package pneumaticCraft.api.block; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; public class BlockSupplier{ // private static Class blockClass; /** * @param blockName * @return */ public static Block getBlock(String blockName){ return GameRegistry.findBlock("PneumaticCraft", blockName); /*try { if(blockClass == null) blockClass = Class.forName("pneumaticCraft.common.block.Blockss"); return (Block)blockClass.getField(blockName).get(null); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("[PneumaticCraft API] Block supply failed for block: " + blockName); return null; }*/ } /* The following is a list of all the block names that can be passed as argument in getBlock(String) to get a PneumaticCraft block. pressureTube meta = tube type airCompressor airCannon pressureChamberWall meta < 6 ? wall : window pressureChamberValve pressureChamberInterface squidPlant fireFlower creeperPlant slimePlant rainPlant enderPlant lightningPlant adrenalinePlant burstPlant potionPlant repulsionPlant heliumPlant flyingFlower musicPlant propulsionPlant chopperPlant chargingStation elevatorBase elevatorFrame vacuumPump pneumaticDoorBase pneumaticDoor assemblyPlatform assemblyIOUnit assemblyDrill assemblyLaser assemblyController advancedPressureTube meta = tube type (like 'pressureTube') compressedIron uvLightBox etchingAcid securityStation universalSensor pneumaticGenerator electricCompressor pneumaticEngine kineticCompressor aerialInterface electrostaticCompressor aphorismTile omnidirectionalHopper */ }