package com.limegroup.gnutella; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import com.limegroup.gnutella.guess.GUESSEndpoint; import com.limegroup.gnutella.guess.QueryKey; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PingReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PingRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.ConnectionSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.SearchSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.statistics.SentMessageStatHandler; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.Buffer; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.ManagedThread; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.NetworkUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; /** * This class runs a single thread which sends unicast UDP queries to a master * list of unicast-enabled hosts every n milliseconds. It interacts with * HostCatcher to find unicast-enabled hosts. It also allows for stopping of * individual queries by reply counts. */ public final class QueryUnicaster { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(QueryUnicaster.class); /** The time in between successive unicast queries. */ public static final int ITERATION_TIME = 100; // 1/10th of a second... /** The number of Endpoints where you should start sending pings to them. */ public static final int MIN_ENDPOINTS = 25; /** The max number of unicast pongs to store. */ //public static final int MAX_ENDPOINTS = 2000; public static final int MAX_ENDPOINTS = 30; /** One hour in milliseconds. */ public static final long ONE_HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60; // 60 minutes // the instance of me.... private final static QueryUnicaster _instance = new QueryUnicaster(); /** Actually sends any QRs via unicast UDP messages. */ private Thread _querier = null; // should the _querier be running? private boolean _shouldRun = true; /** * The map of Queries I need to send every iteration. * The map is from GUID to QueryBundle. The following invariant is * maintained: * GUID -> QueryBundle where GUID == QueryBundle._qr.getGUID() */ private Map _queries; /** * Maps leaf connections to the queries they've spawned. * The map is from ReplyHandler to a Set (of GUIDs). */ private Map _querySets; /** * The unicast enabled hosts I should contact for queries. Add to the * front, remove from the end. Therefore, the OLDEST entries are at the * end. */ private LinkedList _queryHosts; /** * The Set of QueryKeys to be used for Queries. * GUESSEndpoint -> QueryKey */ private Map _queryKeys; /** The fixed size list of endpoints i've pinged. */ private Buffer _pingList; /** A List of query GUIDS to purge. */ private List _qGuidsToRemove; /** The last time I sent a broadcast ping. */ private long _lastPingTime = 0; /** * Variable for how many test pings have been sent out to determine * whether or not we can accept incoming connections. */ private int _testUDPPingsSent = 0; /** * Records whether or not someone has called init on me.... */ private boolean _initialized = false; /** Need to call initialize() to make sure I'm running! */ public static QueryUnicaster instance() { return _instance; } //---------------------------------------------------- // These methods are used by the QueryUnicasterTester. // That is why they are package level. In general // they should not be used by others, though it is // technically OK /** Returns the number of Queries unicasted by this guy... */ int getQueryNumber() { return _queries.size(); } //---------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns a List of unicast Endpoints. These Endpoints are the NEWEST * we've seen. */ public List getUnicastEndpoints() { List retList = new ArrayList(); synchronized (_queryHosts) { LOG.debug("QueryUnicaster.getUnicastEndpoints(): obtained lock."); int size = _queryHosts.size(); if (size > 0) { int max = (size > 10 ? 10 : size); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) retList.add(_queryHosts.get(i)); } LOG.debug("QueryUnicaster.getUnicastEndpoints(): releasing lock."); } return retList; } /** * Returns a <tt>GUESSEndpoint</tt> from the current cache of * GUESS endpoints. * * @return a <tt>GUESSEndpoint</tt> from the list of GUESS hosts * to query, or <tt>null</tt> if there are no available hosts * to return */ public GUESSEndpoint getUnicastEndpoint() { synchronized(_queryHosts) { if(_queryHosts.isEmpty()) return null; return (GUESSEndpoint)_queryHosts.getFirst(); } } /** * Constructs a new <tt>QueryUnicaster</tt> and starts its query loop. */ private QueryUnicaster() { // construct DSes... _queries = new Hashtable(); _queryHosts = new LinkedList(); _queryKeys = new Hashtable(); _pingList = new Buffer(25); _querySets = new Hashtable(); _qGuidsToRemove = new Vector(); // start service... _querier = new ManagedThread() { public void managedRun() { queryLoop(); } }; _querier.setName("QueryUnicaster"); _querier.setDaemon(true); } /** * Starts the query unicaster thread. */ public synchronized void start() { if (!_initialized) { _querier.start(); QueryKeyExpirer expirer = new QueryKeyExpirer(); RouterService.schedule(expirer, 0, 3 * ONE_HOUR);// every 3 hours _initialized = true; } } /** * The main work to be done. * If there are queries, get a unicast enabled UP, and send each Query to * it. Then sleep and try some more later... */ private void queryLoop() { UDPService udpService = UDPService.instance(); while (_shouldRun) { try { waitForQueries(); GUESSEndpoint toQuery = getUnicastHost(); // no query key to use in my query! if (!_queryKeys.containsKey(toQuery)) { // send a QueryKey Request PingRequest pr = PingRequest.createQueryKeyRequest(); udpService.send(pr,toQuery.getAddress(), toQuery.getPort()); SentMessageStatHandler.UDP_PING_REQUESTS.addMessage(pr); // DO NOT RE-ADD ENDPOINT - we'll do that if we get a // QueryKey Reply!! continue; // try another up above.... } QueryKey queryKey = ((QueryKeyBundle) _queryKeys.get(toQuery))._queryKey; purgeGuidsInternal(); // in case any were added while asleep boolean currentHostUsed = false; synchronized (_queries) { Iterator iter = _queries.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { QueryBundle currQB = (QueryBundle); if (currQB._hostsQueried.size() > QueryBundle.MAX_QUERIES) // query is now stale.... _qGuidsToRemove.add(new GUID(currQB._qr.getGUID())); else if (currQB._hostsQueried.contains(toQuery)) ; // don't send another.... else { InetAddress ip = toQuery.getAddress(); QueryRequest qrToSend = QueryRequest.createQueryKeyQuery(currQB._qr, queryKey); udpService.send(qrToSend, ip, toQuery.getPort()); currentHostUsed = true; SentMessageStatHandler.UDP_QUERY_REQUESTS.addMessage(qrToSend); currQB._hostsQueried.add(toQuery); } } } // add the current host back to the list if it was not used for // any query if(!currentHostUsed) { addUnicastEndpoint(toQuery); } // purge stale queries, hold lock so you don't miss any... synchronized (_qGuidsToRemove) { purgeGuidsInternal(); _qGuidsToRemove.clear(); } Thread.sleep(ITERATION_TIME); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {} } } /** * A quick purging of query GUIDS from the _queries Map. The * queryLoop uses this to so it doesn't have to hold the _queries * lock for too long. */ private void purgeGuidsInternal() { synchronized (_qGuidsToRemove) { Iterator removee = _qGuidsToRemove.iterator(); while (removee.hasNext()) { GUID currGuid = (GUID); _queries.remove(currGuid); } } } private void waitForQueries() throws InterruptedException { LOG.debug("QueryUnicaster.waitForQueries(): waiting for Queries."); synchronized (_queries) { if (_queries.isEmpty()) { // i'll be notifed when stuff is added... _queries.wait(); } } if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("QueryUnicaster.waitForQueries(): numQueries = " + _queries.size()); } /** * @return true if the query was added (maybe false if it existed). * @param query The Query to add, to start unicasting. * @param reference The originating connection. OK if NULL. */ public boolean addQuery(QueryRequest query, ReplyHandler reference) { LOG.debug("QueryUnicaster.addQuery(): entered."); boolean retBool = false; GUID guid = new GUID(query.getGUID()); // first map the QueryBundle using the guid.... synchronized (_queries) { if (!_queries.containsKey(guid)) { QueryBundle qb = new QueryBundle(query); _queries.put(guid, qb); retBool = true; } if (retBool) { _queries.notifyAll(); } } // return if this node originated the query if (reference == null) return retBool; // then record the guid in the set of leaf's queries... synchronized (_querySets) { Set guids = (Set) _querySets.get(reference); if (guids == null) { guids = new HashSet(); _querySets.put(reference, guids); } guids.add(guid); } if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("QueryUnicaster.addQuery(): returning " + retBool); return retBool; } /** Just feed me ExtendedEndpoints - I'll check if I could use them or not. */ public void addUnicastEndpoint(InetAddress address, int port) { if (!SearchSettings.GUESS_ENABLED.getValue()) return; if (notMe(address, port) && NetworkUtils.isValidPort(port) && NetworkUtils.isValidAddress(address)) { GUESSEndpoint endpoint = new GUESSEndpoint(address, port); addUnicastEndpoint(endpoint); } } /** Adds the <tt>GUESSEndpoint</tt> instance to the host data. * * @param endpoint the <tt>GUESSEndpoint</tt> to add */ private void addUnicastEndpoint(GUESSEndpoint endpoint) { synchronized (_queryHosts) { LOG.debug("QueryUnicaster.addUnicastEndpoint(): obtained lock."); if (_queryHosts.size() == MAX_ENDPOINTS) _queryHosts.removeLast(); // evict a old guy... _queryHosts.addFirst(endpoint); _queryHosts.notify(); if(UDPService.instance().isListening() && !RouterService.isGUESSCapable() && (_testUDPPingsSent < 10) && !(ConnectionSettings.LOCAL_IS_PRIVATE.getValue() && NetworkUtils.isCloseIP(RouterService.getAddress(), endpoint.getAddress().getAddress())) ) { PingRequest pr = new PingRequest(UDPService.instance().getSolicitedGUID().bytes(), (byte)1, (byte)0); UDPService.instance().send(pr, endpoint.getAddress(), endpoint.getPort()); SentMessageStatHandler.UDP_PING_REQUESTS.addMessage(pr); _testUDPPingsSent++; } LOG.debug("QueryUnicaster.addUnicastEndpoint(): released lock."); } } /** * Returns whether or not the Endpoint refers to me! True if it doesn't, * false if it does (NOT not me == me). */ private boolean notMe(InetAddress address, int port) { boolean retVal = true; if ((port == RouterService.getPort()) && Arrays.equals(address.getAddress(), RouterService.getAddress())) { retVal = false; } return retVal; } /** * Gets rid of a Query according to ReplyHandler. * Use this if a leaf connection dies and you want to stop the query. */ void purgeQuery(ReplyHandler reference) { LOG.debug("QueryUnicaster.purgeQuery(RH): entered."); if (reference == null) return; synchronized (_querySets) { Set guids = (Set) _querySets.remove(reference); if (guids == null) return; Iterator iter = guids.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) purgeQuery((GUID); } LOG.debug("QueryUnicaster.purgeQuery(RH): returning."); } /** * Gets rid of a Query according to GUID. Use this if a leaf connection * dies and you want to stop the query. */ void purgeQuery(GUID queryGUID) { LOG.debug("QueryUnicaster.purgeQuery(GUID): entered."); _qGuidsToRemove.add(queryGUID); LOG.debug("QueryUnicaster.purgeQuery(GUID): returning."); } /** Feed me QRs so I can keep track of stuff. */ public void handleQueryReply(QueryReply qr) { addResults(new GUID(qr.getGUID()), qr.getResultCount()); } /** Feed me QueryKey pongs so I can query people.... * pre: pr.getQueryKey() != null */ public void handleQueryKeyPong(PingReply pr) { if(pr == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null pong"); } QueryKey qk = pr.getQueryKey(); if(qk == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no key in pong"); } InetAddress address = pr.getInetAddress(); Assert.that(qk != null); int port = pr.getPort(); GUESSEndpoint endpoint = new GUESSEndpoint(address, port); _queryKeys.put(endpoint, new QueryKeyBundle(qk)); addUnicastEndpoint(endpoint); } /** * Add results to a query so we can invalidate it when enough results are * received. */ private void addResults(GUID queryGUID, int numResultsToAdd) { synchronized (_queries) { QueryBundle qb = (QueryBundle) _queries.get(queryGUID); if (qb != null) {// add results if possible... qb._numResults += numResultsToAdd; // This code moved from queryLoop() since that ftn. blocks before // removing stale queries, when out of hosts to query. if( qb._numResults>QueryBundle.MAX_RESULTS ) { synchronized( _qGuidsToRemove ) { _qGuidsToRemove.add(new GUID(qb._qr.getGUID())); purgeGuidsInternal(); _qGuidsToRemove.clear(); } } } } } /** May block if no hosts exist. */ private GUESSEndpoint getUnicastHost() throws InterruptedException { LOG.debug("QueryUnicaster.getUnicastHost(): waiting for hosts."); synchronized (_queryHosts) { LOG.debug("QueryUnicaster.getUnicastHost(): obtained lock."); while (_queryHosts.isEmpty()) { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - _lastPingTime) > 20000) { // don't sent too many pings.. // first send a Ping, hopefully we'll get some pongs.... PingRequest pr = new PingRequest(ConnectionSettings.TTL.getValue()); RouterService.getMessageRouter().broadcastPingRequest(pr); _lastPingTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } // now wait, what else can we do? _queryHosts.wait(); } LOG.debug("QueryUnicaster.getUnicastHost(): got a host, let go lock!"); } if (_queryHosts.size() < MIN_ENDPOINTS) { // send a ping to the guy you are popping if cache too small GUESSEndpoint toReturn = (GUESSEndpoint) _queryHosts.removeLast(); // if i haven't pinged him 'recently', then ping him... synchronized (_pingList) { if (!_pingList.contains(toReturn)) { PingRequest pr = new PingRequest((byte)1); InetAddress ip = toReturn.getAddress(); UDPService.instance().send(pr, ip, toReturn.getPort()); _pingList.add(toReturn); SentMessageStatHandler.UDP_PING_REQUESTS.addMessage(pr); } } return toReturn; } return (GUESSEndpoint) _queryHosts.removeLast(); } /** removes all Unicast Endpoints, reset associated members */ private void resetUnicastEndpointsAndQueries() { LOG.debug("Resetting unicast endpoints."); synchronized (_queries) { _queries.clear(); _queries.notifyAll(); } synchronized (_queryHosts) { _queryHosts.clear(); _queryHosts.notifyAll(); } synchronized (_queryKeys) { _queryKeys.clear(); _queryKeys.notifyAll(); } synchronized (_pingList) { _pingList.clear(); _pingList.notifyAll(); } _lastPingTime=0; _testUDPPingsSent=0; } private static class QueryBundle { public static final int MAX_RESULTS = 250; public static final int MAX_QUERIES = 1000; final QueryRequest _qr; // the number of results received per Query... int _numResults = 0; /** The Set of Endpoints queried for this Query. */ final Set _hostsQueried = new HashSet(); public QueryBundle(QueryRequest qr) { _qr = qr; } // overrides toString to provide more information public String toString() { return "QueryBundle: "+_qr; } } private static class QueryKeyBundle { public static final long QUERY_KEY_LIFETIME = 2 * ONE_HOUR; // 2 hours final long _birthTime; final QueryKey _queryKey; public QueryKeyBundle(QueryKey qk) { _queryKey = qk; _birthTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** Returns true if this QueryKey hasn't been updated in a while and * should be expired. */ public boolean shouldExpire() { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - _birthTime) >= QUERY_KEY_LIFETIME) return true; return false; } public String toString() { return "{QueryKeyBundle: " + _queryKey + " BirthTime = " + _birthTime; } } /** * Schedule this class to run every so often and rid the Map of Bundles that * are stale. */ private class QueryKeyExpirer implements Runnable { public void run() { synchronized (_queryKeys) { Set entries = _queryKeys.entrySet(); Iterator iter = entries.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { QueryKeyBundle currQKB = (QueryKeyBundle); if (currQKB.shouldExpire()) entries.remove(currQKB); } } } } }