package com.limegroup.gnutella.tigertree; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.Test; import com.bitzi.util.Base32; import com.limegroup.gnutella.URN; import com.limegroup.gnutella.dime.DIMEGenerator; import com.limegroup.gnutella.dime.DIMEParser; import com.limegroup.gnutella.dime.DIMERecord; import com.limegroup.gnutella.downloader.Interval; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.BaseTestCase; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.CommonUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.PrivilegedAccessor; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.UUID; /** * Unit tests for HashTree */ public class HashTreeTest extends BaseTestCase { private static final String filename = "com/limegroup/gnutella/metadata/mpg4_golem160x90first120.avi"; private static final File file = CommonUtils.getResourceFile(filename); // urn & tigertree root from bitcollider private static final String sha1 = "urn:sha1:UBJSGDTCVZDSBS4K3ZDQJV5VQ3WTBCOK"; private static final String root32 = "IXVJNDJ7U3NCMZE5ZWBVCXSMWMFY4ZCXG5LUYAY"; private static HashTree hashTree; private static HashTree treeFromNetwork; private static DIMERecord xmlRecord; private static DIMERecord treeRecord; private static byte[] written; public HashTreeTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(HashTreeTest.class); } public static void main(String[] args) {; } public void testLargeFile() throws Throwable { URN urn = URN.createSHA1Urn(file); try { HashTree tree = createHashTree(1780149344l,urn); fail("shouldn't have read whole file"); }catch(IOException expected){} } //Due to the long setup time of creating a TigerTree, //these tests assign global variables as they go by. //These tests must all be run in the exact order they're //written so that they work correctly. public void testBasicTigerTree() throws Throwable { assertTrue(file.exists()); URN urn = URN.createSHA1Urn(file); assertEquals(sha1, urn.toString()); hashTree = createHashTree(file, urn); // most important test: // if we get the root hash right, the rest will be working, too assertEquals(root32, hashTree.getRootHash()); assertEquals(4, hashTree.getDepth()); assertTrue(hashTree.isGoodDepth()); assertEquals("/uri-res/N2X?" + sha1, hashTree.getThexURI()); assertEquals("/uri-res/N2X?" + sha1 + ";" + root32, hashTree.httpStringValue()); List allNodes = hashTree.getAllNodes(); assertEquals(5, allNodes.size()); List one, two, three, four, five; one = (List)allNodes.get(0); two = (List)allNodes.get(1); three = (List)allNodes.get(2); four = (List)allNodes.get(3); five = (List)allNodes.get(4); assertEquals(five, hashTree.getNodes()); // tree looks like: // u (root) // / \ // t s // / \ \ // q r s // / \ / \ / \ // l m n o p k // /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ \ // a b c d e f g h i j k assertEquals(root32, Base32.encode((byte[])one.get(0))); assertEquals(2, two.size()); assertEquals(3, three.size()); assertEquals(6, four.size()); assertEquals(11, five.size()); assertEquals(1+2+3+6+11, hashTree.getNodeCount()); } public void testWriteToStream() throws Throwable { // Now make sure we can write this record out correctly. ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); hashTree.write(baos); written = baos.toByteArray(); assertEquals(written.length, hashTree.getOutputLength()); // Should be two DIME Records. ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); DIMEParser parser = new DIMEParser(in); xmlRecord = parser.nextRecord(); treeRecord = parser.nextRecord(); assertTrue(!parser.hasNext()); UUID uuid = verifyXML(xmlRecord); verifyTree(treeRecord, uuid); } public void testReadFromStream() throws Throwable { // Make sure we can read the tree back in. treeFromNetwork = HashTree.createHashTree( new ByteArrayInputStream(written), sha1, root32, file.length() ); assertEquals(hashTree.getDepth(), treeFromNetwork.getDepth()); assertEquals(hashTree.getRootHash(), treeFromNetwork.getRootHash()); assertEquals(written.length, hashTree.getOutputLength()); } public void testVerifyChunk() throws Throwable { File corrupt = new File("corruptFile"); CommonUtils.copy(file, corrupt); assertTrue(corrupt.exists()); // Now corrupt the 4th chunk. int chunkSize = hashTree.getNodeSize(); RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(corrupt, "rw");*chunkSize+5); raf.write(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }); // chunks 1-3 are good byte [] chunk = new byte[chunkSize]; for (int i = 0;i < 3*chunkSize ;i+=chunkSize) {;; assertFalse(hashTree.isCorrupt(new Interval(i,i+chunkSize-1),chunk)); } // the 4th is corrupt*chunkSize);; assertTrue(hashTree.isCorrupt(new Interval(3*chunkSize,4*chunkSize-1),chunk)); // 5th works*chunkSize);; assertFalse(hashTree.isCorrupt(new Interval(4*chunkSize,5*chunkSize-1),chunk)); raf.close(); corrupt.delete(); } public void testCorruptedXMLRecord() throws Throwable { // Easiest way to test is to use existing DIMERecords and then // hack them up. DIMERecord corruptedXML = null; // must have valid data. String data = new String(xmlRecord.getData()); corruptedXML = createCorruptRecord(xmlRecord, data.substring(1)); try { HashTree tree = createTree(corruptedXML, treeRecord); fail("expected exception"); } catch(IOException expected) {} // all these must be correct or the stream is bad. checkXML("file size=", "02011981", false); checkXML("file size=", "abcd", false); checkXML("segmentsize=", "42", false); checkXML("segmentsize=", "zef", false); checkXML("digest algorithm=", "", false); checkXML("outputsize=", "20", false); checkXML("outputsize=", "pizza", false); checkXML("type=", "", false); // depth is not checked heavily. checkXML("depth=", "1982", true); checkXML("depth=", "large", true); // test shareaza's wrong system replaceXML("SYSTEM", "system", true); // require that the main element is called hashtree replaceXML("hashtree>", "random>", false); // allow unknown additional elements replaceXML("<hashtree>", "<hashtree><element attribute=\"a\"/>", true); // allow elements to have random children. replaceXML("/></hashtree>", ">info</serializedtree></hashtree>", true); } private void checkXML(String search, String replace, boolean good) throws Exception { String data = new String(xmlRecord.getData()); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(data); int a = data.indexOf("'", data.indexOf(search)); int b = data.indexOf("'", a+1); sb.replace(a+1, b, replace); DIMERecord corrupt = createCorruptRecord(xmlRecord, sb.toString()); try { createTree(corrupt, treeRecord); if(!good) fail("expected exception"); } catch(IOException expected) { if(good) throw expected; } } private void replaceXML(String search, String replace, boolean good) throws Exception { String data = new String(xmlRecord.getData()); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(data); int a = -1, b = -1; while(true) { a = data.indexOf(search, b+1); if(a == -1) break; b = search.length() + a; sb.replace(a, b, replace); } DIMERecord corrupt = createCorruptRecord(xmlRecord, sb.toString()); try { createTree(corrupt, treeRecord); if(!good) fail("expected exception"); } catch(IOException expected) { if(good) throw expected; } } public void testCorruptedTreeData() throws Throwable { byte[] data; // data is too small to fit a root hash. data = copyData(treeRecord, 3); checkTree(data, false); // the root hash is off. data = copyData(treeRecord, treeRecord.getData().length); data[0]++; checkTree(data, false); // random bytes in the data are off. data = copyData(treeRecord, treeRecord.getData().length); data[24 + 24*2 + 24*3 + 5]++; checkTree(data, false); // the last generation is off. data = copyData(treeRecord, treeRecord.getData().length); data[data.length-5]++; checkTree(data, false); // the root hash is correct, but no other data exists. // HashTreeHandler.HASH_SIZE==24 data = copyData(treeRecord, 24); checkTree(data, true); // we have some full correct generations, but not all. data = copyData(treeRecord, 24 + 24*2); checkTree(data, true); // we have correct data that stops in the middle of a generation. data = copyData(treeRecord, 24 + 24*2 + 24*1); checkTree(data, false); // the data isn't even a multiple of the hash size. data = copyData(treeRecord, 24 + 24*3 + 1); checkTree(data, false); // the data is longer than the ideal depth size would hold. data = copyData(treeRecord, treeRecord.getData().length + 24 * 2); checkTree(data, true); } private void checkTree(byte[] data, boolean good) throws Throwable { DIMERecord corrupt = null; corrupt = createCorruptRecord(treeRecord, data); try { createTree(xmlRecord, corrupt); if(!good) fail("expected exception"); } catch(IOException expected) { if(good) throw expected; } } private byte[] copyData(DIMERecord a, int length) { byte[] ret = new byte[length]; for(int i = 0; i < ret.length && i < a.getData().length; i++) ret[i] = a.getData()[i]; return ret; } private HashTree createTree(DIMERecord a, DIMERecord b) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DIMEGenerator gen = new DIMEGenerator(); gen.add(a); gen.add(b); gen.write(out); ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray()); return HashTree.createHashTree(in, sha1, root32, file.length()); } private DIMERecord createCorruptRecord(DIMERecord base, byte[] data) { return new DIMERecord((byte)base.getTypeId(), base.getOptions(), base.getId(), base.getType(), data); } private DIMERecord createCorruptRecord(DIMERecord base, String data) { return new DIMERecord((byte)base.getTypeId(), base.getOptions(), base.getId(), base.getType(), data.getBytes()); } private UUID verifyXML(DIMERecord xml) throws Throwable { // simple tests. assertEquals(DIMERecord.TYPE_MEDIA_TYPE, xml.getTypeId()); assertEquals("text/xml", xml.getTypeString()); assertEquals("", xml.getIdentifier()); assertEquals(new byte[0], xml.getOptions()); String data = new String(xml.getData(), "UTF-8"); String current; String test = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "<!DOCTYPE hashtree SYSTEM " + "\"\">" + "<hashtree>"; current = data.substring(0, test.length()); data = data.substring(test.length()); assertEquals(test, current); test = "<file size='" + file.length() + "' "; current = data.substring(0, test.length()); data = data.substring(test.length()); assertEquals(test, current); test = "segmentsize='" + HashTree.BLOCK_SIZE + "'/>"; current = data.substring(0, test.length()); data = data.substring(test.length()); assertEquals(test, current); test = "<digest algorithm=''"; current = data.substring(0, test.length()); data = data.substring(test.length()); assertEquals(test, current); test = " outputsize='24'/>"; current = data.substring(0, test.length()); data = data.substring(test.length()); assertEquals(test, current); test = "<serializedtree depth='" + hashTree.getDepth() + "'"; current = data.substring(0, test.length()); data = data.substring(test.length()); assertEquals(test, current); test = " type=''"; current = data.substring(0, test.length()); data = data.substring(test.length()); assertEquals(test, current); test = " uri='uuid:"; current = data.substring(0, test.length()); data = data.substring(test.length()); assertEquals(test, current); // the uri is the next 36 characters, grab it. current = data.substring(0, 36); data = data.substring(36); UUID uuid = new UUID(current); test = "'/></hashtree>"; current = data.substring(0, test.length()); data = data.substring(test.length()); assertEquals(test, current); return uuid; } private void verifyTree(DIMERecord tree, UUID uuid) throws Throwable { // simple tests. assertEquals(DIMERecord.TYPE_ABSOLUTE_URI, tree.getTypeId()); assertEquals("", tree.getTypeString()); assertEquals("uuid:" + uuid.toString(), tree.getIdentifier()); assertEquals(new byte[0], tree.getOptions()); byte[] data = tree.getData(); int offset = 0; List allNodes = hashTree.getAllNodes(); for(Iterator genIter = allNodes.iterator(); genIter.hasNext(); ) { for(Iterator i = ((List); i.hasNext();) { byte[] current = (byte[]); for(int j = 0; j < current.length; j++) assertEquals(data[offset++], current[j]); } } assertEquals(data.length, offset); } private HashTree createHashTree(File file, URN sha1) throws Throwable { Object ret = null; try { ret = PrivilegedAccessor.invokeMethod( HashTree.class, "createHashTree", new Object[] { new Long(file.length()), new FileInputStream(file), sha1 }, new Class[] { long.class, InputStream.class, URN.class } ); } catch(InvocationTargetException ite) { throw ite.getCause(); } return (HashTree)ret; } private HashTree createHashTree(long size, URN sha1) throws Throwable { Object ret = null; try { ret = PrivilegedAccessor.invokeMethod( HashTree.class, "createHashTree", new Object[] { new Long(size), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]), sha1 }, new Class[] { long.class, InputStream.class, URN.class } ); } catch(InvocationTargetException ite) { throw ite.getCause(); } return (HashTree)ret; } }