package mekanism.common.multiblock; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import mekanism.api.Coord4D; import mekanism.common.tile.TileEntityMultiblock; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import; public class MultiblockManager<T extends SynchronizedData<T>> { private static Set<MultiblockManager> managers = new HashSet<MultiblockManager>(); public String name; /** A map containing references to all multiblock inventory caches. */ public Map<Integer, MultiblockCache<T>> inventories = new HashMap<Integer, MultiblockCache<T>>(); public MultiblockManager(String s) { name = s; managers.add(this); } /** * Grabs an inventory from the world's caches, and removes all the world's references to it. * @param world - world the cache is stored in * @param id - inventory ID to pull * @return correct multiblock inventory cache */ public MultiblockCache<T> pullInventory(World world, int id) { MultiblockCache<T> toReturn = inventories.get(id); for(Coord4D obj : inventories.get(id).locations) { TileEntityMultiblock<T> tileEntity = (TileEntityMultiblock<T>)obj.getTileEntity(world); if(tileEntity != null) { tileEntity.cachedData = tileEntity.getNewCache(); tileEntity.cachedID = -1; } } inventories.remove(id); return toReturn; } /** * Grabs a unique inventory ID for a multiblock. * @return unique inventory ID */ public int getUniqueInventoryID() { int id = 0; while(true) { for(Integer i : inventories.keySet()) { if(id == i) { id++; continue; } } return id; } } public static void tick(World world) { for(MultiblockManager manager : managers) { manager.tickSelf(world); } } public void tickSelf(World world) { ArrayList<Integer> idsToKill = new ArrayList<Integer>(); HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Coord4D>> tilesToKill = new HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Coord4D>>(); for(Map.Entry<Integer, MultiblockCache<T>> entry : inventories.entrySet()) { int inventoryID = entry.getKey(); for(Coord4D obj : entry.getValue().locations) { if(obj.dimensionId == world.provider.dimensionId && obj.exists(world)) { TileEntity tileEntity = obj.getTileEntity(world); if(!(tileEntity instanceof TileEntityMultiblock) || ((TileEntityMultiblock)tileEntity).getManager() != this || (getStructureId(((TileEntityMultiblock<?>)tileEntity)) != -1 && getStructureId(((TileEntityMultiblock)tileEntity)) != inventoryID)) { if(!tilesToKill.containsKey(inventoryID)) { tilesToKill.put(inventoryID, new HashSet<Coord4D>()); } tilesToKill.get(inventoryID).add(obj); } } } if(entry.getValue().locations.isEmpty()) { idsToKill.add(inventoryID); } } for(Map.Entry<Integer, HashSet<Coord4D>> entry : tilesToKill.entrySet()) { for(Coord4D obj : entry.getValue()) { inventories.get(entry.getKey()).locations.remove(obj); } } for(int inventoryID : idsToKill) { inventories.remove(inventoryID); } } public static int getStructureId(TileEntityMultiblock<?> tile) { return tile.structure != null ? tile.getSynchronizedData().inventoryID : -1; } public static boolean areEqual(TileEntity tile1, TileEntity tile2) { if(!(tile1 instanceof TileEntityMultiblock) || !(tile2 instanceof TileEntityMultiblock)) { return false; } return ((TileEntityMultiblock)tile1).getManager() == ((TileEntityMultiblock)tile2).getManager(); } public void updateCache(TileEntityMultiblock<T> tile) { if(!inventories.containsKey(tile.cachedID)) { tile.cachedData.locations.add(Coord4D.get(tile)); inventories.put(tile.cachedID, tile.cachedData); return; } inventories.get(tile.cachedID).locations.add(Coord4D.get(tile)); } public static void reset() { for(MultiblockManager manager : managers) { manager.inventories.clear(); } } }