package WayofTime.alchemicalWizardry.api.rituals; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import scala.reflect.internal.Trees.This; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import; public class Rituals { private int crystalLevel; private int actCost; private RitualEffect effect; private String name; public static Map<String,Rituals> ritualMap = new HashMap(); @Deprecated public static List<Rituals> ritualList = new LinkedList(); public static List<String> keyList = new LinkedList(); public Rituals(int crystalLevel, int actCost, RitualEffect effect, String name) { this.crystalLevel = crystalLevel; //For a test commit this.actCost = actCost; this.effect = effect; = name; keyList.add(name); ritualMap.put(name, this); } /** * Static method to register a ritual to the Ritual Registry * @param key Unique identification key - must be different from all others to properly register * @param crystalLevel Crystal level required to activate * @param actCost LP amount required to activate * @param effect The effect that will be ticked * @param name The name of the ritual * @return Returns true if properly registered, or false if the key is already used */ public static boolean registerRitual(String key, int crystalLevel, int actCost, RitualEffect effect, String name) { if(ritualMap.containsKey(key)) { return false; } else { Rituals ritual = new Rituals(crystalLevel, actCost, effect, name); ritual.removeRitualFromList(); ritualMap.put(key, ritual); keyList.add(key); return true; } } public void removeRitualFromList() { if(ritualMap.containsValue(this)) { ritualMap.remove(ritualMap.remove(; } if(keyList.contains( { keyList.remove(; } } public static String checkValidRitual(World world, int x, int y, int z) { for(String key : ritualMap.keySet()) { if(checkRitualIsValid(world,x,y,z,key)) { return key; } } return ""; } public static boolean canCrystalActivate(String ritualID, int crystalLevel) { if(ritualMap.containsKey(ritualID)) { Rituals ritual = ritualMap.get(ritualID); if(ritual != null) { return ritual.getCrystalLevel() <= crystalLevel; } } return false; } public static boolean checkRitualIsValid(World world, int x, int y, int z, String ritualID) { int direction = Rituals.getDirectionOfRitual(world, x, y, z, ritualID); if (direction != -1) { return true; } return false; } /** * 1 - NORTH * 2 - EAST * 3 - SOUTH * 4 - WEST */ public static boolean checkDirectionOfRitualValid(World world, int x, int y, int z, String ritualID, int direction) { List<RitualComponent> ritual = Rituals.getRitualList(ritualID); if (ritual == null) { return false; } Block test = null; switch (direction) { case 1: for (RitualComponent rc : ritual) { test = world.getBlock(x + rc.getX(), y + rc.getY(), z + rc.getZ()); if (!(test instanceof IRitualStone)) { return false; } if (world.getBlockMetadata(x + rc.getX(), y + rc.getY(), z + rc.getZ()) != rc.getStoneType()) { return false; } } return true; case 2: for (RitualComponent rc : ritual) { test = world.getBlock(x - rc.getZ(), y + rc.getY(), z + rc.getX()); if (!(test instanceof IRitualStone)) { return false; } if (world.getBlockMetadata(x - rc.getZ(), y + rc.getY(), z + rc.getX()) != rc.getStoneType()) { return false; } } return true; case 3: for (RitualComponent rc : ritual) { test = world.getBlock(x - rc.getX(), y + rc.getY(), z - rc.getZ()); if (!(test instanceof IRitualStone)) { return false; } if (world.getBlockMetadata(x - rc.getX(), y + rc.getY(), z - rc.getZ()) != rc.getStoneType()) { return false; } } return true; case 4: for (RitualComponent rc : ritual) { test = world.getBlock(x + rc.getZ(), y + rc.getY(), z - rc.getX()); if (!(test instanceof IRitualStone)) { return false; } if (world.getBlockMetadata(x + rc.getZ(), y + rc.getY(), z - rc.getX()) != rc.getStoneType()) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } public static int getDirectionOfRitual(World world, int x, int y, int z, String ritualID) { for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { if (Rituals.checkDirectionOfRitualValid(world, x, y, z, ritualID, i)) { return i; } } return -1; } public static int getCostForActivation(String ritualID) { if(ritualMap.containsKey(ritualID)) { Rituals ritual = ritualMap.get(ritualID); if(ritual != null) { return ritual.actCost; } } return 0; } public static int getInitialCooldown(String ritualID) { if(ritualMap.containsKey(ritualID)) { Rituals ritual = ritualMap.get(ritualID); if(ritual != null && ritual.effect != null) { return ritual.effect.getInitialCooldown(); } } return 0; } public static List<RitualComponent> getRitualList(String ritualID) { if(ritualMap.containsKey(ritualID)) { Rituals ritual = ritualMap.get(ritualID); if(ritual != null) { return ritual.obtainComponents(); }else { return null; } }else { return null; } } private List<RitualComponent> obtainComponents() { return this.effect.getRitualComponentList(); } private int getCrystalLevel() { return this.crystalLevel; } public static void performEffect(IMasterRitualStone ritualStone, String ritualID) { if(ritualMap.containsKey(ritualID)) { Rituals ritual = ritualMap.get(ritualID); if(ritual != null && ritual.effect != null) { ritual.effect.performEffect(ritualStone); } } } public static int getNumberOfRituals() { return ritualMap.size(); } public String getRitualName() { return; } public static String getNameOfRitual(String id) { if(ritualMap.containsKey(id)) { Rituals ritual = ritualMap.get(id); if(ritual != null) { return ritual.getRitualName(); } } return ""; } public static String getNextRitualKey(String key) { boolean hasSpotted = false; String firstKey = ""; for(String str : keyList) { if(firstKey.equals("")) { firstKey = str; } if(hasSpotted) { return str; } if(str.equals(key)) { hasSpotted = true; } } return firstKey; } }