package pneumaticCraft.api.item; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; public class ItemSupplier{ public static Item getItem(String itemName){ return GameRegistry.findItem("PneumaticCraft", itemName); } /* The following is a list of all the item names that can be passed as argument in getItem(String) to get a PneumaticCraft item. GPSTool Currently tracked coordinated is stored in NBT, with 'x', 'y', 'z' being the tag names for the x,y and z positions respectively. machineUpgrade damage value = upgrade type. ingotIronCompressed pressureGauge stoneBase cannonBarrel turbineBlade plasticPlant damage value = plant type. Mapped the same as Vanilla dye in terms of color. plastic damage value = plastic type. Mapped the same as Vanilla dye in terms of color. airCanister implements IPressurizable vortexCannon implements IPressurizable pneumaticCylinder pneumaticHelmet implements IPressurizable manometer implements IPressurizable turbineRotor assemblyProgram damage value = program type. emptyPCB unassembledPCB PCBBlueprint bucketEtchingAcid transistor capacitor printedCircuitBoard failedPCB networkComponent damage value = network component type. stopWorm nukeVirus compressedIronGear pneumaticWrench implements IPressurizable */ }