package com.limegroup.gnutella.metadata; import; import; import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.xml.LimeXMLUtils; /** * An encapsulation of the XML that describes Windows Media's * extended content encryption object. * * Construction will always succeed, but the object may be invalid. * Consult WRMXML.isValid() to see if the given XML was valid. */ public class WRMXML { public static final String PROTECTED = "licensed: "; // The XML should look something like: //<WRMHEADER> // <DATA> // <SECURITYVERSION>XXXX</SECURITYVERSION> // <CID>XXXX</CID> // <LAINFO>XXXX</LAINFO> // <KID>XXXX</KID> // <CHECKSUM>XXXX</CHECKSUM> // </DATA> // <SIGNATURE> // <HASHALGORITHM type="XXXX"></HASHALGORITHM> // <SIGNALGORITHM type="XXXX"></SIGNALGORITHM> // <VALUE>XXXX</VALUE> // </SIGNATURE> //</WRMHEADER> protected String _securityversion, _cid, _lainfo, _kid, _checksum; protected String _hashalgorithm, _signalgorithm, _signatureValue; protected Node _documentNode; /** * Parses the given XML & constructs a WRMXML object out of it. */ WRMXML(String xml) { parse(xml); } /** * Constructs a WRMXML object out of the given document. */ WRMXML(Node documentNode) { parseDocument(documentNode); } /** * Determines is this WRMXML is well formed. * If it is not, no other methods are considered valid. */ public boolean isValid() { return _documentNode != null && _lainfo != null && _hashalgorithm != null && _signalgorithm != null && _signatureValue != null; } public String getSecurityVersion() { return _securityversion; } public String getCID() { return _cid; } public String getLAInfo() { return _lainfo; } public String getKID() { return _kid; } public String getHashAlgorithm() { return _hashalgorithm; } public String getSignAlgorithm() { return _signalgorithm; } public String getSignatureValue() { return _signatureValue; } public String getChecksum() { return _checksum; } /** Parses the content encryption XML. */ protected void parse(String xml) { DOMParser parser = new DOMParser(); InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)); try { parser.parse(is); } catch (IOException ioe) { return; } catch (SAXException saxe) { return; } parseDocument(parser.getDocument().getDocumentElement()); } /** * Parses through the given document node, handing each child * node to parseNode. */ protected void parseDocument(Node node) { _documentNode = node; if(!_documentNode.getNodeName().equals("WRMHEADER")) return; NodeList children = _documentNode.getChildNodes(); for(int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node child = children.item(i); parseNode(child.getNodeName(), child); } } /** * Parses a node. * 'nodeName' is the parent node's name. * All child elements of this node are sent to parseChild, and all * attributes are parsed via parseAttributes. */ protected void parseNode(String nodeName, Node data) { NodeList children = data.getChildNodes(); for(int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node child = children.item(i); parseAttributes(nodeName, child); String name = child.getNodeName(); String value = LimeXMLUtils.getTextContent(child); if(value == null) continue; value = value.trim(); if(value.equals("")) continue; parseChild(nodeName, name, null, value); } } /** * Parses the attributes of a given node. * 'parentNodeName' is the parent node of this child, and child is the node * which the attributes are part of. * Attributes are sent to parseChild for parsing. */ protected void parseAttributes(String parentNodeName, Node child) { NamedNodeMap nnm = child.getAttributes(); String name = child.getNodeName(); for(int i = 0; i < nnm.getLength(); i++) { Node attribute = nnm.item(i); String attrName = attribute.getNodeName(); String attrValue = attribute.getNodeValue(); if(attrValue == null) continue; attrValue = attrValue.trim(); if(attrValue.equals("")) continue; parseChild(parentNodeName, name, attrName, attrValue); } } /** * Parses a child of the data node. * @param nodeName the parent node's name * @param name the name of this node * @param attribute the attribute's name, or null if not an attribute. * @param value the value of the node's text content (or the attribute) */ protected void parseChild(String nodeName, String name, String attribute, String value) { if(nodeName.equals("DATA")) { if(attribute != null) return; if(name.equals("SECURITYVERSION")) _securityversion = value; else if(name.equals("CID")) _cid = value; else if(name.equals("LAINFO")) _lainfo = value; else if(name.equals("KID")) _kid = value; else if(name.equals("CHECKSUM")) _checksum = value; } else if(nodeName.equals("SIGNATURE")) { if(name.equals("HASHALGORITHM") && "type".equals(attribute)) _hashalgorithm = value; else if(name.equals("SIGNALGORITHM") && "type".equals(attribute)) _signalgorithm = value; else if(name.equals("VALUE") && attribute == null) _signatureValue = value; } } }