package k4unl.minecraft.Hydraulicraft.api; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInterModComms; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; /** * Use this class to register content to Hydraulicraft. The system uses IMC. Create a class that has the following signature: * * package aaa.bbb.ccc; * public class HydraulicraftHandler{ * public static void init(IHydraulicraftRegistrar registrar){ * * } * } * * You can then tell Hydraulicraft to invoke this method by invoking this line in the preInit phase of your mod: * * FMLInterModComms.sendMessage("HydCraft", "aa.bbb.ccc.HydraulicraftHandler", "init"); * * Hydraulicraft then will invoke this between the preInit and Init phase. * */ public interface IHydraulicraftRegistrar { /** * Use this method to register your own Harvester trolley. * @param toRegister */ public void registerTrolley(IHarvesterTrolley toRegister); /** * Use this to get the trolley item that's associated with the key. This key is the same as the one returned in {@link IHarvesterTrolley#getName()}. * You can use this to register crafting recipes for example. * @param trolleyName * @return */ public ItemStack getTrolleyItem(String trolleyName); }