package pneumaticCraft.common.tileentity; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import pneumaticCraft.api.tileentity.IAirHandler; import pneumaticCraft.api.tileentity.IPneumaticMachine; import pneumaticCraft.common.block.BlockElevatorBase; import pneumaticCraft.common.block.Blockss; import pneumaticCraft.common.config.Config; import pneumaticCraft.common.item.Itemss; import; import; import; import; import pneumaticCraft.common.thirdparty.computercraft.LuaConstant; import pneumaticCraft.common.thirdparty.computercraft.LuaMethod; import pneumaticCraft.common.util.PneumaticCraftUtils; import pneumaticCraft.lib.Log; import pneumaticCraft.lib.PneumaticValues; import pneumaticCraft.lib.Sounds; import pneumaticCraft.lib.TileEntityConstants; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; public class TileEntityElevatorBase extends TileEntityPneumaticBase implements IInventory, IGUITextFieldSensitive, IRedstoneControlled, IMinWorkingPressure{ @DescSynced public boolean[] sidesConnected = new boolean[6]; public float oldExtension; @DescSynced @LazySynced public float extension; @DescSynced public float targetExtension; private int soundCounter; private boolean isStopped; //used for sounds private TileEntityElevatorBase coreElevator; private List<TileEntityElevatorBase> multiElevators;//initialized when multiple elevators are connected in a multiblock manner. @GuiSynced public int redstoneMode; public int[] floorHeights = new int[0];//list of every floor of Elevator Callers. private HashMap<Integer, String> floorNames = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); @GuiSynced private int maxFloorHeight; private int redstoneInputLevel;//current redstone input level @DescSynced private ItemStack[] inventory = new ItemStack[6]; public Block baseCamo, frameCamo; public static final int UPGRADE_SLOT_1 = 0; public static final int UPGRADE_SLOT_4 = 3; public TileEntityElevatorBase(){ super(PneumaticValues.DANGER_PRESSURE_ELEVATOR, PneumaticValues.MAX_PRESSURE_ELEVATOR, PneumaticValues.VOLUME_ELEVATOR); setUpgradeSlots(new int[]{UPGRADE_SLOT_1, 1, 2, UPGRADE_SLOT_4}); } @Override public void updateEntity(){ oldExtension = extension; if(worldObj.isRemote && worldObj.getTotalWorldTime() % 60 == 0) coreElevator = null;//reset this because the client doesn't get notified of neighbor block updates. if(isCoreElevator()) { super.updateEntity(); if(!worldObj.isRemote && isControlledByRedstone()) { float oldTargetExtension = targetExtension; float maxExtension = getMaxElevatorHeight(); int redstoneInput = redstoneInputLevel; if(multiElevators != null) { for(TileEntityElevatorBase base : multiElevators) { redstoneInput = Math.max(redstoneInputLevel, base.redstoneInputLevel); } } targetExtension = redstoneInput * maxExtension / 15; if(targetExtension > oldExtension && getPressure(ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN) < PneumaticValues.MIN_PRESSURE_ELEVATOR) targetExtension = oldExtension; // only ascent when there's enough pressure if(oldTargetExtension != targetExtension) sendDescPacketFromAllElevators(); } float speedMultiplier = getSpeedMultiplierFromUpgrades(getUpgradeSlots()); if(worldObj.isRemote) { speedMultiplier = (float)(speedMultiplier * PacketServerTickTime.tickTimeMultiplier); } String soundName = null; if(extension < targetExtension) { if(!worldObj.isRemote && getPressure(ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN) < PneumaticValues.MIN_PRESSURE_ELEVATOR) { targetExtension = extension; sendDescPacket(256D); } soundName = Sounds.ELEVATOR_MOVING; float moveBy; if(extension < targetExtension - TileEntityConstants.ELEVATOR_SLOW_EXTENSION) { moveBy = TileEntityConstants.ELEVATOR_SPEED_FAST * speedMultiplier; } else { moveBy = TileEntityConstants.ELEVATOR_SPEED_SLOW * speedMultiplier; } if(extension + moveBy > targetExtension) { extension = targetExtension; if(!worldObj.isRemote) updateFloors(); } if(isStopped) { soundName = Sounds.ELEVATOR_START; isStopped = false; } float startingExtension = extension; while(extension < startingExtension + moveBy) { extension += TileEntityConstants.ELEVATOR_SPEED_SLOW; /* if(extension > startingExtension + moveBy) { extension = startingExtension + moveBy; } */ // moveEntities(TileEntityConstants.ELEVATOR_SPEED_SLOW); } addAir((int)((oldExtension - extension) * PneumaticValues.USAGE_ELEVATOR * (getSpeedUsageMultiplierFromUpgrades(getUpgradeSlots()) / speedMultiplier)), ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN);// substract the ascended distance from the air reservoir. } if(extension > targetExtension) { soundName = Sounds.ELEVATOR_MOVING; if(extension > targetExtension + TileEntityConstants.ELEVATOR_SLOW_EXTENSION) { extension -= TileEntityConstants.ELEVATOR_SPEED_FAST * speedMultiplier; } else { extension -= TileEntityConstants.ELEVATOR_SPEED_SLOW * speedMultiplier; } if(extension < targetExtension) { extension = targetExtension; if(!worldObj.isRemote) updateFloors(); } if(isStopped) { soundName = Sounds.ELEVATOR_START; isStopped = false; } // movePlayerDown(); } if(oldExtension == extension && !isStopped) { soundName = Sounds.ELEVATOR_STOP; isStopped = true; soundCounter = 0; } if(soundCounter > 0) soundCounter--; if(soundName != null && worldObj.isRemote && soundCounter == 0) { worldObj.playSound(xCoord + 0.5, yCoord + 0.5, zCoord + 0.5, soundName, 0.1F, 1.0F, true); soundCounter = 10; } } else { extension = 0; } if(!worldObj.isRemote && oldExtension != extension) { sendDescPacket(256); } } private void movePlayerDown(){ if(!worldObj.isRemote) return; AxisAlignedBB aabb = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(xCoord, yCoord + 1, zCoord, xCoord + 1, yCoord + oldExtension + 1.05F, zCoord + 1); List<Entity> entityList = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(null, aabb); for(Entity entity : entityList) { if(entity instanceof EntityPlayer) { // moveEntityToCenter(entity); double posX = entity.posX; double posZ = entity.posZ; if(posX >= xCoord && posX < xCoord + 1 && posZ >= zCoord && posZ < zCoord + 1) { entity.motionX *= 0.6; entity.motionZ *= 0.6; entity.moveEntity(0, extension - oldExtension + 0.001F, 0); } } } } private void moveEntities(float moveBy){ AxisAlignedBB aabb = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(xCoord, yCoord + 1, zCoord, xCoord + 1, yCoord + extension + 1, zCoord + 1); List<Entity> entityList = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(null, aabb); for(Entity entity : entityList) { if(entity instanceof EntityPlayer) { } else entity.moveEntity(0, moveBy + 0.05F, 0); } } private void moveEntityToCenter(Entity entity){ /* * this is for your own protection. you may hurt yourself if you're not standing right, especially * on multiblock-elevators (entity will be found by multiple bases, causing problems) */ ((EntityPlayer)entity).setPosition(xCoord + 0.5F, entity.posY, zCoord + 0.5F); } @Override public void handleGUIButtonPress(int buttonID, EntityPlayer player){ if(buttonID == 0) { redstoneMode++; if(redstoneMode > 1) redstoneMode = 0; if(multiElevators != null) { for(TileEntityElevatorBase base : multiElevators) { while(base.redstoneMode != redstoneMode) { base.handleGUIButtonPress(buttonID, player); } } } int i = -1; TileEntity te = worldObj.getTileEntity(xCoord, yCoord - 1, zCoord); while(te instanceof TileEntityElevatorBase) { ((TileEntityElevatorBase)te).redstoneMode = redstoneMode; i--; te = worldObj.getTileEntity(xCoord, yCoord + i, zCoord); } } } private boolean isControlledByRedstone(){ return redstoneMode == 0; } public void updateRedstoneInputLevel(){ if(multiElevators == null) return; int maxRedstone = 0; for(TileEntityElevatorBase base : multiElevators) { int i = 0; while(worldObj.getBlock(base.xCoord, base.yCoord + i, base.zCoord) == Blockss.elevatorBase) { maxRedstone = Math.max(maxRedstone, PneumaticCraftUtils.getRedstoneLevel(worldObj, base.xCoord, base.yCoord + i, base.zCoord)); i--; } } for(TileEntityElevatorBase base : multiElevators) { base.redstoneInputLevel = maxRedstone; } } public float getMaxElevatorHeight(){ int max = maxFloorHeight; if(multiElevators != null) { for(TileEntityElevatorBase base : multiElevators) { max = Math.max(max, base.maxFloorHeight); } } return max; } public void updateMaxElevatorHeight(){ int i = -1; do { i++; } while(worldObj.getBlock(xCoord, yCoord + i + 1, zCoord) == Blockss.elevatorFrame); int elevatorBases = 0; do { elevatorBases++; } while(worldObj.getBlock(xCoord, yCoord - elevatorBases, zCoord) == Blockss.elevatorBase); maxFloorHeight = Math.min(i, elevatorBases * Config.elevatorBaseBlocksPerBase); } // NBT methods----------------------------------------------- @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tag){ super.readFromNBT(tag); extension = tag.getFloat("extension"); targetExtension = tag.getFloat("targetExtension"); redstoneMode = tag.getInteger("redstoneMode"); if(!tag.hasKey("maxFloorHeight")) {//backwards compatibility implementation. updateMaxElevatorHeight(); } else { maxFloorHeight = tag.getInteger("maxFloorHeight"); } for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { sidesConnected[i] = tag.getBoolean("sideConnected" + i); } // Read in the ItemStacks in the inventory from NBT NBTTagList tagList = tag.getTagList("Items", 10); inventory = new ItemStack[inventory.length]; for(int i = 0; i < tagList.tagCount(); ++i) { NBTTagCompound tagCompound = tagList.getCompoundTagAt(i); byte slot = tagCompound.getByte("Slot"); if(slot >= 0 && slot < inventory.length) { inventory[slot] = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(tagCompound); } } } @Override public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound tag){ super.writeToNBT(tag); tag.setFloat("extension", extension); tag.setFloat("targetExtension", targetExtension); tag.setInteger("redstoneMode", redstoneMode); tag.setInteger("maxFloorHeight", maxFloorHeight); for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { tag.setBoolean("sideConnected" + i, sidesConnected[i]); } // Write the ItemStacks in the inventory to NBT NBTTagList tagList = new NBTTagList(); for(int currentIndex = 0; currentIndex < inventory.length; ++currentIndex) { if(inventory[currentIndex] != null) { NBTTagCompound tagCompound = new NBTTagCompound(); tagCompound.setByte("Slot", (byte)currentIndex); inventory[currentIndex].writeToNBT(tagCompound); tagList.appendTag(tagCompound); } } tag.setTag("Items", tagList); } @Override public void readFromPacket(NBTTagCompound tag){ super.readFromPacket(tag); floorHeights = tag.getIntArray("floorHeights"); floorNames.clear(); NBTTagList floorNameList = tag.getTagList("floorNames", 10); for(int i = 0; i < floorNameList.tagCount(); i++) { NBTTagCompound floorName = floorNameList.getCompoundTagAt(i); floorNames.put(floorName.getInteger("floorHeight"), floorName.getString("floorName")); } } @Override public void writeToPacket(NBTTagCompound tag){ super.writeToPacket(tag); tag.setIntArray("floorHeights", floorHeights); NBTTagList floorNameList = new NBTTagList(); for(int key : floorNames.keySet()) { NBTTagCompound floorNameTag = new NBTTagCompound(); floorNameTag.setInteger("floorHeight", key); floorNameTag.setString("floorName", floorNames.get(key)); floorNameList.appendTag(floorNameTag); } tag.setTag("floorNames", floorNameList); } @Override public void onNeighborTileUpdate(){ super.onNeighborTileUpdate(); updateConnections(); connectAsMultiblock(); } private void connectAsMultiblock(){ multiElevators = null; if(isCoreElevator()) { multiElevators = new ArrayList<TileEntityElevatorBase>(); Stack<TileEntityElevatorBase> todo = new Stack<TileEntityElevatorBase>(); todo.add(this); while(!todo.isEmpty()) { TileEntityElevatorBase curElevator = todo.pop(); if(curElevator.isCoreElevator()) { multiElevators.add(curElevator); curElevator.multiElevators = multiElevators; for(int i = 2; i < 6; i++) { TileEntity te = curElevator.getTileCache()[i].getTileEntity(); if(!multiElevators.contains(te) && te instanceof TileEntityElevatorBase) { todo.push((TileEntityElevatorBase)te); } } } } } } @Override public void onNeighborBlockUpdate(){ super.onNeighborBlockUpdate(); getCoreElevator().updateRedstoneInputLevel(); } public void updateConnections(){ for(ForgeDirection direction : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { TileEntity te = worldObj.getTileEntity(xCoord + direction.offsetX, yCoord + direction.offsetY, zCoord + direction.offsetZ); if(te instanceof IPneumaticMachine) { sidesConnected[direction.ordinal()] = ((IPneumaticMachine)te).isConnectedTo(direction.getOpposite()); } else { sidesConnected[direction.ordinal()] = false; } } if(worldObj.getBlock(xCoord, yCoord + 1, zCoord) != Blockss.elevatorBase) { coreElevator = this; int i = -1; TileEntity te = worldObj.getTileEntity(xCoord, yCoord - 1, zCoord); while(te instanceof TileEntityElevatorBase) { ((TileEntityElevatorBase)te).coreElevator = this; i--; te = worldObj.getTileEntity(xCoord, yCoord + i, zCoord); } } } public void moveInventoryToThis(){ TileEntity te = worldObj.getTileEntity(xCoord, yCoord + 1, zCoord); if(te instanceof TileEntityElevatorBase) { for(int i = 0; i < getSizeInventory(); i++) { inventory[i] = ((TileEntityElevatorBase)te).inventory[i]; ((TileEntityElevatorBase)te).inventory[i] = null; } } } public void updateFloors(){ List<Integer> floorList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<ChunkPosition> callerList = new ArrayList<ChunkPosition>(); if(multiElevators != null) { int i = 0; boolean shouldBreak = false; while(!shouldBreak) { boolean registeredThisFloor = false; for(TileEntityElevatorBase base : multiElevators) { for(ForgeDirection dir : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { if(dir != ForgeDirection.UP && dir != ForgeDirection.DOWN) { if(base.worldObj.getBlock(base.xCoord + dir.offsetX, base.yCoord + i + 2, base.zCoord + dir.offsetZ) == Blockss.elevatorCaller) { callerList.add(new ChunkPosition(base.xCoord + dir.offsetX, base.yCoord + i + 2, base.zCoord + dir.offsetZ)); if(!registeredThisFloor) floorList.add(i); registeredThisFloor = true; } } } } i++; for(TileEntityElevatorBase base : multiElevators) { if(base.worldObj.getBlock(base.xCoord, base.yCoord + i, base.zCoord) != Blockss.elevatorFrame) { shouldBreak = true; break; } } } for(TileEntityElevatorBase base : multiElevators) { base.floorHeights = new int[floorList.size()]; for(i = 0; i < base.floorHeights.length; i++) { base.floorHeights[i] = floorList.get(i); } } } double buttonHeight = 0.06D; double buttonSpacing = 0.02D; TileEntityElevatorCaller.ElevatorButton[] elevatorButtons = new TileEntityElevatorCaller.ElevatorButton[floorHeights.length]; int columns = (elevatorButtons.length - 1) / 12 + 1; for(int j = 0; j < columns; j++) { for(int i = j * 12; i < floorHeights.length && i < j * 12 + 12; i++) { elevatorButtons[i] = new TileEntityElevatorCaller.ElevatorButton(0.2D + 0.6D / columns * j, 0.5D + (Math.min(floorHeights.length, 12) - 2) * (buttonSpacing + buttonHeight) / 2 - i % 12 * (buttonHeight + buttonSpacing), 0.58D / columns, buttonHeight, i, floorHeights[i]); elevatorButtons[i].setColor(floorHeights[i] == targetExtension ? 0 : 1, 1, floorHeights[i] == targetExtension ? 0 : 1); String floorName = floorNames.get(floorHeights[i]); if(floorName != null) { elevatorButtons[i].buttonText = floorName; } else { floorNames.put(floorHeights[i], elevatorButtons[i].buttonText); } } } if(multiElevators != null) { for(TileEntityElevatorBase base : multiElevators) { base.floorNames = new HashMap<Integer, String>(floorNames); } } for(ChunkPosition p : callerList) { TileEntity te = worldObj.getTileEntity(p.chunkPosX, p.chunkPosY, p.chunkPosZ); if(te instanceof TileEntityElevatorCaller) { int callerFloorHeight = p.chunkPosY - yCoord - 2; int callerFloor = -1; for(TileEntityElevatorCaller.ElevatorButton floor : elevatorButtons) { if(floor.floorHeight == callerFloorHeight) { callerFloor = floor.floorNumber; break; } } if(callerFloor == -1) { Log.error("Error while updating elevator floors! This will cause a indexOutOfBoundsException, index = -1"); } ((TileEntityElevatorCaller)te).setEmittingRedstone(PneumaticCraftUtils.areFloatsEqual(targetExtension, extension, 0.1F) && PneumaticCraftUtils.areFloatsEqual(extension, callerFloorHeight, 0.1F)); ((TileEntityElevatorCaller)te).setFloors(elevatorButtons, callerFloor); } } } public void goToFloor(int floor){ if(getCoreElevator().isControlledByRedstone()) getCoreElevator().handleGUIButtonPress(0, null); if(floor >= 0 && floor < floorHeights.length) setTargetHeight(floorHeights[floor]); updateFloors(); sendDescPacketFromAllElevators(); } private void setTargetHeight(float height){ height = Math.min(height, getMaxElevatorHeight()); if(multiElevators != null) { for(TileEntityElevatorBase base : multiElevators) { base.targetExtension = height; } } } @Override public void onDescUpdate(){ baseCamo = inventory[4] != null && inventory[4].getItem() instanceof ItemBlock ? ((ItemBlock)inventory[4].getItem()).field_150939_a : null; Block newFrameCamo = inventory[5] != null && inventory[5].getItem() instanceof ItemBlock ? ((ItemBlock)inventory[5].getItem()).field_150939_a : null; if(newFrameCamo != frameCamo) { frameCamo = newFrameCamo; rerenderChunk(); } } private void sendDescPacketFromAllElevators(){ if(multiElevators != null) { for(TileEntityElevatorBase base : multiElevators) { base.sendDescPacket(256); } } else { sendDescPacket(256); } } // INVENTORY METHODS- // ------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Returns the number of slots in the inventory. */ @Override public int getSizeInventory(){ return getCoreElevator().inventory.length; } /** * Returns the stack in slot i */ @Override public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int slot){ return getCoreElevator().inventory[slot]; } public ItemStack getRealStackInSlot(int slot){ return inventory[slot]; } @Override public ItemStack decrStackSize(int slot, int amount){ ItemStack itemStack = getStackInSlot(slot); if(itemStack != null) { if(itemStack.stackSize <= amount) { setInventorySlotContents(slot, null); } else { itemStack = itemStack.splitStack(amount); if(itemStack.stackSize == 0) { setInventorySlotContents(slot, null); } } } return itemStack; } @Override public ItemStack getStackInSlotOnClosing(int slot){ ItemStack itemStack = getStackInSlot(slot); if(itemStack != null) { setInventorySlotContents(slot, null); } return itemStack; } @Override public void setInventorySlotContents(int slot, ItemStack itemStack){ // super.setInventorySlotContents(slot, itemStack); getCoreElevator().inventory[slot] = itemStack; if(itemStack != null && itemStack.stackSize > getInventoryStackLimit()) { itemStack.stackSize = getInventoryStackLimit(); } } @Override public int getInventoryStackLimit(){ return 64; } @Override public String getInventoryName(){ return Blockss.elevatorBase.getUnlocalizedName(); } @Override public void openInventory(){} @Override public void closeInventory(){} @Override public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int i, ItemStack itemstack){ return itemstack.getItem() == Itemss.machineUpgrade && i < 4 || itemstack.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock && i >= 4; } @Override public boolean isUseableByPlayer(EntityPlayer var1){ return isGuiUseableByPlayer(var1); } @Override public AxisAlignedBB getRenderBoundingBox(){ return AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xCoord + 1, yCoord + 1 + extension, zCoord + 1); } @Override protected double getPacketDistance(){ return 256; } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public double getMaxRenderDistanceSquared(){ return 65536D; } private TileEntityElevatorBase getCoreElevator(){ if(coreElevator == null) { coreElevator = BlockElevatorBase.getCoreTileEntity(worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); } return coreElevator; } public boolean isCoreElevator(){ return getCoreElevator() == this; } @Override public boolean isConnectedTo(ForgeDirection side){ return side != ForgeDirection.UP && side != ForgeDirection.DOWN || worldObj.getBlock(xCoord, yCoord + side.offsetY, zCoord) != Blockss.elevatorBase; } @Override public void addAir(int amount, ForgeDirection side){ if(isCoreElevator()) { super.addAir(amount, side); } else { getCoreElevator().addAir(amount, side); } } @Override public float getPressure(ForgeDirection sideRequested){ if(isCoreElevator()) { return super.getPressure(sideRequested); } else { return getCoreElevator().getPressure(sideRequested); } } @Override public int getCurrentAir(ForgeDirection sideRequested){ if(isCoreElevator()) { return super.getCurrentAir(sideRequested); } else { return getCoreElevator().getCurrentAir(sideRequested); } } @Override public List<Pair<ForgeDirection, IAirHandler>> getConnectedPneumatics(){ List<Pair<ForgeDirection, IAirHandler>> connectedMachines = super.getConnectedPneumatics(); TileEntity te = getTileCache()[ForgeDirection.DOWN.ordinal()].getTileEntity(); if(te instanceof TileEntityElevatorBase) { connectedMachines.addAll(((TileEntityElevatorBase)te).getConnectedPneumatics()); } return connectedMachines; } @Override public void setText(int textFieldID, String text){ setFloorName(textFieldID, text); } @Override public String getText(int textFieldID){ return getFloorName(textFieldID); } public String getFloorName(int floor){ return floor < floorHeights.length ? floorNames.get(floorHeights[floor]) : ""; } public void setFloorName(int floor, String name){ if(floor < floorHeights.length) { floorNames.put(floorHeights[floor], name); updateFloors(); } } @Override public boolean isGuiUseableByPlayer(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer){ return worldObj.getTileEntity(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord) == this; } @Override public boolean hasCustomInventoryName(){ return false; } /* * COMPUTERCRAFT API */ @Override public String getType(){ return "elevator"; } @Override protected void addLuaMethods(){ super.addLuaMethods(); luaMethods.add(new LuaConstant("getMinWorkingPressure", PneumaticValues.MIN_PRESSURE_ELEVATOR)); luaMethods.add(new LuaMethod("setHeight"){ @Override public Object[] call(Object[] args) throws Exception{ if(args.length == 1) { setTargetHeight(((Double)args[0]).floatValue()); if(getCoreElevator().isControlledByRedstone()) getCoreElevator().handleGUIButtonPress(0, null); getCoreElevator().sendDescPacketFromAllElevators(); return null; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("setHeight does take one argument (height)"); } } }); luaMethods.add(new LuaMethod("setExternalControl"){ @Override public Object[] call(Object[] args) throws Exception{ if(args.length == 1) { if((Boolean)args[0] && getCoreElevator().isControlledByRedstone() || !(Boolean)args[0] && !getCoreElevator().isControlledByRedstone()) { getCoreElevator().handleGUIButtonPress(0, null); } return null; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("setExternalControl does take one argument! (bool)"); } } }); } @Override public int getRedstoneMode(){ return redstoneMode; } @Override public float getMinWorkingPressure(){ return PneumaticValues.MIN_PRESSURE_ELEVATOR; } }