package forestry.api.core; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.BiomeDictionary; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class BiomeHelper { private static final Map<BiomeGenBase, Boolean> isBiomeHellishCache = new HashMap<BiomeGenBase, Boolean>(); /** * Determines if it can rain or snow in the given biome. */ public static boolean canRainOrSnow(BiomeGenBase biomeGenBase) { return biomeGenBase.getEnableSnow() || biomeGenBase.canSpawnLightningBolt(); } /** * @deprecated since Forestry 3.2. Use canRainOrSnow(BiomeGenBase biomeGenBase) */ @Deprecated public static boolean canRainOrSnow(int biomeID) { return BiomeDictionary.isBiomeRegistered(biomeID) && canRainOrSnow(BiomeGenBase.getBiome(biomeID)); } /** * Determines if a given BiomeGenBase is of HELLISH temperature, since it is treated separately from actual temperature values. * Uses the BiomeDictionary. * @param biomeGen BiomeGenBase of the biome in question * @return true, if the BiomeGenBase is a Nether-type biome; false otherwise. */ public static boolean isBiomeHellish(BiomeGenBase biomeGen) { if (isBiomeHellishCache.containsKey(biomeGen)) { return isBiomeHellishCache.get(biomeGen); } boolean isBiomeHellish = BiomeDictionary.isBiomeOfType(biomeGen, BiomeDictionary.Type.NETHER); isBiomeHellishCache.put(biomeGen, isBiomeHellish); return isBiomeHellish; } /** * @deprecated since Forestry 3.2. Use isBiomeHellish(BiomeGenBase biomeGen) */ @Deprecated public static boolean isBiomeHellish(int biomeID) { return BiomeDictionary.isBiomeRegistered(biomeID) && isBiomeHellish(BiomeGenBase.getBiome(biomeID)); } }