package com.limegroup.gnutella.util; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.Test; public class HasherSetTest extends BaseTestCase { public HasherSetTest(String name){ super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(HasherSetTest.class); } /** * a hasher that claims everybody is equal */ static Hasher communist = new Hasher() { public int hash(Object o){ return 1; } public boolean areEqual(Object a, Object b){ return true; } }; /** * a hasher that claims everybody is different */ static Hasher individualist = new Hasher() { public int hash(Object o){ return (int)(1000*Math.random()); } public boolean areEqual(Object a, Object b){ return false; } }; /** * a hasher that will compare Integers, Longs and their String * representations. */ static Hasher numeric = new Hasher() { public int hash(Object o){ if (o instanceof Integer || o instanceof Long) return o.hashCode(); if (o instanceof String) { Long l = new Long((String)o); return l.hashCode(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } public boolean areEqual(Object a, Object b) { if ((a instanceof Integer || a instanceof Long) && (b instanceof Integer || b instanceof Long)) return a.equals(b); if (a instanceof String || b instanceof String){ String sa = a.toString(); String sb = b.toString(); Long al = new Long((String)sa); Long bl = new Long((String)sb); return al.equals(bl); } return false; } }; Integer one = new Integer(1); Integer two = new Integer(2); Integer three = new Integer(3); Integer four = new Integer(4); Integer five = new Integer(5); /** * tests the operation of the object when no hasher is provided */ public void testDefaultHasher() throws Exception { // test plain add of elements HasherSet set = new HasherSet(); set.add(one); set.add(one); set.add(two); assertEquals(2,set.size()); // test addAll with another HasherSet HasherSet set2 = new HasherSet(); set2.add(two); set2.add(three); assertEquals(2,set2.size()); set.addAll(set2); assertEquals(3,set.size()); assertTrue(set.contains(two)); assertTrue(set.contains(three)); // test addAll with an ordinary collection List l = new LinkedList(); l.add(three); l.add(four); l.add(four); set.addAll(l); // test contains assertEquals(4,set.size()); assertTrue(set.contains(one)); assertTrue(set.contains(two)); assertTrue(set.contains(three)); assertTrue(set.contains(four)); // test containsAll assertTrue(set.containsAll(set2)); assertTrue(set.containsAll(l)); set.remove(four); assertTrue(set.containsAll(set2)); assertFalse(set.containsAll(l)); // test constructors set2 = new HasherSet(l); assertEquals(2,set2.size()); assertTrue(set2.contains(three)); assertTrue(set2.contains(four)); assertFalse(set2.contains(two)); // test adding another collection set2.add(set); assertEquals(3,set2.size()); assertTrue(set2.contains(set)); assertFalse(set2.contains(one)); assertFalse(set2.contains(two)); // test adding HasherSet to a normal collection l = new LinkedList(); l.addAll(set2); assertEquals(3,l.size()); assertTrue(l.contains(set)); assertTrue(l.contains(three)); assertTrue(l.contains(four)); } public void testIteratorUnwraps() throws Exception { List a = new LinkedList(); List b = new LinkedList(); a.add(one); a.add(two); b.add(two); b.add(three); HasherSet sa = new HasherSet(a); HasherSet set = new HasherSet(); set.addAll(sa); set.addAll(b); assertEquals(3,set.size()); for (Iterator iter = set.iterator();iter.hasNext();) assertTrue( instanceof Integer); } public void testCustomHashers() throws Exception { // test the degenerate hasher who thinks everyone is equal HasherSet equal = new HasherSet(communist); equal.add(one); equal.add(two); equal.add(three); assertEquals(1,equal.size()); assertTrue(equal.contains(one)); assertTrue(equal.contains("bad hasher")); // test degenerate hasher who thinks everyone is different HasherSet different = new HasherSet(individualist); different.add(one); different.add(one); different.add(two); assertEquals(3,different.size()); assertFalse(different.contains(one)); assertFalse(different.contains(two)); // test the hasher which equalizes strings and integers. HasherSet numbers = new HasherSet(numeric); numbers.add("1"); numbers.add(one); numbers.add(new Long(1)); assertEquals(1,numbers.size()); numbers.add(two); assertTrue(numbers.contains("2")); } }