package com.limegroup.gnutella.util; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Assert; /** * A simple fixed size sorted set. Uses two structures internally, a SortedSet * and a Map, in order to efficiently look things up and keep them sorted. * This class is NOT SYNCHRONIZED. Synchronization should be done externally. */ public class FixedSizeSortedSet { /** * The underlying set that efficiently * keeps this FixedSizeSortedSet sorted. * INVARIANT: The elements of this set must be mirrored * by values in _map. * INVARIANT: The size of this set must be equal to the size * of _map. */ private SortedSet _sortedSet; /** * The map that allows us to treat this FixedSizeSortedSet * with equality of equals() instead of compareTo(). * INVARIANT: The values of this map must point to an element * in the _sortedSet. * INVARIANT: The size of this map must be equal to the size * of _sortedSet. */ private Map /*Object -> Object*/ _map; /** * The maximum size of this, defaults to 50 */ private int _maxSize; ///////////////////////////////constructors//////////////////// /** * Constructs a FixedSizeSortedSet with a maximum size of 50. */ public FixedSizeSortedSet() { this(50); } /** * Constructs a FixedSizeSortedSet with a specified maximum size. */ public FixedSizeSortedSet(int size) { _maxSize = size; _sortedSet = new TreeSet(); _map = new HashMap(); } /** * Constructs a FixedSizeSortedSet with the specified comparator * for the SortedSet and a maximum size of 50. */ public FixedSizeSortedSet(Comparator c) { this(c,50); } /** * Constructs a FixedSizeSortedSet with the specified comparator * and maximum size. */ public FixedSizeSortedSet(Comparator c, int maxSize) { _maxSize = maxSize; _sortedSet = new TreeSet(c); _map = new HashMap(); } ////////////////////////Sorted Set methods/////////////////////// public Object clone() { FixedSizeSortedSet ret = new FixedSizeSortedSet(_maxSize); ret._sortedSet = (SortedSet)((TreeSet)_sortedSet).clone(); ret._map = (Map)((HashMap)_map).clone(); return ret; } /////////////////////Set Interface methods /////////////////// /** * Adds the object to the set. If the object is already present, * (as specified by the Map's equals comparison), then it is ejected * and this newer version is used. */ public boolean add(Object o) { if(o==null) return false; Object val = _map.get(o); if(val != null) {//we have the object boolean removed = _sortedSet.remove(val); if(!removed) invariantsBroken(o, val); _sortedSet.add(o); _map.put(o,o);//replace the old entry return false; } else {//we need to add it if(_map.size() >= _maxSize) { //need to remove highest element Object highest = _sortedSet.last(); boolean removed = (_map.remove(highest)!=null); if(!removed) invariantsBroken(highest, highest); removed = _sortedSet.remove(highest); if(!removed) invariantsBroken(highest, highest); } _map.put(o,o); boolean added = _sortedSet.add(o); if(!added) invariantsBroken(o, o); return true; } } /** * Adds all the elements of the specified collection to this set. */ public boolean addAll(Collection c) { boolean ret = false; Iterator iter = c.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) ret |= add(; return ret; } /** * Retrieves the element that has an equals comparison with this * object and is in this FixedSizeSortedSet. */ public Object get(Object o) { return _map.get(o); } /** * Returns the last element in the sorted set. */ public Object last() { return _sortedSet.last(); } /** * Returns the first element in the sorted set. */ public Object first() { return _sortedSet.first(); } /** * Removes the specified object from this sorted set. * Equality is determined by equals, not compareTo. */ public boolean remove(Object o) { Object obj = _map.remove(o); boolean b1 = (obj!=null); boolean b2 = _sortedSet.remove(obj); if(b1 != b2) invariantsBroken(o, obj); return b1; } /** * Clears this FixedSizeSortedSet. */ public void clear() { _sortedSet.clear(); _map.clear(); } /** * Determines if this set contains the specified object. * Equality is determined by equals, not compareTo. */ public boolean contains(Object o) { return (_map.get(o) != null); //some equal key exists in the map } public boolean equals(Object o) { if(o==null) return false; if(o==this) return true; if(!( o instanceof FixedSizeSortedSet)) return false; FixedSizeSortedSet other = (FixedSizeSortedSet)o; return (_sortedSet.equals(other._sortedSet) && _map.equals(other._map)); } public int hashCode() { return _sortedSet.hashCode() + 37*_map.hashCode(); } public boolean isEmpty() { Assert.that(_sortedSet.isEmpty()==_map.isEmpty()); return _sortedSet.isEmpty(); } public Iterator iterator() { return new FSSSIterator(); } public int size() { if( _sortedSet.size() != _map.size() ) invariantsBroken(null, null); return _sortedSet.size(); } /** * Notification that the invariants have broken, triggers an error. */ private void invariantsBroken(Object key, Object value) { String mapBefore = _map.toString(); String setBefore = _sortedSet.toString(); String mapSizeBefore = "" + _map.size(); String setSizeBefore = "" + _sortedSet.size(); stabilize(); String mapAfter = _map.toString(); String setAfter = _sortedSet.toString(); String mapSizeAfter = "" + _map.size(); String setSizeAfter = "" + _sortedSet.size(); Assert.silent(false, "key: " + key + ", value: " + value + "\nbefore stabilization: " + "\nsize of map: " + mapSizeBefore + ", set: " + setSizeBefore + "\nmap: " + mapBefore + "\nset: " + setBefore + "\nafter stabilization: " + "\nsize of map " + mapSizeAfter + ", set: " + setSizeAfter + "\nmap: " + mapAfter + "\nset: " + setAfter); } /** * Stabilizes the two data structures so that the invariants of this * class are consistent. This should never normally be done, but until * we can find what is causing the data to go out of synch, we need * to clean up the structures to prevent errors from going out of control. */ private void stabilize() { // First clean up the map for any entries that may not be in the set. for(Iterator iter = _map.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); // If the set does not contain the value of this entry, remove it // from the map. if( !_sortedSet.contains(entry.getValue()) ) iter.remove(); } // Then clean up the set for any entries that may not be in the map. Collection values = _map.values(); for(Iterator iter = _sortedSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Object o =; // If the values of the map do not contain this entry, remove it // from the set. if( !values.contains(o) ) iter.remove(); } } private class FSSSIterator implements Iterator { private final Iterator _setIterator; private Object _current; public FSSSIterator() { _setIterator=_sortedSet.iterator(); } public boolean hasNext() { return _setIterator.hasNext(); } public Object next() { _current =; return _current; } public void remove() { _setIterator.remove(); _map.remove(_current); _current=null; } } }