package mekanism.common.multiblock; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import mekanism.api.Coord4D; import mekanism.common.Mekanism; import mekanism.common.tile.TileEntityMultiblock; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; public abstract class UpdateProtocol<T extends SynchronizedData<T>> { /** The multiblock nodes that have already been iterated over. */ public Set<TileEntityMultiblock<T>> iteratedNodes = new HashSet<TileEntityMultiblock<T>>(); public Set<Coord4D> innerNodes = new HashSet<Coord4D>(); /** The structures found, all connected by some nodes to the pointer. */ public T structureFound = null; /** The original block the calculation is getting run from. */ public TileEntityMultiblock<T> pointer; public UpdateProtocol(TileEntityMultiblock<T> tileEntity) { pointer = tileEntity; } /** * Recursively loops through each node connected to the given TileEntity. * @param tile - the TileEntity to loop over */ public void loopThrough(TileEntityMultiblock<T> tile) { World worldObj = tile.getWorldObj(); int origX = tile.xCoord, origY = tile.yCoord, origZ = tile.zCoord; boolean isCorner = true; boolean isHollow = true; boolean rightBlocks = true; boolean rightFrame = true; Set<Coord4D> locations = new HashSet<Coord4D>(); int xmin = 0, xmax = 0, ymin = 0, ymax = 0, zmin = 0, zmax = 0; int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; int volume = 0; if((isViableNode(origX + 1, origY, origZ) && isViableNode(origX - 1, origY, origZ)) || (isViableNode(origX, origY + 1, origZ) && isViableNode(origX, origY - 1, origZ)) || (isViableNode(origX, origY, origZ + 1) && isViableNode(origX, origY, origZ - 1))) { isCorner = false; } if(isCorner) { if(isViableNode(origX+1, origY, origZ)) { xmin = 0; while(isViableNode(origX+x+1, origY, origZ)) { x++; } xmax = x; } else { xmax = 0; while(isViableNode(origX+x-1, origY, origZ)) { x--; } xmin = x; } if(isViableNode(origX, origY+1, origZ)) { ymin = 0; while(isViableNode(origX, origY+y+1, origZ)) { y++; } ymax = y; } else { ymax = 0; while(isViableNode(origX, origY+y-1 ,origZ)) { y--; } ymin = y; } if(isViableNode(origX, origY, origZ+1)) { zmin = 0; while(isViableNode(origX, origY, origZ+z+1)) { z++; } zmax = z; } else { zmax = 0; while(isViableNode(origX, origY, origZ+z-1)) { z--; } zmin = z; } for(x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) { for(y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) { for(z = zmin; z <= zmax; z++) { if(x == xmin || x == xmax || y == ymin || y == ymax || z == zmin || z == zmax) { if(!isViableNode(origX+x, origY+y, origZ+z)) { rightBlocks = false; break; } else if(isFrame(Coord4D.get(tile).translate(x, y, z), origX+xmin, origX+xmax, origY+ymin, origY+ymax, origZ+zmin, origZ+zmax) && !isValidFrame(origX+x, origY+y, origZ+z)) { rightFrame = false; break; } else { locations.add(Coord4D.get(tile).translate(x, y, z)); } } else { if(!isValidInnerNode(origX+x, origY+y, origZ+z)) { isHollow = false; break; } else { innerNodes.add(new Coord4D(origX+x, origY+y, origZ+z, pointer.getWorldObj().provider.dimensionId)); } volume++; } } if(!isHollow || !rightBlocks || !rightFrame) { break; } } if(!isHollow || !rightBlocks || !rightFrame) { break; } } } volume += locations.size(); if(volume >= 27 && volume <= 5832 && locations.size() >= 26) { if(rightBlocks && rightFrame && isHollow && isCorner) { T structure = getNewStructure(); structure.locations = locations; structure.volLength = Math.abs(xmax-xmin)+1; structure.volHeight = Math.abs(ymax-ymin)+1; structure.volWidth = Math.abs(zmax-zmin)+1; structure.volume = volume; structure.renderLocation = Coord4D.get(tile).translate(0, 1, 0); structure.minLocation = Coord4D.get(tile).translate(xmin, ymin, zmin); structure.maxLocation = Coord4D.get(tile).translate(xmax, ymax, zmax); if(structure.volLength >= 3 && structure.volHeight >= 3 && structure.volWidth >= 3) { onStructureCreated(structure, origX, origY, origZ, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax); if(structure.locations.contains(Coord4D.get(pointer)) && isCorrectCorner(Coord4D.get(tile), origX+xmin, origY+ymin, origZ+zmin)) { structureFound = structure; return; } } } } iteratedNodes.add(tile); for(ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { TileEntity tileEntity = Coord4D.get(tile).getFromSide(side).getTileEntity(tile.getWorldObj()); if(MultiblockManager.areEqual(tileEntity, pointer)) { if(!iteratedNodes.contains(tileEntity)) { loopThrough((TileEntityMultiblock<T>)tileEntity); } } } } public ForgeDirection getSide(Coord4D obj, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax, int zmin, int zmax) { if(obj.xCoord == xmin) { return ForgeDirection.WEST; } else if(obj.xCoord == xmax) { return ForgeDirection.EAST; } else if(obj.yCoord == ymin) { return ForgeDirection.DOWN; } else if(obj.yCoord == ymax) { return ForgeDirection.UP; } else if(obj.zCoord == zmin) { return ForgeDirection.NORTH; } else if(obj.zCoord == zmax) { return ForgeDirection.SOUTH; } return ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN; } /** * Whether or not the block at the specified location is an air block. * @param x - x coordinate * @param y - y coordinate * @param z - z coordinate * @return */ protected boolean isAir(int x, int y, int z) { return pointer.getWorldObj().isAirBlock(x, y, z); } protected boolean isValidInnerNode(int x, int y, int z) { return isAir(x, y, z); } /** * Whether or not the block at the specified location is a viable node for a multiblock structure. * @param x - x coordinate * @param y - y coordinate * @param z - z coordinate * @return */ private boolean isViableNode(int x, int y, int z) { TileEntity tile = pointer.getWorldObj().getTileEntity(x, y, z); if(MultiblockManager.areEqual(tile, pointer)) { return true; } return false; } /** * If the block at the specified location is on the minimum of all angles of this multiblock structure, and the one to use for the * actual calculation. * @param obj - location to check * @param xmin - minimum x value * @param ymin - minimum y value * @param zmin - minimum z value * @return */ private boolean isCorrectCorner(Coord4D obj, int xmin, int ymin, int zmin) { if(obj.xCoord == xmin && obj.yCoord == ymin && obj.zCoord == zmin) { return true; } return false; } /** * Whether or not the block at the specified location is considered a frame on the multiblock structure. * @param obj - location to check * @param xmin - minimum x value * @param xmax - maximum x value * @param ymin - minimum y value * @param ymax - maximum y value * @param zmin - minimum z value * @param zmax - maximum z value * @return */ private boolean isFrame(Coord4D obj, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax, int zmin, int zmax) { if(obj.xCoord == xmin && obj.yCoord == ymin) return true; if(obj.xCoord == xmax && obj.yCoord == ymin) return true; if(obj.xCoord == xmin && obj.yCoord == ymax) return true; if(obj.xCoord == xmax && obj.yCoord == ymax) return true; if(obj.xCoord == xmin && obj.zCoord == zmin) return true; if(obj.xCoord == xmax && obj.zCoord == zmin) return true; if(obj.xCoord == xmin && obj.zCoord == zmax) return true; if(obj.xCoord == xmax && obj.zCoord == zmax) return true; if(obj.yCoord == ymin && obj.zCoord == zmin) return true; if(obj.yCoord == ymax && obj.zCoord == zmin) return true; if(obj.yCoord == ymin && obj.zCoord == zmax) return true; if(obj.yCoord == ymax && obj.zCoord == zmax) return true; return false; } /** * Whether or not the block at the specified location serves as a frame for a multiblock structure. * @param x - x coordinate * @param y - y coordinate * @param z - z coordinate * @return */ protected abstract boolean isValidFrame(int x, int y, int z); protected abstract MultiblockCache<T> getNewCache(); protected abstract T getNewStructure(); protected abstract MultiblockManager<T> getManager(); protected abstract void mergeCaches(List<ItemStack> rejectedItems, MultiblockCache<T> cache, MultiblockCache<T> merge); protected void onFormed() {} protected void onStructureCreated(T structure, int origX, int origY, int origZ, int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax, int zmin, int zmax) {} public void onStructureDestroyed(T structure) {} /** * Runs the protocol and updates all nodes that make a part of the multiblock. */ public void doUpdate() { loopThrough(pointer); if(structureFound != null) { for(TileEntityMultiblock<T> tileEntity : iteratedNodes) { if(!structureFound.locations.contains(Coord4D.get(tileEntity))) { for(TileEntity tile : iteratedNodes) { ((TileEntityMultiblock<T>)tile).structure = null; } return; } } List<Integer> idsFound = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int idToUse = -1; for(Coord4D obj : structureFound.locations) { TileEntityMultiblock<T> tileEntity = (TileEntityMultiblock<T>)obj.getTileEntity(pointer.getWorldObj()); if(tileEntity.cachedID != -1) { idsFound.add(tileEntity.cachedID); } } MultiblockCache<T> cache = getNewCache(); List<ItemStack> rejectedItems = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); if(!idsFound.isEmpty()) { for(int id : idsFound) { if(getManager().inventories.get(id) != null) { if(cache == null) { cache = getManager().pullInventory(pointer.getWorldObj(), id); } else { mergeCaches(rejectedItems, cache, getManager().pullInventory(pointer.getWorldObj(), id)); } idToUse = id; } } } else { idToUse = getManager().getUniqueInventoryID(); } //TODO someday: drop all items in rejectedItems //TODO seriously this needs to happen soon //TODO perhaps drop from pointer? cache.apply((T)structureFound); onFormed(); structureFound.inventoryID = idToUse; for(Coord4D obj : structureFound.locations) { TileEntityMultiblock<T> tileEntity = (TileEntityMultiblock<T>)obj.getTileEntity(pointer.getWorldObj()); tileEntity.structure = (T)structureFound; } } else { for(TileEntityMultiblock<T> tileEntity : iteratedNodes) { if(tileEntity.structure != null && !tileEntity.structure.destroyed) { onStructureDestroyed(tileEntity.structure); tileEntity.structure.destroyed = true; } tileEntity.structure = null; } } } }