package com.limegroup.gnutella.version; import*; import java.util.*; import junit.framework.Test; import com.limegroup.gnutella.*; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.*; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.*; public final class UpdateCollectionTest extends BaseTestCase { public UpdateCollectionTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(UpdateCollectionTest.class); } /** * Runs this test individually. */ public static void main(String[] args) {; } public void testBasicCreation() throws Exception { UpdateCollection uc = UpdateCollection.create( "<update id='42' timestamp=\"150973213135\">" + "<msg for='4.6.0' url='' style='2'>" + "<lang id='en'>" + "<![CDATA[<html><body>This is the text</body></html>]]>" + "</lang>" + "<lang id='es' button1='b1' button2='b2'>" + "Hola, no habla espanol." + "</lang>" + "<lang id='notext'></lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg/> " + "<msg for='4.1.2' url=''>" + "<lang id='en'>" + "This didn't have a style, it should be ignored." + "</lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg for='4.1.2' style='3'>" + "<lang id='en'>" + "This didn't have a URL, it should be ignored." + "</lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg style='3' url='nostyle'>" + "<lang id='en'>" + "This didn't have a 'for', it should be ignored." + "</lang>" + "</msg>" + "</update>"); // First make sure it ignored the invalid msgs. assertEquals(uc.getUpdateData().toString(), 2, uc.getUpdateData().size()); assertEquals(42, uc.getId()); assertEquals(150973213135L, uc.getTimestamp()); UpdateData data; // if we already have 4.6.0, this should find nothing. data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.6.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MAJOR, null); assertNull(data); // if we're above 4.6.0, this should find nothing. data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.7.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MAJOR, null); assertNull(data); // if we only want critical updates, this should find nothing. data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("0.0.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_CRITICAL, null); assertNull(data); // find the english version. data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("0.0.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MAJOR, null); assertEquals("en", data.getLanguage()); assertEquals("<html><body>This is the text</body></html>", data.getUpdateText()); assertEquals("4.6.0", data.getUpdateVersion()); assertEquals(UpdateInformation.STYLE_MAJOR, data.getUpdateStyle()); assertNull(data.getButton1Text()); assertNull(data.getButton2Text()); // find the spanish version. data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.5.123509781 Pro"), "es", true, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MINOR, null); assertEquals("es", data.getLanguage()); assertEquals("Hola, no habla espanol.", data.getUpdateText()); assertEquals("4.6.0", data.getUpdateVersion()); assertEquals(UpdateInformation.STYLE_MAJOR, data.getUpdateStyle()); assertEquals("b1", data.getButton1Text()); assertEquals("b2", data.getButton2Text()); // can't find deutch, so defaults to english. data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.0.0"), "de", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_BETA, null); assertEquals("en", data.getLanguage()); assertEquals("<html><body>This is the text</body></html>", data.getUpdateText()); assertEquals("4.6.0", data.getUpdateVersion()); assertEquals(UpdateInformation.STYLE_MAJOR, data.getUpdateStyle()); assertNull(data.getButton1Text()); assertNull(data.getButton2Text()); } public void testRanges() throws Exception { UpdateCollection uc = UpdateCollection.create( "<update id='42'>" + "<msg to='3.0.0' for='4.6.0' url='' style='4'>" + "<lang id='en'>FORCED Text</lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg from='3.0.0' to='4.0.0' for='4.6.0' url='' style='2'>" + "<lang id='en'>Major Text (really old version)</lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg from='4.0.0' for='4.6.0' url='' style='2'>" + "<lang id='en'>Major Text</lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg from='4.6.0' for='4.6.5' url='' style='1'>" + "<lang id='en'>Text</lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg from='4.6.5' to='4.7.2' for='4.7.3' url='' style='0'>" + "<lang id='en'>Text</lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg from='4.8.0' for='4.8.3' url='' style='3'>" + "<lang id='en'>Text</lang>" + "</msg>" + "</update>"); assertEquals(uc.getUpdateData().toString(), 6, uc.getUpdateData().size()); assertEquals(42, uc.getId()); // Idea: // People who have [0.0.0, 3.0.0) are told about a FORCED update to 4.6.0 (with one set of text) // People who have [3.0.0, 4.0.0) are told about a MAJOR update to 4.6.0 (with another set of text) // People who have [4.0.0, 4.6.0) are told about a MAJOR update to 4.6.0 (with yet another set of text) // People who have [4.6.0, 4.6.5) are told about a SERVICE update to 4.6.5 // People who have [4.6.5, 4.7.2) are told about a BETA update to 4.7.3 // People who have [4.8.0, 4.8.3) are told about a CRITICAL update to 4.8.3 // Note that the upper boundary is always exlusive, whereas the lower boundary is inclusive. UpdateData data; data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("2.0.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_BETA, null); assertEquals("4.6.0", data.getUpdateVersion()); assertEquals("FORCED Text", data.getUpdateText()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("2.0.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MINOR, null); assertEquals("4.6.0", data.getUpdateVersion()); assertEquals("FORCED Text", data.getUpdateText()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("2.0.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MAJOR, null); assertEquals("4.6.0", data.getUpdateVersion()); assertEquals("FORCED Text", data.getUpdateText()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("3.0.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_BETA, null); assertEquals("4.6.0", data.getUpdateVersion()); assertEquals("Major Text (really old version)", data.getUpdateText()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("3.0.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MINOR, null); assertEquals("4.6.0", data.getUpdateVersion()); assertEquals("Major Text (really old version)", data.getUpdateText()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("3.0.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MAJOR, null); assertEquals("4.6.0", data.getUpdateVersion()); assertEquals("Major Text (really old version)", data.getUpdateText()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.0.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_BETA, null); assertEquals("4.6.0", data.getUpdateVersion()); assertEquals("Major Text", data.getUpdateText()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.0.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MINOR, null); assertEquals("4.6.0", data.getUpdateVersion()); assertEquals("Major Text", data.getUpdateText()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.0.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MAJOR, null); assertEquals("4.6.0", data.getUpdateVersion()); assertEquals("Major Text", data.getUpdateText()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.6.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_BETA, null); assertEquals("4.6.5", data.getUpdateVersion()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.6.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MINOR, null); assertEquals("4.6.5", data.getUpdateVersion()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.6.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MAJOR, null); assertNull(data); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.6.5"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_BETA, null); assertEquals("4.7.3", data.getUpdateVersion()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.6.5"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MINOR, null); assertNull(data); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.6.5"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MAJOR, null); assertNull(data); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.7.1"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_BETA, null); assertEquals("4.7.3", data.getUpdateVersion()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.7.2"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_BETA, null); assertNull(data); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.8.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_BETA, null); assertEquals("4.8.3", data.getUpdateVersion()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.8.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MINOR, null); assertEquals("4.8.3", data.getUpdateVersion()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.8.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MAJOR, null); assertEquals("4.8.3", data.getUpdateVersion()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.8.3"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MAJOR, null); assertNull(data); } public void testProFree() throws Exception { UpdateCollection uc = UpdateCollection.create( "<update id='42'>" + "<msg for='4.6.0' url='' style='2' pro='1'>" + "<lang id='en'>Pro Text</lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg for='4.6.0' url='' style='2' free='1'>" + "<lang id='en'>Free Text</lang>" + "</msg>" + "</update>"); UpdateData data; data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.0.0"), "en", true, UpdateInformation.STYLE_BETA, null); assertEquals("Pro Text", data.getUpdateText()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.0.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_BETA, null); assertEquals("Free Text", data.getUpdateText()); } public void testOSRange() throws Exception { String defaultOS = CommonUtils.getOS(); try { boolean _w = false, _m = false, _l = false, _u = false, _o = false; for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { switch(i) { case 0: setOSName("Windows"); break; case 1: setOSName("Mac OS X"); break; case 2: setOSName("Linux"); break; case 3: setOSName("Solaris"); break; case 4: setOSName("OS/2"); break; } String currentOS = CommonUtils.getOS() + " (on iteration: " + i + ")"; UpdateCollection uc = UpdateCollection.create( "<update id='42'>" + "<msg for='4.6.0' url='' style='2' os='Windows'>" + "<lang id='en'>Windows Text</lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg for='4.6.0' url='' style='2' os='Linux'>" + "<lang id='en'>Linux Text</lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg for='4.6.0' url='' style='2' os='Mac'>" + "<lang id='en'>Mac Text</lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg for='4.6.0' url='' style='2' os='Unix'>" + "<lang id='en'>Unix Text</lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg for='4.6.0' url='' style='2' os='Other'>" + "<lang id='en'>Other Text</lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg from='4.8.0' for='4.8.3' url='' style='0' os='Mac, Linux, Windows'>" + "<lang id='en'>Windows, Mac, Linux Text</lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg from='4.8.0' for='4.8.3' url='' style='0' os='Other, Unix'>" + "<lang id='en'>Other, Unix Text</lang>" + "</msg>" + "</update>"); boolean windows = CommonUtils.isWindows(); boolean mac = CommonUtils.isAnyMac(); boolean linux = CommonUtils.isLinux(); boolean unix = CommonUtils.isUnix() && !linux; boolean other = !windows && !mac && !linux && !unix; // make sure only one of these values is true. int set = 0; if(windows) { set++; _w = true; } if(mac) { set++; _m = true; } if(linux) { set++; _l = true; } if(unix) { set++; _u = true; } if(other) { set++; _o = true; } assertEquals(1, set); UpdateData data; data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.0.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_BETA, null); assertNotNull(currentOS, data); if(windows) assertEquals(currentOS, "Windows Text", data.getUpdateText()); if(mac) assertEquals(currentOS, "Mac Text", data.getUpdateText()); if(linux) assertEquals(currentOS, "Linux Text", data.getUpdateText()); if(unix) assertEquals(currentOS, "Unix Text", data.getUpdateText()); if(other) assertEquals(currentOS, "Other Text", data.getUpdateText()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("4.8.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_BETA, null); assertNotNull(currentOS, data); if(windows || mac || linux) assertEquals(currentOS, "Windows, Mac, Linux Text", data.getUpdateText()); if(unix || other) assertEquals(currentOS, "Other, Unix Text", data.getUpdateText()); } assertTrue("w", _w); assertTrue("m", _m); assertTrue("l", _l); assertTrue("o", _o); assertTrue("u", _u); } finally { setOSName(defaultOS); } } public void testJavaRanges() throws Exception { UpdateCollection uc = UpdateCollection.create( "<update id='42'>" + "<msg for='9.9.9' url='' style='4' javato='1.4.2'>" + "<lang id='en'>Your Java Sucks.</lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg for='9.9.9' url='' style='4' javafrom='1.4.2' javato='1.5.0_2'>" + "<lang id='en'>Your Java Doesn't Suck.</lang>" + "</msg>" + "<msg for='9.9.9' url='' style='4' javafrom='1.5.0_2'>" + "<lang id='en'>Your Java Is Mysterious.</lang>" + "</msg>" + "</update>"); // Idea: // People who have Java [0.0.0, 1.4.2) are told their java sucks. // People who have Java [1.4.2, 1.5.0_02) are told their java doesn't suck. // People who have Java [1.5.0_2, ~) are told their java is mysterious. UpdateData data; data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("2.0.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_MAJOR, new Version("1.3.0")); assertEquals("Your Java Sucks.", data.getUpdateText()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("2.0.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_BETA, new Version("1.4.2")); assertEquals("Your Java Doesn't Suck.", data.getUpdateText()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("2.0.0"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_BETA, new Version("1.5.0_02")); assertEquals("Your Java Is Mysterious.", data.getUpdateText()); data = uc.getUpdateDataFor(new Version("9.9.9"), "en", false, UpdateInformation.STYLE_BETA, new Version("1.5.0_02")); assertNull(data); } private static void setOSName(String name) throws Exception { System.setProperty("", name); PrivilegedAccessor.invokeMethod(CommonUtils.class, "setOperatingSystems", null); } }