package com.limegroup.gnutella.altlocs; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import junit.framework.Test; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Endpoint; import com.limegroup.gnutella.GUID; import com.limegroup.gnutella.HugeTestUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.PushEndpoint; import com.limegroup.gnutella.RemoteFileDesc; import com.limegroup.gnutella.URN; import com.limegroup.gnutella.http.HTTPConstants; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.ConnectionSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.IpPort; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.IpPortImpl; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.IpPortSet; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.PrivilegedAccessor; /** * This class tests the methods of the <tt>AlternateLocation</tt> class. */ public final class AlternateLocationTest extends com.limegroup.gnutella.util.BaseTestCase { private static final String[] equalLocs = { "" + HTTPConstants.URI_RES_N2R + "urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", "" + HTTPConstants.URI_RES_N2R + "urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB", }; private static final String[] VALID_TIMESTAMPS = { "2002-04-30", "2002-04-30T08:31Z", "2002-04-30T08:31:20Z", "2002-04-30T08:31:21.45Z", "2002-04-30T00:31:21.45Z", "2002-04-30T23:31:21.45Z", "2002-04-30T23:00:21.45Z", "2002-04-30T23:59:21.45Z", "2002-04-30T23:31:00.45Z", "2002-04-30T23:31:59.45Z", "2002-01-30T23:31:59.45Z", "2002-01-01T23:31:59.45Z", "2002-01-31T23:31:59.45Z" }; private static final String[] INVALID_TIMESTAMPS = { "2002-04", "2002-04-30T", "2002-04-30T08:31:21.45TZD", "2002-04-40T08:31:21.45Z", "2002-13-30T08:31:21.45Z", "2002-04-30T08:31:21.45", "2002-04-30T08:31:60Z", "2002-04-30T08:60:21Z", "2002-04-30T24:31:21Z", "2002-04-32T08:31:21Z", "2002-00-00T08:31:21Z" }; public AlternateLocationTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(AlternateLocationTest.class); } public static void main(String[] args) {; } public void setUp() { ConnectionSettings.LOCAL_IS_PRIVATE.setValue(true); } /** * Tests the constructor that takes a URL as an argument to make sure it * succeeds when it should. */ public void testUrlUrnConstructorForSuccess() throws Exception { for(int i=0; i<HugeTestUtils.URNS.length; i++) { URN urn = URN.createSHA1Urn(HugeTestUtils.VALID_URN_STRINGS[i]); URL url = new URL("http", HugeTestUtils.HOST_STRINGS[i], 6346, HTTPConstants.URI_RES_N2R+ HugeTestUtils.URNS[i].httpStringValue()); AlternateLocation al = HugeTestUtils.create(url); } } /** * Tests the constructor that takes a string as an argument to make sure it * succeeds when it should. */ public void testStringUrnConstructorForSuccess() throws Exception { for(int i=0; i<HugeTestUtils.URNS.length; i++) { URN urn = URN.createSHA1Urn(HugeTestUtils.VALID_URN_STRINGS[i]); String url = "http://"+HugeTestUtils.HOST_STRINGS[i]+":6346"+ HTTPConstants.URI_RES_N2R+ HugeTestUtils.URNS[i].httpStringValue(); AlternateLocation al = AlternateLocation.create(url); } } /** * Tests the constructor that takes a URL as an argument to make sure it fails when * there's no SHA1. */ public void testUrlUrnConstructorForFailure() { try { for(int i=0; i<HugeTestUtils.URNS.length; i++) { URL url = new URL("http", HugeTestUtils.HOST_STRINGS[i], 6346, "/test.htm"); AlternateLocation al = HugeTestUtils.create(url); fail("AlternateLocation constructor should have thrown an exception"); } } catch(IOException e) { // this also catches MalformedURLException } } /** * Tests the constructor that takes a URL as an argument to make sure it fails when * there's no SHA1. */ public void testStringUrnConstructorForFailure() { try { for(int i=0; i<HugeTestUtils.URNS.length; i++) { String url = "http://" +HugeTestUtils.HOST_STRINGS[i]+":6346/test.htm"; AlternateLocation al = AlternateLocation.create(url); fail("AlternateLocation constructor should have thrown an exception"); } } catch(IOException e) { // this also catches MalformedURLException } } /** * Tests the constructor that creates an alternate location from a remote * file desc. */ public void testRemoteFileDescConstructor() throws Exception { for(int i=0; i<HugeTestUtils.URNS.length; i++) { RemoteFileDesc rfd = new RemoteFileDesc("", 6346, 10, HTTPConstants.URI_RES_N2R+ HugeTestUtils.URNS[i].httpStringValue(), 10, GUID.makeGuid(), 10, true, 2, true, null, HugeTestUtils.URN_SETS[i], false,false,"",0,null, -1); // just make sure this doesn't throw an exception AlternateLocation loc = AlternateLocation.create(rfd); assertFalse(loc instanceof PushAltLoc); } RemoteFileDesc rfd = new RemoteFileDesc("", 6346, 10, HTTPConstants.URI_RES_N2R+ HugeTestUtils.URNS[0].httpStringValue(), 10, GUID.makeGuid(), 10, true, 2, true, null, HugeTestUtils.URN_SETS[0], false,false,"",0,null, -1); AlternateLocation.create(rfd); try { AlternateLocation.create((RemoteFileDesc)null); fail("should have thrown a null pointer"); } catch(NullPointerException e) { // this is expected } IpPort ppi = new IpPortImpl("",6346); Set proxies = new IpPortSet(); proxies.add(ppi); PushEndpoint pe = new PushEndpoint(GUID.makeGuid(),proxies); //test an rfd with push proxies RemoteFileDesc fwalled = new RemoteFileDesc("",5,10,HTTPConstants.URI_RES_N2R+ HugeTestUtils.URNS[0].httpStringValue(), 10, GUID.makeGuid(), 10, true, 2, true, null, HugeTestUtils.URN_SETS[0], false,true,"",0,proxies,-1); AlternateLocation loc = AlternateLocation.create(fwalled); assertTrue(loc instanceof PushAltLoc); PushAltLoc push = (PushAltLoc)loc; assertEquals("",push.getPushAddress().getAddress()); assertEquals(0, push.supportsFWTVersion()); // test rfd with push proxies, external address that can do FWT RemoteFileDesc FWTed = new RemoteFileDesc("",5,10,HTTPConstants.URI_RES_N2R+ HugeTestUtils.URNS[0].httpStringValue(), 10, GUID.makeGuid(), 10, true, 2, true, null, HugeTestUtils.URN_SETS[0], false,true,"",0,proxies,-1,1); loc = AlternateLocation.create(FWTed); assertTrue(loc instanceof PushAltLoc); push = (PushAltLoc)loc; assertEquals("",push.getPushAddress().getAddress()); assertGreaterThan(0, push.supportsFWTVersion()); assertEquals(5,push.getPushAddress().getPort()); } /** * Tests the factory method that creates a RemoteFileDesc from an alternate * location. */ public void testCreateRemoteFileDesc() throws Exception{ for(int i=0; i<HugeTestUtils.UNEQUAL_SHA1_LOCATIONS.length; i++) { DirectAltLoc al = (DirectAltLoc) HugeTestUtils.UNEQUAL_SHA1_LOCATIONS[i]; RemoteFileDesc rfd = al.createRemoteFileDesc(10); assertEquals("SHA1s should be equal", al.getSHA1Urn(), rfd.getSHA1Urn()); assertEquals("hosts should be equals",al.getHost().getAddress(), rfd.getHost()); assertEquals("ports should be equals",al.getHost().getPort(), rfd.getPort()); } IpPort ppi = new IpPortImpl("",6346); Set proxies = new HashSet(); proxies.add(ppi); PushEndpoint pe = new PushEndpoint(GUID.makeGuid(),proxies); //test an rfd with push proxies RemoteFileDesc fwalled = new RemoteFileDesc("",5,10,HTTPConstants.URI_RES_N2R+ HugeTestUtils.URNS[0].httpStringValue(), 10, GUID.makeGuid(), 10, true, 2, true, null, HugeTestUtils.URN_SETS[0], false,true,"",0,proxies,-1); AlternateLocation loc = AlternateLocation.create(fwalled); RemoteFileDesc other = loc.createRemoteFileDesc(3); assertEquals("",other.getHost()); assertEquals(5,other.getPort()); assertEquals(fwalled.getClientGUID(),other.getClientGUID()); assertEquals(fwalled.getPushAddr(),other.getPushAddr()); } public void testCloningPushLocs() throws Exception { IpPort ppi = new IpPortImpl("",6346); Set proxies = new HashSet(); proxies.add(ppi); PushEndpoint pe = new PushEndpoint(GUID.makeGuid(),proxies); //test an rfd with push proxies RemoteFileDesc fwalled = new RemoteFileDesc("",6346,10,HTTPConstants.URI_RES_N2R+ HugeTestUtils.URNS[0].httpStringValue(), 10, GUID.makeGuid(), 10, true, 2, true, null, HugeTestUtils.URN_SETS[0], false,true,"",0,proxies,-1); AlternateLocation loc = AlternateLocation.create(fwalled); assertTrue(loc instanceof PushAltLoc); AlternateLocation loc2 = loc.createClone(); assertTrue(loc2 instanceof PushAltLoc); assertEquals(loc,loc2); Map m = (Map) PrivilegedAccessor.getValue(PushEndpoint.class,"GUID_PROXY_MAP"); m.clear(); } /** * Tests the constructor that only takes a string argument for * valid alternate location strings that include timestamps. */ public void testStringConstructorForTimestampedLocs() throws Exception { try { for(int i=0; i<HugeTestUtils.VALID_TIMESTAMPED_LOCS.length; i++) { AlternateLocation al = AlternateLocation.create(HugeTestUtils.VALID_TIMESTAMPED_LOCS[i]); } } catch(IOException iox) { fail("failed to create locaction with timestamp string"); } } /** * Tests the constructor that only takes a string argument, but in this * case the strings are valid alternate locations, but they don't have * timestamps. */ public void testStringConstructorForNotTimestampedLocs() throws Exception { for(int i=0; i<HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS.length; i++) { try { AlternateLocation al = AlternateLocation.create(HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS[i]); } catch(IOException e) { fail("failed on loc: "+HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS[i], e); } } } /** * Tests invalid alternate location strings to make sure they fail. */ public void testStringConstructorForInvalidLocs() { try { for(int i=0; i<HugeTestUtils.INVALID_LOCS.length; i++) { AlternateLocation al = AlternateLocation.create(HugeTestUtils.INVALID_LOCS[i]); fail("alternate location string should not have been accepted"); } } catch(IOException e) { // the exception is excpected in this case } } public void testConstructorForBadPorts() throws Exception { try { for(int i=0; i<HugeTestUtils.BAD_PORT_URLS.length; i++) { AlternateLocation al = HugeTestUtils.create(HugeTestUtils.BAD_PORT_URLS[i]); fail("alternate location string should not have been accepted: "+ HugeTestUtils.BAD_PORT_URLS[i]); } } catch(IOException e) { // this is what we're expecting } } /** * Tests the location/urn constructor for success. */ public void testStringUrnConstructor() throws Exception { ConnectionSettings.LOCAL_IS_PRIVATE.setValue(false); URN urn = URN.createSHA1Urn("urn:sha1:ULSTTIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPTE"); // First test with old-style locs. for(int i=0; i<HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS.length; i++) { AlternateLocation al = AlternateLocation.create( HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS[i], urn); } // Now make sure that the URN-mismatch works urn = URN.createSHA1Urn("urn:sha1:ULSTTIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPTD"); for(int i=0; i<HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS.length; i++) { try { AlternateLocation al = AlternateLocation.create( HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS[i], urn); fail("IOException expected"); } catch(IOException expected) {} } // Now try the new-style values for(int i = 1; i < 254; i++) { String ip = i+"."+(i % 2)+"."+(i % 25)+"."+(i % 100); DirectAltLoc al = (DirectAltLoc) AlternateLocation.create(ip + ":50", urn); IpPort ep = al.getHost(); assertEquals(ip, ep.getAddress()); assertEquals(50, ep.getPort()); assertEquals(urn, al.getSHA1Urn()); } // Try without a port. for(int i = 1; i < 254; i++) { String ip = i+"."+(i % 2)+"."+(i % 25)+"."+(i % 100); DirectAltLoc al = (DirectAltLoc)AlternateLocation.create(ip, urn); IpPort ep = al.getHost(); assertEquals(ip, ep.getAddress()); assertEquals(6346, ep.getPort()); assertEquals(urn, al.getSHA1Urn()); } // Try with bad values. for(int i = 1; i < 254; i++) { try { String ip = i+"."+(i % 2)+"."+(i % 25)+"."+(i % 100)+".1"; AlternateLocation al = AlternateLocation.create(ip + ":50", urn); fail("IOException expected"); } catch(IOException expected) {} } try { AlternateLocation.create("", urn); fail("IOException expected"); } catch(IOException expected) {} try { AlternateLocation.create("", urn); fail("IOException expected"); } catch(IOException expected) {} try { AlternateLocation.create("", urn); fail("IOException expected"); } catch(IOException expected) {} //try some firewalled locs GUID clientGUID = new GUID(GUID.makeGuid()); String httpString=clientGUID.toHexString()+";;"; PushAltLoc pal = (PushAltLoc)AlternateLocation.create(httpString,urn); assertTrue(Arrays.equals( clientGUID.bytes(),pal.getPushAddress().getClientGUID())); assertEquals(2,pal.getPushAddress().getProxies().size()); //try some valid push proxies, some invalid ones clientGUID = new GUID(GUID.makeGuid()); httpString=clientGUID.toHexString()+";;"; pal = (PushAltLoc) AlternateLocation.create(httpString+";;",urn); assertTrue(Arrays.equals( clientGUID.bytes(),pal.getPushAddress().getClientGUID())); assertEquals(3,pal.getPushAddress().getProxies().size()); //HashSets do not guarantee order so the resulting http string //may contain the proxies in different order assertNotEquals(-1,pal.httpStringValue().indexOf(clientGUID.toHexString())); assertNotEquals(-1,pal.httpStringValue().indexOf("")); assertNotEquals(-1,pal.httpStringValue().indexOf("")); //try some valid push proxies and an empty one clientGUID = new GUID(GUID.makeGuid()); httpString=clientGUID.toHexString()+";;"; pal = (PushAltLoc) AlternateLocation.create(httpString+";;",urn); assertTrue(Arrays.equals( clientGUID.bytes(),pal.getPushAddress().getClientGUID())); assertEquals(3,pal.getPushAddress().getProxies().size()); //try an altloc with no push proxies clientGUID = new GUID(GUID.makeGuid()); pal = (PushAltLoc) AlternateLocation.create(clientGUID.toHexString()+";",urn); // try skipping invalid ip:port strings pal = (PushAltLoc) AlternateLocation.create( clientGUID.toHexString()+";"+ "",urn); assertTrue(pal.getPushAddress().getProxies().isEmpty()); //try some invalid ones try { pal = (PushAltLoc) AlternateLocation.create("asdf2345dgalshlh",urn); fail("created altloc from garbage"); }catch(IOException expected) {} try { pal = (PushAltLoc) AlternateLocation.create("",urn); fail("created altloc from empty string"); }catch(IOException expected) {} try { pal = (PushAltLoc) AlternateLocation.create(null,urn); fail("created altloc from null string"); }catch(IOException expected) {} } public void testDemotedEquals() throws Exception { AlternateLocation loc1 = AlternateLocation.create(equalLocs[0]); AlternateLocation loc2 = AlternateLocation.create(equalLocs[0]); assertEquals("locations should be equal", loc1, loc2); loc2.demote(); assertEquals("locations should be equal", loc1, loc2); } public void testCompareTo() throws Exception { TreeSet set = new TreeSet(); AlternateLocation direct1 = AlternateLocation.create(equalLocs[0]); AlternateLocation direct2 = AlternateLocation.create(equalLocs[0]); set.add(direct1); assertTrue(set.contains(direct2)); direct2.increment(); assertFalse(set.contains(direct2)); assertLessThan(0,direct1.compareTo(direct2)); set.remove(direct1); direct1.demote(); assertGreaterThan(0,direct1.compareTo(direct2)); direct1.promote(); assertLessThan(0,direct1.compareTo(direct2)); // try some push altlocs GUID clientGUID = new GUID(GUID.makeGuid()); String httpString=clientGUID.toHexString()+";;"; URN urn = URN.createSHA1Urn("urn:sha1:ULSTTIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPTE"); AlternateLocation push1 = AlternateLocation.create(httpString,urn); AlternateLocation push2 = AlternateLocation.create(httpString,urn); assertTrue(push1.equals(push2)); assertEquals(0,push1.compareTo(push2)); push2.increment(); assertLessThan(0,push1.compareTo(push2)); // calling demote() does not affect push locs push1.demote(); assertLessThan(0,push1.compareTo(push2)); // comparing the two types of altlocs is predictable if their count // values are different assertGreaterThan(0,direct2.compareTo(push1)); // it is not easily predictable if they are the same assertNotEquals(0,direct2.compareTo(push2)); } /** * Test the equals method. */ public void testAlternateLocationEquals() throws Exception { for(int i=0; i<equalLocs.length; i++) { AlternateLocation curLoc = AlternateLocation.create(equalLocs[i]); for(int j=0; j<equalLocs.length; j++) { AlternateLocation newLoc=AlternateLocation.create(equalLocs[j]); assertEquals("locations should be equal", curLoc, newLoc); } } TreeMap timeStampedAltLocs0 = new TreeMap(); TreeMap testMap = new TreeMap(); for(int i=0; i<HugeTestUtils.VALID_TIMESTAMPED_LOCS.length; i++) { AlternateLocation al0 = AlternateLocation.create(HugeTestUtils.VALID_TIMESTAMPED_LOCS[i]); AlternateLocation al1 = AlternateLocation.create(HugeTestUtils.VALID_TIMESTAMPED_LOCS[i]); timeStampedAltLocs0.put(al0, al0); testMap.put(al1, al1); } //assertEquals("maps should be equal", timeStampedAltLocs0, testMap); TreeMap timeStampedAltLocs1 = new TreeMap(timeStampedAltLocs0); Iterator iter0 = timeStampedAltLocs0.values().iterator(); Iterator iter1 = timeStampedAltLocs1.values().iterator(); while(iter0.hasNext()) { AlternateLocation al0 = (AlternateLocation); AlternateLocation al1 = (AlternateLocation); assertEquals("alternate location values should be equal", al0, al1); } Iterator iter20 = timeStampedAltLocs0.keySet().iterator(); Iterator iter21 = timeStampedAltLocs1.keySet().iterator(); while(iter20.hasNext()) { AlternateLocation al0 = (AlternateLocation); AlternateLocation al1 = (AlternateLocation); assertEquals("alternate location keys should be equal", al0, al1); } Iterator iter30 = timeStampedAltLocs0.entrySet().iterator(); Iterator iter31 = timeStampedAltLocs1.entrySet().iterator(); while(iter20.hasNext()) { Map.Entry al0 = (Map.Entry); Map.Entry al1 = (Map.Entry); assertEquals("alternate location entries should be equal", al0, al1); } assertEquals("sizes should be equal", timeStampedAltLocs1.size(), timeStampedAltLocs0.size()); Iterator i = timeStampedAltLocs0.entrySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry); Object key = e.getKey(); Object value = e.getValue(); if (value == null) { if (!(timeStampedAltLocs1.get(key)==null && timeStampedAltLocs1.containsKey(key))) assertTrue("key not found", false); } else { if (!value.equals(timeStampedAltLocs1.get(key))) assertTrue("value not found", false); } } // the following does not work for some reason, but I'm not at all sure // why, especially considering that all of the above code passes the // assertions?? //assertEquals("maps should be equal: "+timeStampedAltLocs0, timeStampedAltLocs1); } /** * Tests the compareTo method of the AlternateLocation class. */ public void testAlternateLocationCompareTo() throws Exception { for(int i=0; i<equalLocs.length; i++) { AlternateLocation curLoc = AlternateLocation.create(equalLocs[i]); for(int j=0; j<equalLocs.length; j++) { AlternateLocation newLoc = AlternateLocation.create(equalLocs[j]); int z = curLoc.compareTo(newLoc); assertEquals("locations should be equal", 0, z); } } // make sure that alternate locations with the same timestamp and // different URLs are not considered the same for(int i=0; i<(HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS.length-1); i++) { String loc0 = HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS[i]; String loc1 = HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS[i+1]; // give them the same timestamp to make sure compareTo // differentiates properly loc0 = loc0 + " 2002-04-30T08:30Z"; loc1 = loc1 + " 2002-04-30T08:30Z"; AlternateLocation curLoc0 = AlternateLocation.create(loc0); AlternateLocation curLoc1 = AlternateLocation.create(loc1); int z = curLoc0.compareTo(curLoc1); assertNotEquals("locations should compare to different values", 0, z); } } /** * Tests to make sure that alternate locations with equal URLs and * different timestamps are considered different. This test relies * on several properties of the VALID_TIMESTAMPS list. For example, * the java Calendar class's set method does not take fractions of a * second, so we consider timestamps with the same second reading as * identical regardless of whether or not they have different fractions * of that second, which is the behavior we want. */ public void testAlternateLocationCompareToWithEqualUrlsDifferentDates() throws Exception { // make sure that alternate locations with the same urls and different // timestamps are considered same for(int i=0;i<(HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS.length-1); i++) { String nonTSloc0 = HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS[i]; String nonTSloc1 = HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS[i]; for(int j=0; j<VALID_TIMESTAMPS.length-1; j++) { // give them the same timestamp to make sure compareTo // differentiates properly String loc0 = nonTSloc0 + " "+VALID_TIMESTAMPS[j]; String loc1 = nonTSloc1 + " "+VALID_TIMESTAMPS[j+1]; AlternateLocation curLoc0 = AlternateLocation.create(loc0); AlternateLocation curLoc1 = AlternateLocation.create(loc1); int z = curLoc0.compareTo(curLoc1); assertEquals("locations should compare to same values:\r\n"+ curLoc0 + "\r\n" + curLoc1+"\r\n", 0, z); } } } /** * Tests the construction of alternate locations with dates that do * not meet the appropriate syntax to make sure they fail. */ public void testAlternateLocationConstructorWithInvalidDates() { for(int i=0;i<(HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS.length-1);i++) { String nonTSloc = HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS[i]; for(int j=0; j<INVALID_TIMESTAMPS.length-1; j++) { String loc = nonTSloc + " "+INVALID_TIMESTAMPS[j]; try { AlternateLocation al = AlternateLocation.create(loc); } catch(IOException e) { fail("could not create AlternateLocation with bad date"); } } } } /** * Tests the construction of alternate locations with dates that do * meet the appropriate syntax to make sure they fail. */ public void testAlternateLocationConstructorWithValidDates() throws Exception { // make sure that alternate locations with the same urls and different // timestamps are considered different for(int i=0;i<(HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS.length-1);i++) { String nonTSloc = HugeTestUtils.VALID_NONTIMESTAMPED_LOCS[i]; for(int j=0; j<VALID_TIMESTAMPS.length-1; j++) { String loc = nonTSloc + " "+VALID_TIMESTAMPS[j]; try { AlternateLocation al = AlternateLocation.create(loc); } catch (IOException e) { fail("could not create AlternateLocation with valid date"); } } } } /** * Test to make sure that we're handling firewalls fine -- rejecting * firewalled locations and accepting non-firewalled locations. */ public void testAlternateLocationToMakeSureItDisallowsFirewalledHosts() throws Exception { for(int i=0; i<HugeTestUtils.FIREWALLED_LOCS.length; i++) { String loc = HugeTestUtils.FIREWALLED_LOCS[i]; try { AlternateLocation al = AlternateLocation.create(loc); fail("alt loc should not have accepted firewalled loc: "+loc); } catch(Exception e) { // this is expected } } for(int i=0; i<HugeTestUtils.NON_FIREWALLED_LOCS.length; i++) { String loc = HugeTestUtils.NON_FIREWALLED_LOCS[i]; AlternateLocation al = AlternateLocation.create(loc); } } }