package com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.tables; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelEvent; import javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelListener; import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.TablesHandler; /** * Handles column preferences through a settings file. * * This is the default implementation for ColumnPreferences. */ public class DefaultColumnPreferenceHandler implements ColumnPreferenceHandler, TableColumnModelListener, MouseListener { /** * The table that this is storing the column preferences for. */ protected final LimeJTable table; /** * The current SimpleColumnListener for callbacks. */ protected SimpleColumnListener listener = null; /** * Indicates a margin has been changed since we last released the mouse. */ protected boolean marginChanged; /** * Constructs a new DefaultColumnPreferences object for this table. */ public DefaultColumnPreferenceHandler(LimeJTable t) { table = t; startListening(); } /** * Sets the SimpleColumnListener. If one already was listening, it is * removed. */ public void setSimpleColumnListener(SimpleColumnListener scl) { listener = scl; } /** * Triggered from a column being added. * The 'to' index of the TableColumnModelEvent is the index * in the TableColumn of the newly added column. */ public void columnAdded(TableColumnModelEvent e) { LimeTableColumn addedColumn = getToColumn(e); LimeTableColumn ltc = addedColumn; setVisibility(ltc, true); TableColumnModel tcm = table.getColumnModel(); int order = getOrder(ltc); int current = tcm.getColumnIndex(ltc.getId()); int max = tcm.getColumnCount(); // move this column to where we want it. if( order != current ) { stopListening(); // make sure we don't try to put this after the end. order = Math.min(order, max-1); tcm.moveColumn(current, order); // traverse through and reset the saved order of columns. for(current = order+1; current < max; current++) { ltc = (LimeTableColumn)tcm.getColumn(current); setOrder(ltc, current); } // traverse through the hidden columns and tell them to // move back up a notch if they're above us. for(Iterator i = table.getHiddenColumns(); i.hasNext(); ) { ltc = (LimeTableColumn); current = getOrder(ltc); if( current > order ) setOrder(ltc, current+1); } startListening(); } if(listener != null) listener.columnAdded(addedColumn, table); save(); } /** * Triggered from a column's margin being changed. * This is triggered whenever a table is made visible, whenever * a scrollbar appears or disappears, and whenever the margins * of the columns change. * Currently does nothing. */ public void columnMarginChanged(ChangeEvent e) { // see if we can avoid the system call... // if this is null, it means we resized the app or a scrollbar appeared if(table.getTableHeader().getResizingColumn() == null) return; marginChanged = true; } /** * Triggered from a column being moved. * This triggers whenever a column is touched. The 'from' and 'to' * indexes may be the same -- if they are, we ignore the event. */ public void columnMoved(TableColumnModelEvent e) { if( e.getFromIndex() == e.getToIndex() ) return; LimeTableColumn from = getFromColumn(e); LimeTableColumn to = getToColumn(e); setOrder(from, e.getFromIndex()); setOrder(to, e.getToIndex()); save(); } /** * Triggered from a column being removed. * The TableColumnModelEvent is supremely dumb here, * not even giving us the TableColumn that was removed. * So, we need to ask the table what the last removed column was. */ public void columnRemoved(TableColumnModelEvent e) { LimeTableColumn ltc; //save the reordered columns TableColumnModel tcm = table.getColumnModel(); for(int i = 0; i < tcm.getColumnCount(); i++) { ltc = (LimeTableColumn)tcm.getColumn(i); setOrder(ltc, i); } LimeTableColumn removedColumn = table.getLastRemovedColumn(); ltc = removedColumn; setVisibility(ltc, false); //decrease the order in hidden columns by one if they were //before the hidden column's order. int order = getOrder(ltc); for(Iterator i = table.getHiddenColumns(); i.hasNext(); ) { ltc = (LimeTableColumn); int current = getOrder(ltc); if( current > order ) setOrder(ltc, current-1); } if(listener != null) listener.columnRemoved(removedColumn, table); save(); } /** * From a column's selection changing. * Does nothing. */ public void columnSelectionChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { } /** * The mouse was clicked on the table header. */ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { } /** * The mouse entered the table header. */ public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } /** * The mouse exited the table header. */ public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } /** * The mouse pressed the table header. */ public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { } /** * The mouse released from the table header. */ public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { // if the margins haven't changed, exit. if (!marginChanged) return; // iterate through and save the widths we wanted. TableColumnModel tcm = table.getColumnModel(); for(int i = 0; i < tcm.getColumnCount(); i++) { LimeTableColumn ltc = (LimeTableColumn)tcm.getColumn(i); setWidth(ltc, ltc.getWidth()); } marginChanged = false; save(); } /** * Reverts this table's header preferences to their default * values. */ public void revertToDefault() { stopListening(); // Traverse & change settings, and make everything visible // so we can traverse back through & set the order and width. DataLineModel dlm = (DataLineModel)table.getModel(); for(int i = 0; i < dlm.getColumnCount(); i++) { LimeTableColumn ltc = dlm.getTableColumn(i); setVisibility(ltc, ltc.getDefaultVisibility()); setOrder(ltc, ltc.getDefaultOrder()); setWidth(ltc, ltc.getDefaultWidth()); try { if(!table.isColumnVisible(ltc.getId())) { table.setColumnVisible(ltc.getId(), true); if(listener != null) listener.columnAdded(ltc, table); } } catch(LastColumnException impossible) {} } // traverse to set the order ... TableColumnModel tcm = table.getColumnModel(); for(int i = 0; i < dlm.getColumnCount(); i++) { LimeTableColumn ltc = dlm.getTableColumn(i); int order = getOrder(ltc); int current = tcm.getColumnIndex(ltc.getId()); if( current != order ) tcm.moveColumn(current, order); ltc.setPreferredWidth( ltc.getDefaultWidth() ); } // traverse to set the visibility ... for(int i = 0; i < dlm.getColumnCount(); i++) { LimeTableColumn ltc = dlm.getTableColumn(i); boolean wantVis = getVisibility(ltc); try { if (!wantVis) { table.setColumnVisible(ltc.getId(), false); if(listener != null) listener.columnRemoved(ltc, table); } } catch(LastColumnException ignored) {} } startListening(); save(); } /** * Determines whether the columns are already the default values. */ public boolean isDefault() { DataLineModel dlm = (DataLineModel)table.getModel(); for(int i = 0; i < dlm.getColumnCount(); i++) { LimeTableColumn ltc = dlm.getTableColumn(i); if( !isDefaultWidth(ltc) ) return false; if( !isDefaultOrder(ltc) ) return false; if( !isDefaultVisibility(ltc) ) return false; } return true; } /** * Sets the headers to the correct widths, depending on * the user's preferences for this table. This will not set * the table to exactly the user's widths, because the only * way to set the width is to suggest it via setPreferredWidth. */ public void setWidths() { stopListening(); //traverse through each possible column and set its preferred //width. this MUST use the DataLineModel to traverse, to ensure //that we set the future preferred width for any added columns. DataLineModel dlm = (DataLineModel)table.getModel(); for(int i = 0; i < dlm.getColumnCount(); i++) { LimeTableColumn ltc = dlm.getTableColumn(i); int width = getWidth(ltc); if( width != -1 ) { ltc.setPreferredWidth(width); } } startListening(); } /** * Sets the headers to the correct order, depending on the * user's preferences for this table. */ public void setOrder() { stopListening(); boolean changed = false; //traverse through each possible column, and if it's visible, //put it in the correct place. this MUST use the DataLineModel //to traverse, so reordering doesn't confuse what we're looking at. TableColumnModel tcm = table.getColumnModel(); DataLineModel dlm = (DataLineModel)table.getModel(); int max = dlm.getColumnCount(); for(int i = 0; i < max; i++) { LimeTableColumn ltc = dlm.getTableColumn(i); int order = getOrder(ltc); if (table.isColumnVisible(ltc.getId())) { int current = tcm.getColumnIndex(ltc.getId()); // can't go beyond boundary if( order >= max ) { order = max - 1; setOrder(ltc, order); changed = true; } if ( current != order ) tcm.moveColumn(current, order); } } if(changed) TablesHandler.instance().save(); startListening(); } /** * Sets the headers so that some may be invisible, depending * on the user's preferences for this table. */ public void setVisibility() { stopListening(); //traverse through each possible column, and set its //visibility appropriately DataLineModel dlm = (DataLineModel)table.getModel(); for(int i = 0; i < dlm.getColumnCount(); i++) { LimeTableColumn ltc = (LimeTableColumn)dlm.getTableColumn(i); boolean wantVis = getVisibility(ltc); // if we want to see it and we don't currently see it, show it. // if we don't want to see it and we currently see it, hide it. boolean isVis = table.isColumnVisible(ltc.getId()); try { if( wantVis && !isVis ) { table.setColumnVisible(ltc.getId(), true); if(listener != null) listener.columnAdded(ltc, table); } else if( !wantVis && isVis ) { table.setColumnVisible(ltc.getId(), false); if(listener != null) listener.columnRemoved(ltc, table); } } catch (LastColumnException ee) { // ignore it -- we can't show an error while starting up. } } startListening(); } protected void save() { TablesHandler.instance().save(); } protected void startListening() { table.getTableHeader().addMouseListener(this); table.getColumnModel().addColumnModelListener(this); } protected void stopListening() { table.getTableHeader().removeMouseListener(this); table.getColumnModel().removeColumnModelListener(this); } protected LimeTableColumn getToColumn(TableColumnModelEvent e) { return (LimeTableColumn)table.getColumnModel().getColumn( e.getToIndex()); } protected LimeTableColumn getFromColumn(TableColumnModelEvent e) { return (LimeTableColumn)table.getColumnModel().getColumn( e.getFromIndex()); } protected void setVisibility(LimeTableColumn col, boolean vis) { TablesHandler.getVisibility(col.getId(), col.getDefaultVisibility()). setValue(vis); } protected void setOrder(LimeTableColumn col, int order) { TablesHandler.getOrder(col.getId(), col.getDefaultOrder()). setValue(order); } protected void setWidth(LimeTableColumn col, int width) { TablesHandler.getWidth(col.getId(), col.getDefaultWidth()). setValue(width); } protected boolean getVisibility(LimeTableColumn col) { return TablesHandler.getVisibility( col.getId(), col.getDefaultVisibility()).getValue(); } protected int getOrder(LimeTableColumn col) { return TablesHandler.getOrder(col.getId(), col.getDefaultOrder()). getValue(); } protected int getWidth(LimeTableColumn col) { return TablesHandler.getWidth(col.getId(), col.getDefaultWidth()). getValue(); } protected boolean isDefaultVisibility(LimeTableColumn col) { return TablesHandler.getVisibility( col.getId(), col.getDefaultVisibility()).isDefault(); } protected boolean isDefaultOrder(LimeTableColumn col) { return TablesHandler.getOrder(col.getId(), col.getDefaultOrder()). isDefault(); } protected boolean isDefaultWidth(LimeTableColumn col) { return TablesHandler.getWidth(col.getId(), col.getDefaultWidth()). isDefault(); } }