package com.limegroup.gnutella.bootstrap; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.Test; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Endpoint; import com.limegroup.gnutella.HostCatcher; import com.limegroup.gnutella.RouterService; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.BaseTestCase; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.CommonUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.PrivilegedAccessor; /** * Unit tests for BootstrapServerManager. */ public class BootstrapServerManagerTest extends BaseTestCase { public BootstrapServerManagerTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(BootstrapServerManagerTest.class); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// final int RESPONSES_PER_SERVER=12; final static int SERVER_PORT=6700; final static String DIRECTORY="/path/to/script.php"; final static String COMMON_PARAMS="client=LIME&version=" +URLEncoder.encode(CommonUtils.getLimeWireVersion()); /** Our backend. */ TestBootstrapServerManager bman; TestHostCatcher catcher; /** * Our servers. They're stored in the backend in order s3-s1. * For urlfile retrievals, we try them in order s3-s2-s1 (done by * BootstrapServerManager), but for all others we force it to * "randomly" try them s3-s1; see TestBootstrapServerManager.randServer()*/ BootstrapServer url1, url2, url3; TestBootstrapServer s1, s2, s3; public void setUp() throws Exception { url1=new BootstrapServer(""+(SERVER_PORT)+DIRECTORY); url2=new BootstrapServer(""+(SERVER_PORT+1)+DIRECTORY); url3=new BootstrapServer(""+(SERVER_PORT+2)+DIRECTORY); //Prepare backend catcher = new TestHostCatcher(); PrivilegedAccessor.setValue(RouterService.class, "catcher", catcher); bman = new TestBootstrapServerManager(); bman.addBootstrapServer(url3); bman.addBootstrapServer(url2); bman.addBootstrapServer(url1); //bman.bootstrapServersAdded(); NOT CALLED BECAUSE IT SHUFFLES //Prepare servers s1=new TestBootstrapServer(SERVER_PORT); s3=new TestBootstrapServer(SERVER_PORT+2); s2=new TestBootstrapServer(SERVER_PORT+1); StringBuffer response=new StringBuffer(); for (int i=0; i<RESPONSES_PER_SERVER; i++) response.append("1.2.3."+i+":6346"+(i<5 ? "\r\n" : "\n")); s1.setResponseData(response.toString()); s2.setResponseData(response.toString()); s3.setResponseData(response.toString()); } public void tearDown() { s1.shutdown(); s2.shutdown(); s3.shutdown(); try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Checks hostfile=1 request. Also checks that unreachable hosts are * visited as needed. */ public void testFetchEndpointsAsync() { //Make first server unreachable. (Remember try s3, s2, then s1.) s3.shutdown(); //Connect. Wait for data. bman.fetchEndpointsAsync(); sleep(); //Check that backend sent right requests. Only the second host should //have been contacted. assertNull(s3.getRequest()); //wasn't reachable assertEquals("GET "+DIRECTORY+"?"+COMMON_PARAMS+"&hostfile=1 HTTP/1.1", s2.getRequest()); assertNull( s1.getRequest()); //wasn't contacted //...and got right results. for (int i=0; i<RESPONSES_PER_SERVER; i++) assertEquals(new Endpoint("1.2.3."+i+":6346"), catcher.list.get(i)); } /** Checks urlfile=1 request. Also checks that multiple hosts are visited * as needed. */ public void testFetchBootstrapServersAsync() throws ParseException { final int SIZE=12; //Prepare server. StringBuffer response=new StringBuffer(); for (int i=0; i<SIZE/2; i++) response.append("http://1.2.3."+i+"/script.php\r\n"); s3.setResponseData(response.toString()); response=new StringBuffer(); for (int i=SIZE/2; i<SIZE; i++) response.append("http://1.2.3."+i+"/script.php\r\n"); s2.setResponseData(response.toString()); //Connect. Wait for data. bman.fetchBootstrapServersAsync(); sleep(); //Check that backend sent right request. We had to contact the second //host because the first didn't send enough data. assertEquals("GET "+DIRECTORY+"?"+COMMON_PARAMS+"&urlfile=1 HTTP/1.1", s3.getRequest()); assertEquals("GET "+DIRECTORY+"?"+COMMON_PARAMS+"&urlfile=1 HTTP/1.1", s2.getRequest()); assertEquals(null, s1.getRequest()); //wasn't contacted //Check that we got the right results. First make sure we kept the old //server list... Iterator iter=bman.getBootstrapServers(); assertEquals(url3,; assertEquals(url2,; assertEquals(url1,; //...and added new servers. for (int i=0; i<RESPONSES_PER_SERVER; i++) { assertTrue(iter.hasNext()); assertEquals(, new BootstrapServer("http://1.2.3."+i+"/script.php")); } assertTrue(! iter.hasNext()); } public void testRemoveUnreachableHosts() { //Make first server unreachable. s3.shutdown(); bman.fetchEndpointsAsync(); sleep(); Iterator iter=bman.getBootstrapServers(); assertEquals(url2,; assertEquals(url1,; if(iter.hasNext()) fail("had another: " +; //We could also check sX.getRequest() and catcher.list, but that's //covered by previous tests. } public void testRemoveBadHTTPHosts() { //Make first server unreachable. s3.setResponse("HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable"); bman.fetchEndpointsAsync(); sleep(); Iterator iter=bman.getBootstrapServers(); assertEquals(url2,; assertEquals(url1,; if(iter.hasNext()) fail("had another: " +; } public void testRemoveErrorHosts() { //Make first server error. s3.setResponseData("ERROR\r\n"); bman.fetchEndpointsAsync(); sleep(); Iterator iter=bman.getBootstrapServers(); assertEquals(url2,; assertEquals(url1,; if(iter.hasNext()) fail("had another: " +; } public void testRemoveBadIPHosts() { //Make first server error. s3.setResponseData("\r\n"); bman.fetchEndpointsAsync(); sleep(); Iterator iter=bman.getBootstrapServers(); assertEquals(url2,; assertEquals(url1,; if(iter.hasNext()) fail("had another: " +; } /** Test servers that send HTML for HOSTFILE requestss. */ public void testRemoveBadIPHosts2() { //Make first server error. s3.setResponseData("<html>This\r\nis bad\r\ndata>\r\n"); bman.fetchEndpointsAsync(); sleep(); Iterator iter=bman.getBootstrapServers(); assertEquals(url2,; assertEquals(url1,; if(iter.hasNext()) fail("had another: " +; assertEquals(RESPONSES_PER_SERVER, catcher.list.size()); for (int i=0; i<RESPONSES_PER_SERVER; i++) assertEquals(new Endpoint("1.2.3."+i+":6346"), catcher.list.get(i)); } public void testRemoveBadURLHosts() { //Make first server unreachable. s3.setResponseData("improper.url\r\n"); //Make second server have data. StringBuffer response=new StringBuffer(); for (int i=0; i<RESPONSES_PER_SERVER; i++) response.append("http://1.2.3."+i+"/script.php\r\n"); s2.setResponseData(response.toString()); bman.fetchBootstrapServersAsync(); sleep(); Iterator iter=bman.getBootstrapServers(); assertEquals(url2,; assertEquals(url1,; assertTrue(! url3.equals(; } public void testSendUpdatesAsyncNoURL() { s3.setResponseData("OK\r\n"); bman.sendUpdatesAsync(new Endpoint("", 6347)); sleep(); assertEquals("GET "+DIRECTORY+"?"+COMMON_PARAMS +"&ip= HTTP/1.1", s3.getRequest()); assertNull(s2.getRequest()); assertNull(s1.getRequest()); } public void testSendUpdatesAsyncURL() { //Force _lastConnectable to be url3 bman.fetchEndpointsAsync(); sleep(); bman.randomServer(); // pretend we contacted s3 so we can contact s2 s2.setResponseData("Ok\r\n"); //Test funny case; not required by spec bman.sendUpdatesAsync(new Endpoint("", 6348)); sleep(); assertEquals("GET "+DIRECTORY+"?"+COMMON_PARAMS +"&ip=" +"http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A6702%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fscript.php" +" HTTP/1.1", s2.getRequest()); assertNull(s1.getRequest()); } public void testSendUpdatesAsyncNoOK() { s3.setResponseData(""); s2.setResponseData("OK\r\n"); bman.sendUpdatesAsync(new Endpoint("", 6347)); sleep(); assertEquals("GET "+DIRECTORY+"?"+COMMON_PARAMS +"&ip= HTTP/1.1", s3.getRequest()); //Yes, url3 is sent to s2 even though url3 never sent OK. TODO: fix //this. assertEquals("GET "+DIRECTORY+"?"+COMMON_PARAMS +"&ip=" +"http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A6702%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fscript.php" +" HTTP/1.1", s2.getRequest()); assertNull(s1.getRequest()); } public void testGiveUp() { int old = BootstrapServerManager.MAX_HOSTS_PER_REQUEST; try { BootstrapServerManager.MAX_HOSTS_PER_REQUEST = 2; s3.shutdown(); s2.shutdown(); bman.fetchEndpointsAsync(); sleep(); assertEquals(null, s1.getRequest()); assertEquals(0, catcher.list.size()); Iterator iter=bman.getBootstrapServers(); assertEquals(url1,; if(iter.hasNext()) fail("had another: " +; } finally { BootstrapServerManager.MAX_HOSTS_PER_REQUEST = old; } } public void testAddBootstrapServer() { for (int i=0; i<5000; i++) { try { BootstrapServer server=new BootstrapServer( ""+(i+80)+"/script.jsp"); bman.addBootstrapServer(server); } catch (ParseException e) { fail("Bad exception"); } } int count=0; for (Iterator iter=bman.getBootstrapServers(); iter.hasNext(); { count++; } assertEquals(1000, count); //e.g., BootstrapServer.MAX_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS //We could also test the replacement policy, but that's a bit of a pain. } public void testDefaults() { //Clear out the list of urls. s3.shutdown(); s2.shutdown(); s1.shutdown(); bman.fetchEndpointsAsync(); sleep(); assertTrue(! bman.getBootstrapServers().hasNext()); //Now second call should load defaults...and actually go on the network! bman.fetchEndpointsAsync(); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } //Make sure defaults were loaded int count=0; for (Iterator iter=bman.getBootstrapServers(); iter.hasNext(); { count++; } // start with our defaults, add 3 for s3->s1, subtract failed hosts. assertEquals(DefaultBootstrapServers.urls.length + 3 - bman.failed, count); //Make sure this actually got some endpoints. Note: this requires a //network connection, as it actually uses GWebCache. //assertTrue("Only got "+catcher.list.size()+" endpoints", // catcher.list.size()>10); } public void testRedirect() { // we should not follow redirects!!! s3.setResponse("HTTP/1.1 303 Redirect\r\nLocation: "+url1); s3.setResponseData("You have been redirected."); bman.fetchEndpointsAsync(); sleep(); assertNotNull(s3.getRequest()); //original location assertNull(s1.getRequest()); //was redirected here, but shouldn't go assertNotNull(s2.getRequest()); //should go here since s3 was crap assertEquals("invalid responses, got: " + catcher.list, RESPONSES_PER_SERVER, catcher.list.size()); } private void sleep() { //Must be long enough for socket connect timeouts. On Linux //it appears that a much shorter value will work. try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } /** Overrides the add(Endpoint, boolean) method) */ class TestHostCatcher extends HostCatcher { List /* of Endpoint */ list=new ArrayList(20); public TestHostCatcher() { super(); } public boolean add(Endpoint e, boolean forceHighPriority) { list.add(e); return true; } public boolean add(Endpoint e, int priority) { list.add(e); return true; } } /** A BootstrapServerManager that tries host in a round-robin fashion. */ class TestBootstrapServerManager extends BootstrapServerManager { public int failed = 0; public TestBootstrapServerManager() { super(); } /** The LAST value given out, or -1 if none. Starts with s3 and works down * to avoid problems when unreachable ers are removed from list by * BootstrapServerManager. */ private int i = -1; public int randomServer() { if (i >= size() || i < 0) return (i = 0); else return ++i; } protected void removeServer(BootstrapServer server) { super.removeServer(server); i--; failed++; } }