package com.limegroup.gnutella.dime; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ByteOrder; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ErrorService; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.DataUtils; /** * Class holding a DIMERecord as part of a DIME Message. * * @author Gregorio Roper * @author Sam Berlin */ public class DIMERecord { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DIMERecord.class); // A DIME Record looks like the following: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // VERSION |M|M|C| TYPE | RSRV | OPTIONS_LENGTH // |B|E|F| | | // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // ID_LENGTH | TYPE_LENGTH // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // DATA_LENGTH // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // OPTIONS + PADDING // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // ID + PADDING // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // TYPE + PADDING // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // DATA + PADDING // ---------------------------------------------------------------- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Where padding brings the field equal to a multiple octects. // There must not be more than 3 octects of padding. // All integer fields (anything ending in _LENGTH) are in BIG ENDIAN // format. // The header is considered to be bytes 0-12 (up to the end of DATA_LENGTH) // since all DIMERecords must contain atleast those 12 bytes. // For the particulars of DIME, see: /** * The current (and only) version of a DIME Record. */ public static final byte VERSION = 0x01 << 3; /** * The version mask. */ private static final byte VERSION_MASK = (byte)0xF8; /** * The mask marking this is the first record in a dime message. */ private static final byte MB_MASK = 0x01 << 2; /** * The mask marking this as the last record in a dime message. */ private static final byte ME_MASK = 0x01 << 1; /** * The mark marking this as a chunked record (set in the first * and all subsequent records except for the very last one) in a DIME * message. */ private static final byte CF_MASK = 0x01; /** * The first byte of the message, containing the version, mb, me, and cf. */ private byte _byte1; /** * The flag representing the UNCHANGED type. * * This means to use the type of the previous record. It is used by * all chunked records (beginning with the 2nd chunk) and requires that * the TYPE_LENGTH be 0. */ public static final byte TYPE_UNCHANGED = 0x0; /** * The flag representing the MEDIA_TYPE type. * * This means the type is a Media Type as defined by RFC 2616, described * at in section 3.7. */ public static final byte TYPE_MEDIA_TYPE = 0x01 << 4; /** * The flag representing an absolute URI. */ public static final byte TYPE_ABSOLUTE_URI = 0x02 << 4; /** * The flag representing an unknown type. */ public static final byte TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0x03 << 4; /** * The flag representing no type. */ public static final byte TYPE_NONE = 0x04 << 4; /** * The type mask. */ private static final byte TYPE_MASK = (byte)0xF0; /** * The reserved value. Must be 0 in a valid DIME record. */ private static final byte RESERVED = 0x0; /** * The reserved mask. */ private static final byte RESERVED_MASK = 0xF; /** * The second byte, containing the type & reserved flag. */ private final byte _byte2; /** * The options. */ private final byte[] _options; /** * The ID. */ private final byte[] _id; /** * The type. */ private final byte[] _type; /** * The data. */ private final byte[] _data; /** * The ID as a string. */ private String _idString = null; /** * A Map of the options. */ private Map _optionsMap = null; /** * Constructs a new DIMERecord with the given data. */ public DIMERecord(byte byte1, byte byte2, byte[] options, byte[] id, byte[] type, byte[] data) { _byte1 = byte1; _byte2 = byte2; if(options == null) options = DataUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; if(id == null) id = DataUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; if(type == null) type = DataUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; if(data == null) data = DataUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; _options = options; _id = id; _type = type; _data = data; validate(); } /** * Constructs a new DIMERecord with the given information. */ public DIMERecord(byte typeId, byte[] options, byte[] id, byte[] type, byte[] data) { this(VERSION, (byte)(typeId | RESERVED), options, id, type, data); } /** * Constructs a new DIMERecord from an InputStream. */ public static DIMERecord createFromStream(InputStream in) throws IOException { byte[] header = new byte[12]; fillBuffer(header, in); try { validateFirstBytes(header[0], header[1]); } catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw new IOException(iae.getMessage()); } int optionsLength = ByteOrder.beb2int(header, 2, 2); int idLength = ByteOrder.beb2int(header, 4, 2); int typeLength = ByteOrder.beb2int(header, 6, 2); int dataLength = ByteOrder.beb2int(header, 8, 4); if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("creating dime record." + " optionsLength: " + optionsLength + ", idLength: " + idLength + ", typeLength: " + typeLength + ", dataLength: " + dataLength); } //The DIME specification allows this to be a 32-bit unsigned field, //which in Java would be a long -- but in order to hold the array //of the data, we can only read up to 16 unsigned bits (an int), in order //to size the array correctly. if(dataLength < 0) throw new IOException("data too big."); byte[] options = readInformation(optionsLength, in); byte[] id = readInformation(idLength, in); byte[] type = readInformation(typeLength, in); byte[] data = readInformation(dataLength, in); try { return new DIMERecord(header[0], header[1], options, id, type, data); } catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw new IOException(iae.getMessage()); } } /** * Determines the length of the full record. */ public int getRecordLength() { return 12 // header + getOptionsLength() + calculatePaddingLength(getOptionsLength()) + getIdLength() + calculatePaddingLength(getIdLength()) + getTypeLength() + calculatePaddingLength(getTypeLength()) + getDataLength() + calculatePaddingLength(getDataLength()); } /** * Writes this record to the given OutputStream. */ void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException { // Write the header. out.write(_byte1); out.write(_byte2); ByteOrder.int2beb(getOptionsLength(), out, 2); ByteOrder.int2beb(getIdLength(), out, 2); ByteOrder.int2beb(getTypeLength(), out, 2); ByteOrder.int2beb(getDataLength(), out, 4); // Write out the data. writeOptions(out); writeId(out); writeType(out); writeData(out); } /** * Writes the option out. */ public void writeOptions(OutputStream out) throws IOException { writeDataWithPadding(_options, out); } /** * Writes the id out. */ public void writeId(OutputStream out) throws IOException { writeDataWithPadding(_id, out); } /** * Writes the type out. */ public void writeType(OutputStream out) throws IOException { writeDataWithPadding(_type, out); } /** * Writes the data out. */ public void writeData(OutputStream out) throws IOException { writeDataWithPadding(_data, out); } /** * Sets this to be the first record in a sequence of records. */ public void setFirstRecord(boolean first) { if(first) _byte1 |= MB_MASK; else _byte1 &= ~MB_MASK; } /** * Determines is this record is the first in a series of records. */ public boolean isFirstRecord() { return (_byte1 & MB_MASK) == MB_MASK; } /** * Sets this to be the last record in a sequence of records. */ public void setLastRecord(boolean last) { if(last) _byte1 |= ME_MASK; else _byte1 &= ~ME_MASK; } /** * Determines if this record is the last in a series of records. */ public boolean isLastRecord() { return (_byte1 & ME_MASK) == ME_MASK; } /** * Returns one of the type constants: * TYPE_UNCHANGED * TYPE_MEDIA_TYPE * TYPE_ABSOLUTE_URI * TYPE_UNKNOWN * TYPE_NONE */ public int getTypeId() { return _byte2 & TYPE_MASK; } /** * Returns the length of the type. */ public int getTypeLength() { return _type.length; } /** * @return typeField of <tt>DIMERecord</tt> */ public byte[] getType() { return _type; } /** * @return String representation of type field */ public String getTypeString() { try { return new String(getType(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { ErrorService.error(e); return null; } } /** * Returns the length of the data. */ public int getDataLength() { return _data.length; } /** * @return dataField of <tt>DIMERecord</tt> */ public byte[] getData() { return _data; } /** * Returns the length of the id. */ public int getIdLength() { return _id.length; } /** * @return idField of <tt>DIMERecord</tt> */ public byte[] getId() { return _id; } /** * Returns the length of the options. */ public int getOptionsLength() { return _options.length; } /** * @return optionsField of <tt>DIMERecord</tt> */ public byte[] getOptions() { return _options; } /** * @return String containing the URI for this DIMERecord */ public String getIdentifier() { if (_idString == null) _idString = new String(getId()); return _idString; } /** * @return Map of String->String * * @throws DIMEMessageException * in case of a problem reading the message */ public Map getOptionsMap() throws DIMEMessageException { if (_optionsMap == null) _optionsMap = parseOptions(getOptions()); return _optionsMap; } /** * Writes the padding necessary for the given length. */ public static void writePadding(int length, OutputStream os) throws IOException { // write the padding. int padding = calculatePaddingLength(length); switch(padding) { case 0: return; case 1: os.write(DataUtils.BYTE_ARRAY_ONE); return; case 2: os.write(DataUtils.BYTE_ARRAY_TWO); return; case 3: os.write(DataUtils.BYTE_ARRAY_THREE); return; default: throw new IllegalStateException("invalid padding."); } } /** * Validates the first two bytes. */ private static void validateFirstBytes(byte one, byte two) { if((one & VERSION_MASK) != VERSION) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid version: " + (((one & VERSION_MASK) >> 3) & 0x1F)); if((two & RESERVED_MASK) != RESERVED) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid reserved: " + (two & RESERVED_MASK)); } /** * Validates the given DIMERecord, throwing IllegalArgumentException * if any fields are invalid. */ private void validate() { validateFirstBytes(_byte1, _byte2); byte maskedType = (byte)(_byte2 & TYPE_MASK); switch(maskedType) { case TYPE_UNCHANGED: if( getTypeLength() != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "TYPE_UNCHANGED requires 0 type length"); break; case TYPE_MEDIA_TYPE: break; case TYPE_ABSOLUTE_URI: break; case TYPE_UNKNOWN: if( getTypeLength() != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "TYPE_UNKNOWN requires 0 type length"); break; case TYPE_NONE: if( getTypeLength() != 0 || getDataLength() != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "TYPE_NONE requires 0 type & data length"); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "invalid type: " + ((maskedType >> 4) & 0x0F)); } } /** * Reads data from the input stream, skipping padded bytes if necessary. */ private static byte[] readInformation(int length, InputStream in) throws IOException { if(length == 0) return DataUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; byte[] info = new byte[length]; fillBuffer(info, in); skipPaddedData(length, in); return info; } /** * Writes the given data to an output stream, including padding. */ private static void writeDataWithPadding(byte[] data, OutputStream os) throws IOException { if(data.length == 0) return; os.write(data); writePadding(data.length, os); } /** * Calculates how much data should be padded for the given length. */ private static int calculatePaddingLength(int length) { return (length % 4 == 0) ? 0 : (4 - length % 4); } /** * Skips however much data was padded for the given length. */ private static void skipPaddedData(int length, InputStream in) throws IOException { int padding = calculatePaddingLength(length); long skipped = 0; while(skipped < padding) { long current = in.skip(padding - skipped); if(current == -1 || current == 0) throw new IOException("eof"); else skipped += current; } } /** * Fills up the byte array with data from the stream. */ private static void fillBuffer(byte[] buffer, InputStream in) throws IOException { int offset = 0; while (offset < buffer.length) { int read =, offset, buffer.length - offset); if(read == -1) throw new IOException("eof"); else offset += read; } } /** * Parses a byte array of options into a Map. */ private static Map parseOptions(byte[] options) throws DIMEMessageException { Map map = new HashMap(); int offset = 0; while (offset < options.length) { if (options.length - offset < 4) throw new DIMEMessageException("illegal options field"); byte[] keyBytes = new byte[2]; System.arraycopy(options, offset, keyBytes, 0, 2); String key; try { key = new String(keyBytes, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { // simply ignore this option key = null; } offset += 2; int valueLength = ByteOrder.beb2int(options, offset, 2); offset += 2; if (options.length - offset < valueLength) throw new DIMEMessageException("illegal options field"); byte[] valueBytes = new byte[valueLength]; System.arraycopy(options, offset, valueBytes, 0, valueLength); String value; try { value = new String(valueBytes, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { // simply ignore this option value = null; } offset += valueLength; if (key != null && value != null) map.put(key, value); } return map; } }