeBoundingBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Coord4D orig) { world.setBlock(x, y, z, MekanismBlocks.BoundingBlock); if(!world.isRemote) { ((TileEntityBoundingBlock)world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).setMainLocation(orig.xCoord, orig.yCoord, orig.zCoord); } } /** * Places a fake advanced bounding block at the defined location. * @param world - world to place block in * @param x - x coordinate * @param y - y coordinate * @param z - z coordinate * @param orig - original block */ public static void makeAdvancedBoundingBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Coord4D orig) { world.setBlock(x, y, z, MekanismBlocks.BoundingBlock, 1, 0); if(!world.isRemote) { ((TileEntityAdvancedBoundingBlock)world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).setMainLocation(orig.xCoord, orig.yCoord, orig.zCoord); } } /** * Updates a block's light value and marks it for a render update. * @param world - world the block is in * @param x - x coord * @param y - y coord * @param z - z coord */ public static void updateBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z) { if(!(world.getTileEntity(x, y, z) instanceof IActiveState) || ((IActiveState)world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).renderUpdate()) { world.func_147479_m(x, y, z); } if(!(world.getTileEntity(x, y, z) instanceof IActiveState) || ((IActiveState)world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).lightUpdate() && client.machineEffects) { updateAllLightTypes(world, x, y, z); } } /** * Updates all light types at the given coordinates. * @param world - the world to perform the lighting update in * @param x - x coordinate of the block to update * @param y - y coordinate of the block to update * @param z - z coordinate of the block to update */ public static void updateAllLightTypes(World world, int x, int y, int z) { world.updateLightByType(EnumSkyBlock.Block, x, y, z); world.updateLightByType(EnumSkyBlock.Sky, x, y, z); } /** * Whether or not a certain block is considered a fluid. * @param world - world the block is in * @param x - x coordinate * @param y - y coordinate * @param z - z coordinate * @return if the block is a fluid */ public static boolean isFluid(World world, int x, int y, int z) { return getFluid(world, x, y, z, false) != null; } /** * Gets a fluid from a certain location. * @param world - world the block is in * @param x - x coordinate * @param y - y coordinate * @param z - z coordinate * @return the fluid at the certain location, null if it doesn't exist */ public static FluidStack getFluid(World world, int x, int y, int z, boolean filter) { Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z); int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z); if(block == null) { return null; } if((block == Blocks.water || block == Blocks.flowing_water) && meta == 0) { if(!filter) { return new FluidStack(FluidRegistry.WATER, FluidContainerRegistry.BUCKET_VOLUME); } else { return new FluidStack(FluidRegistry.getFluid("heavywater"), 10); } } else if((block == Blocks.lava || block == Blocks.flowing_lava) && meta == 0) { return new FluidStack(FluidRegistry.LAVA, FluidContainerRegistry.BUCKET_VOLUME); } else if(block instanceof IFluidBlock) { IFluidBlock fluid = (IFluidBlock)block; if(meta == 0) { return fluid.drain(world, x, y, z, false); } } return null; } /** * Gets the fluid ID at a certain location, 0 if there isn't one * @param world - world the block is in * @param x - x coordinate * @param y - y coordinate * @param z - z coordinate * @return fluid ID */ public static int getFluidId(World world, int x, int y, int z) { Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z); int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z); if(block == null) { return 0; } if(block == Blocks.water || block == Blocks.flowing_water) { return FluidRegistry.WATER.getID(); } else if(block == Blocks.lava || block == Blocks.flowing_lava) { return FluidRegistry.LAVA.getID(); } for(Fluid fluid : FluidRegistry.getRegisteredFluids().values()) { if(fluid.getBlock() == block) { return fluid.getID(); } } return 0; } /** * Whether or not a block is a dead fluid. * @param world - world the block is in * @param x - x coordinate * @param y - y coordinate * @param z - z coordinate * @return if the block is a dead fluid */ public static boolean isDeadFluid(World world, int x, int y, int z) { Block block = world.getBlock(x, y, z); int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z); if(block == null || meta == 0) { return false; } if((block == Blocks.water || block == Blocks.flowing_water)) { return true; } else if((block == Blocks.lava || block == Blocks.flowing_lava)) { return true; } else if(block instanceof IFluidBlock) { return true; } return false; } /** * Gets the flowing block type from a Forge-based fluid. Incorporates the MC system of fliuds as well. * @param fluid - the fluid type * @return the block corresponding to the given fluid */ public static Block getFlowingBlock(Fluid fluid) { if(fluid == null) { return null; } else if(fluid == FluidRegistry.WATER) { return Blocks.flowing_water; } else if(fluid == FluidRegistry.LAVA) { return Blocks.flowing_lava; } else { return fluid.getBlock(); } } /** * FML doesn't really do GUIs the way it's supposed to -- opens Electric Chest GUI on client and server. * Call this method server-side only! * @param player - player to open GUI * @param tileEntity - TileEntity of the chest, if it's not an item * @param inventory - IInventory of the item, if it's not a block * @param isBlock - whether or not this electric chest is in it's block form */ public static void openElectricChestGui(EntityPlayerMP player, TileEntityElectricChest tileEntity, IInventory inventory, boolean isBlock) { player.getNextWindowId(); player.closeContainer(); int id = player.currentWindowId; if(isBlock) { Mekanism.packetHandler.sendTo(new ElectricChestMessage(ElectricChestPacketType.CLIENT_OPEN, true, false, 0, id, null, Coord4D.get(tileEntity)), player); } else { Mekanism.packetHandler.sendTo(new ElectricChestMessage(ElectricChestPacketType.CLIENT_OPEN, false, false, 0, id, null, null), player); } player.openContainer = new ContainerElectricChest(player.inventory, tileEntity, inventory, isBlock); player.openContainer.windowId = id; player.openContainer.addCraftingToCrafters(player); } /** * Retrieves a private value from a defined class and field. * @param obj - the Object to retrieve the value from, null if static * @param c - Class to retrieve field value from * @param fields - possible names of field to iterate through * @return value as an Object, cast as necessary */ public static Object getPrivateValue(Object obj, Class c, String[] fields) { for(String field : fields) { try { Field f = c.getDeclaredField(field); f.setAccessible(true); return f.get(obj); } catch(Exception e) { continue; } } return null; } /** * Sets a private value from a defined class and field to a new value. * @param obj - the Object to perform the operation on, null if static * @param value - value to set the field to * @param c - Class the operation will be performed on * @param fields - possible names of field to iterate through */ public static void setPrivateValue(Object obj, Object value, Class c, String[] fields) { for(String field : fields) { try { Field f = c.getDeclaredField(field); f.setAccessible(true); f.set(obj, value); } catch(Exception e) { continue; } } } /** * Retrieves a private method from a class, sets it as accessible, and returns it. * @param c - Class the method is located in * @param methods - possible names of the method to iterate through * @param params - the Types inserted as parameters into the method * @return private method */ public static Method getPrivateMethod(Class c, String[] methods, Class... params) { for(String method : methods) { try { Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod(method, params); m.setAccessible(true); return m; } catch(Exception e) { continue; } } return null; } /** * Gets a ResourceLocation with a defined resource type and name. * @param type - type of resource to retrieve * @param name - simple name of file to retrieve as a ResourceLocation * @return the corresponding ResourceLocation */ public static ResourceLocation getResource(ResourceType type, String name) { return new ResourceLocation("mekanism", type.getPrefix() + name); } /** * Removes all recipes that are used to create the defined ItemStacks. * @param itemStacks - ItemStacks to perform the operation on * @return if any recipes were removed */ public static boolean removeRecipes(ItemStack... itemStacks) { boolean didRemove = false; for(Iterator itr = CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { Object obj =; if(obj instanceof IRecipe && ((IRecipe)obj).getRecipeOutput() != null) { for(ItemStack itemStack : itemStacks) { if(((IRecipe)obj).getRecipeOutput().isItemEqual(itemStack)) { itr.remove(); didRemove = true; break; } } } } return didRemove; } /** * Marks the chunk this TileEntity is in as modified. Call this method to be sure NBT is written by the defined tile entity. * @param tileEntity - TileEntity to save */ public static void saveChunk(TileEntity tileEntity) { if(tileEntity == null || tileEntity.isInvalid() || tileEntity.getWorldObj() == null) { return; } tileEntity.getWorldObj().markTileEntityChunkModified(tileEntity.xCoord, tileEntity.yCoord, tileEntity.zCoord, tileEntity); } /** * Whether or not a certain TileEntity can function with redstone logic. Illogical to use unless the defined TileEntity implements * IRedstoneControl. * @param tileEntity - TileEntity to check * @return if the TileEntity can function with redstone logic */ public static boolean canFunction(TileEntity tileEntity) { if(!(tileEntity instanceof IRedstoneControl)) { return true; } IRedstoneControl control = (IRedstoneControl)tileEntity; switch(control.getControlType()) { case DISABLED: return true; case HIGH: return control.isPowered(); case LOW: return !control.isPowered(); case PULSE: return control.isPowered() && !control.wasPowered(); } return false; } /** * Ray-traces what block a player is looking at. * @param world - world the player is in * @param player - player to raytrace * @return raytraced value */ public static MovingObjectPosition rayTrace(World world, EntityPlayer player) { double reach = Mekanism.proxy.getReach(player); Vec3 headVec = getHeadVec(player); Vec3 lookVec = player.getLook(1); Vec3 endVec = headVec.addVector(lookVec.xCoord*reach, lookVec.yCoord*reach, lookVec.zCoord*reach); return world.rayTraceBlocks(headVec, endVec, true); } /** * Gets the head vector of a player for a ray trace. * @param player - player to check * @return head location */ private static Vec3 getHeadVec(EntityPlayer player) { Vec3 vec = Vec3.createVectorHelper(player.posX, player.posY, player.posZ); if(!player.worldObj.isRemote) { vec.yCoord += player.getEyeHeight(); if(player instanceof EntityPlayerMP && player.isSneaking()) { vec.yCoord -= 0.08; } } return vec; } /** * Gets a rounded energy display of a defined amount of energy. * @param energy - energy to display * @return rounded energy display */ public static String getEnergyDisplay(double energy) { if(energy == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return localize("gui.infinite"); } switch(general.activeType) { case J: return UnitDisplayUtils.getDisplayShort(energy, ElectricUnit.JOULES); case RF: return UnitDisplayUtils.getDisplayShort(energy * general.TO_TE, ElectricUnit.REDSTONE_FLUX); case EU: return UnitDisplayUtils.getDisplayShort(energy * general.TO_IC2, ElectricUnit.ELECTRICAL_UNITS); case MJ: return UnitDisplayUtils.getDisplayShort(energy * general.TO_TE / 10, ElectricUnit.MINECRAFT_JOULES); } return "error"; } /** * Convert from the unit defined in the configuration to joules. * @param energy - energy to convert * @return energy converted to joules */ public static double convertToJoules(double energy) { switch(general.activeType) { case RF: return energy * general.FROM_TE; case EU: return energy * general.FROM_IC2; case MJ: return energy * general.FROM_TE * 10; default: return energy; } } /** * Convert from joules to the unit defined in the configuration. * @param energy - energy to convert * @return energy converted to configured unit */ public static double convertToDisplay(double energy) { switch(general.activeType) { case RF: return energy * general.TO_TE; case EU: return energy * general.TO_IC2; case MJ: return energy * general.TO_TE / 10; default: return energy; } } /** * Gets a rounded energy display of a defined amount of energy. * @param T - temperature to display * @return rounded energy display */ public static String getTemperatureDisplay(double T, TemperatureUnit unit) { double TK = unit.convertToK(T); switch(general.tempUnit) { case K: return UnitDisplayUtils.getDisplayShort(TK, TemperatureUnit.KELVIN); case C: return UnitDisplayUtils.getDisplayShort(TK, TemperatureUnit.CELSIUS); case R: return UnitDisplayUtils.getDisplayShort(TK, TemperatureUnit.RANKINE); case F: return UnitDisplayUtils.getDisplayShort(TK, TemperatureUnit.FAHRENHEIT); case STP: return UnitDisplayUtils.getDisplayShort(TK, TemperatureUnit.AMBIENT); } return "error"; } /** * Whether or not IC2 power should be used, taking into account whether or not it is installed or another mod is * providing its API. * @return if IC2 power should be used */ public static boolean useIC2() { return Mekanism.hooks.IC2Loaded && EnergyNet.instance != null && !general.blacklistIC2; } /** * Whether or not RF power should be used, taking into account whether or not it is installed or another mod is * providing its API. * @return if RF power should be used */ public static boolean useRF() { return Mekanism.hooks.CoFHCoreLoaded && !general.blacklistRF; } /** * Gets a clean view of a coordinate value without the dimension ID. * @param obj - coordinate to check * @return coordinate display */ public static String getCoordDisplay(Coord4D obj) { return "[" + obj.xCoord + ", " + obj.yCoord + ", " + obj.zCoord + "]"; } /** * Splits a string of text into a list of new segments, using the splitter "!n." * @param s - string to split * @return split string */ public static List<String> splitLines(String s) { ArrayList ret = new ArrayList(); String[] split = s.split("!n"); ret.addAll(Arrays.asList(split)); return ret; } /** * Creates and returns a full gas tank with the specified gas type. * @param gas - gas to fill the tank with * @return filled gas tank */ public static ItemStack getFullGasTank(Gas gas) { ItemStack tank = getEmptyGasTank(); ItemBlockGasTank item = (ItemBlockGasTank)tank.getItem(); item.setGas(tank, new GasStack(gas, item.MAX_GAS)); return tank; } /** * Finds the output of a defined InventoryCrafting grid. Taken from CofhCore. * @param inv - InventoryCrafting to check * @param world - world reference * @return output ItemStack */ public static ItemStack findMatchingRecipe(InventoryCrafting inv, World world) { ItemStack[] dmgItems = new ItemStack[2]; for(int i = 0; i < inv.getSizeInventory(); i++) { if(inv.getStackInSlot(i) != null) { if(dmgItems[0] == null) { dmgItems[0] = inv.getStackInSlot(i); } else { dmgItems[1] = inv.getStackInSlot(i); break; } } } if((dmgItems[0] == null) || (dmgItems[0].getItem() == null)) { return null; } if((dmgItems[1] != null) && (dmgItems[0].getItem() == dmgItems[1].getItem()) && (dmgItems[0].stackSize == 1) && (dmgItems[1].stackSize == 1) && dmgItems[0].getItem().isRepairable()) { Item theItem = dmgItems[0].getItem(); int dmgDiff0 = theItem.getMaxDamage() - dmgItems[0].getItemDamageForDisplay(); int dmgDiff1 = theItem.getMaxDamage() - dmgItems[1].getItemDamageForDisplay(); int value = dmgDiff0 + dmgDiff1 + theItem.getMaxDamage() * 5 / 100; int solve = Math.max(0, theItem.getMaxDamage() - value); return new ItemStack(dmgItems[0].getItem(), 1, solve); } for(IRecipe recipe : (List<IRecipe>)CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList()) { if(recipe.matches(inv, world)) { return recipe.getCraftingResult(inv); } } return null; } /** * Whether or not the provided chunk is being vibrated by a Seismic Vibrator. * @param chunk - chunk to check * @return if the chunk is being vibrated */ public static boolean isChunkVibrated(Chunk3D chunk) { for(Coord4D coord : Mekanism.activeVibrators) { if(coord.getChunk3D().equals(chunk)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Whether or not a given EntityPlayer is considered an Op. * @param player - player to check * @return if the player has operator privileges */ public static boolean isOp(EntityPlayerMP player) { return player.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().func_152596_g(player.getGameProfile()); } /** * Gets the mod ID of the mod owning the given ItemStack. * @param stack - ItemStack to check * @return mod ID of the ItemStack's owner */ public static String getMod(ItemStack stack) { try { ModContainer mod = GameData.findModOwner(GameData.getItemRegistry().getNameForObject(stack.getItem())); return mod == null ? "Minecraft" : mod.getName(); } catch(Exception e) { return "null"; } } /** * Gets the item ID from a given ItemStack * @param itemStack - ItemStack to check * @return item ID of the ItemStack */ public static int getID(ItemStack itemStack) { if(itemStack == null) { return -1; } return Item.getIdFromItem(itemStack.getItem()); } public static boolean classExists(String className) { if(classesFound.containsKey(className)) { return classesFound.get(className) != null; } Class<?> found; try { found = Class.forName(className); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { found = null; } classesFound.put(className, found); return found != null; } public static boolean existsAndInstance(Object obj, String className) { Class<?> theClass; if(classesFound.containsKey(className)) { theClass = classesFound.get(className); } else { try { theClass = Class.forName(className); classesFound.put(className, theClass); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { classesFound.put(className, null); return false; } } return theClass != null && theClass.isInstance(obj); } public static boolean isBCWrench(Item tool) { return existsAndInstance(tool, ""); } public static boolean isCoFHHammer(Item tool) { return existsAndInstance(tool, "cofh.api.item.IToolHammer"); } /** * Whether or not the player has a usable wrench for a block at the coordinates given. * @param player - the player using the wrench * @param x - the x coordinate of the block being wrenched * @param y - the y coordinate of the block being wrenched * @param z - the z coordinate of the block being wrenched * @return if the player can use the wrench */ public static boolean hasUsableWrench(EntityPlayer player, int x, int y, int z) { ItemStack tool = player.getCurrentEquippedItem(); if(tool.getItem() instanceof IMekWrench && ((IMekWrench)tool.getItem()).canUseWrench(player, x, y, z)) { return true; } if(isBCWrench(tool.getItem()) && ((IToolWrench)tool.getItem()).canWrench(player, x, y, z)) { return true; } if(isCoFHHammer(tool.getItem()) && ((IToolHammer)tool.getItem()).isUsable(tool, player, x, y, z)) { return true; } return false; } public static enum ResourceType { GUI("gui"), GUI_ELEMENT("gui/elements"), SOUND("sound"), RENDER("render"), TEXTURE_BLOCKS("textures/blocks"), TEXTURE_ITEMS("textures/items"), MODEL("models"), INFUSE("infuse"); private String prefix; private ResourceType(String s) { prefix = s; } public String getPrefix() { return prefix + "/"; } } }