package; import; import; public class DroneMoveHelper extends EntityMoveHelper{ private final EntityDroneBase entity; private double x, y, z, speed; private int timeoutTimer; private int timeoutCounter;//counts the times the drone timed out. public DroneMoveHelper(EntityDroneBase par1EntityLiving){ super(par1EntityLiving); entity = par1EntityLiving; x = entity.posX; y = entity.posY; z = entity.posZ; } @Override public void setMoveTo(double x, double y, double z, double speed){ double newY = y + 0.5 - 0.17; if(x != this.x || newY != this.y || z != this.z) { this.x = x; this.y = newY; this.z = z; timeoutTimer = 0; } else { timeoutCounter = 0; } this.speed = speed; } @Override public void onUpdateMoveHelper(){ if(entity.isAccelerating()) { entity.motionX = Math.max(-speed, Math.min(speed, x - entity.posX)); entity.motionY = Math.max(-speed, Math.min(speed, y - entity.posY)); entity.motionZ = Math.max(-speed, Math.min(speed, z - entity.posZ)); if(timeoutTimer++ > 40) { entity.getNavigator().clearPathEntity(); timeoutTimer = 0; timeoutCounter++; if(timeoutCounter > 1 && entity.hasPath()) { //Teleport when after re-acquiring a new path, the drone still doesn't move. ((EntityPathNavigateDrone)entity.getNavigator()).teleport(); } } } } }