package pneumaticCraft.api.drone; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import; /** * Implement this and register it to PneumaticRegistry.registerCustomBlockInteractor(). * This will add a puzzle piece that has only a Area white- and blacklist parameter (similar to a GoTo piece). * It will do the specified behaviour. This can be used to create energy import/export widgets. */ public interface ICustomBlockInteract{ /** * Should return a unique Id, used in NBT saving and localization. */ public String getName(); /** * Should return the puzzle piece texture. Should be a multiple of 80x64 (width x height). I'd recommend starting out with copying the Go To widget texture. * @return */ public ResourceLocation getTexture(); /** * The actual interaction. * * For every position in the selected area the drone will visit every block (ordered from closest to furthest). It will call this method with 'simulate = true'. If this method returns true, the drone will navigate to this location, and call this method again with 'simulate = false' It will keep doing this until this method returns false. * * When interactHandler.useCount() returns true: * In the interface of the puzzle piece users can specify a 'use count' and fill in the maximum count they want to use. When not simulating, you should only import/export up to interactHandler.getRemainingCount(), and you should notify the removed/added count by doing interactHandler.decreaseCount(int count). * * @param pos current visited location * @param drone * @param interactHandler object you can use to use to get accessible sides and give feedback about counts. * @param simulate will be true when trying to figure out whether or not the drone should navigate to this block, false when next to this block. * @return */ public boolean doInteract(ChunkPosition pos, IDrone drone, IBlockInteractHandler interactHandler, boolean simulate); /** * Used for crafting, categorizes the puzzle piece. * @return */ public int getCraftingColorIndex(); }