package; import java.awt.Color; /** * Optimized class to draw vertical fades from one color to another. */ public final class Ditherer { private final int _redT; private final int _greenT; private final int _blueT; private final int _redB; private final int _greenB; private final int _blueB; private final int STEPS; private final Color top; private final Color bottom; /** * Constructs a new ditherer that will fade from top to bottom vertically. */ Ditherer(int steps, Color top, Color bottom) { STEPS = steps; _redT = top.getRed(); _greenT = top.getGreen(); _blueT = top.getBlue(); _redB = bottom.getRed(); _greenB = bottom.getGreen(); _blueB = bottom.getBlue(); = top; this.bottom = bottom; } Color getTop() { return top; } Color getBottom() { return bottom; } /** * Draws the requested fade to g, with the given width and height. */ public void draw(final java.awt.Graphics g, final int height, final int width) { final float redStep=(float)(_redB-_redT)/(float)STEPS; final float greenStep=(float)(_greenB-_greenT)/(float)STEPS; final float blueStep=(float)(_blueB-_blueT)/(float)STEPS; float red=(float)_redT; float green=(float)_greenT; float blue=(float)_blueT; final int yStep=height/STEPS; //rounds down int y=0; //Draw a rectangle for each step for (int i=0; i<STEPS; i++) { Color c=new Color(round(red), round(green), round(blue)); g.setColor(c); g.fillRect(0, y, width, yStep); y+=yStep; red+=redStep; green+=greenStep; blue+=blueStep; } //Ensure bottom is filled. Color c=new Color(round(red), round(green), round(blue)); g.setColor(c); g.fillRect(0, y, width, height-y); } private static int round(float color) { int ret=Math.round(color); if (ret<0) return 0; if (ret>255) return 255; else return ret; } }