package com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.mp3; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JProgressBar; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Assert; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ErrorService; import com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.BoxPanel; import com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.GUIConstants; import com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.GUIMediator; import com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.MediaButton; import com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.RefreshListener; import com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.playlist.PlaylistMediator; import com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.themes.ThemeMediator; import com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.themes.ThemeObserver; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.CommonUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.ProcessingQueue; /** This class sets up JPanel with MediaPlayer on it, and takes care of * GUI MediaPlayer events. */ public final class MediaPlayerComponent implements AudioPlayerListener, RefreshListener, ThemeObserver { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MediaPlayerComponent.class); /** * The sole instance. */ private static MediaPlayerComponent INSTANCE = null; /** * The MP3 player. */ private final AudioPlayer PLAYER; /** * The ProgressBar for showing the name & play progress. */ private /* final */ JProgressBar PROGRESS; private Dimension _progressBarDimension = new Dimension(110,20); /** * The ProcessingQueue that plays songs. * * A processingQueue is used so that we don't keep the thread * around when we're not handling songs. */ private static final ProcessingQueue SONG_QUEUE = new ProcessingQueue("SongProcessor"); /** * The currently playing song. */ private volatile File myCurrentPlayingFile = null; /** * The next song that we want to play. */ private volatile File nextSongToPlay = null; /** * Whether or not the user pressed 'stop' last. */ private volatile static boolean stopWasLast = false; /** * Index of where to display the name in the progress bar. */ private volatile int currBeginIndex = -1; /** * The maximum characters to show in the progress bar. */ private static final int STRING_SIZE_TO_SHOW = 24; /** * Constant for the play button. */ private static final MediaButton PLAY_BUTTON = new MediaButton("MEDIA_PLAY_BUTTON_TIP", "play_small_up", "play_small_dn"); /** * Constant for the pause button. */ private static final MediaButton PAUSE_BUTTON = new MediaButton("MEDIA_PAUSE_BUTTON_TIP", "pause_small_up", "pause_small_dn"); /** Constant for the stop button. */ private static final MediaButton STOP_BUTTON = new MediaButton("MEDIA_STOP_BUTTON_TIP", "stop_small_up", "stop_small_dn"); /** Constant for the forward button. */ private static final MediaButton FORWARD_BUTTON = new MediaButton("MEDIA_FORWARD_BUTTON_TIP", "forward_small_up", "forward_small_dn"); /** Constant for the rewind button. */ private static final MediaButton REWIND_BUTTON = new MediaButton("MEDIA_REWIND_BUTTON_TIP", "rewind_small_up", "rewind_small_dn"); /** * The lazily constructed media panel. */ private JPanel myMediaPanel = null; /** * Variable for the name of the current file being played. */ private String currentFileName; /** * Lock for access to the above String. */ private final Object cfnLock = new Object(); /** * Gets the sole instance. */ public static MediaPlayerComponent instance() { INSTANCE = new MediaPlayerComponent(); return INSTANCE; } /** * Constructs a new <tt>MediaPlayerComponent</tt>. */ private MediaPlayerComponent() { PLAYER = new BasicPlayer(); PLAYER.addAudioPlayerListener(this); GUIMediator.addRefreshListener(this); ThemeMediator.addThemeObserver(this); } // inherit doc comment public void updateTheme() { PLAY_BUTTON.updateTheme(); PAUSE_BUTTON.updateTheme(); STOP_BUTTON.updateTheme(); FORWARD_BUTTON.updateTheme(); REWIND_BUTTON.updateTheme(); PROGRESS.setString(GUIMediator.getStringResource("MEDIA_PLAYER_DEFAULT_STRING")); } /** * Listens for the play button being pressed. */ private class PlayListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { stopWasLast = false; switch(PLAYER.getStatus()) { case AudioPlayer.STATUS_PAUSED: unpause(); break; case AudioPlayer.STATUS_STOPPED: setNextSong(GUIMediator.getPlayList().getFileToPlay()); break; } } } /** * Listens for the stopped button being pressed. */ private class StopListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { stopWasLast = true; stopSong(); } } /** * Listens for the next button being pressed. */ private class NextListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if (PLAYER.getStatus() != AudioPlayer.STATUS_STOPPED) { // must unpause first if paused. if (PLAYER.getStatus() == AudioPlayer.STATUS_PAUSED) PLAYER.unpause(); stopSong(); // will automatically go to the next song. } } } /** * Listens for the back button being pressed. */ private class BackListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if (PLAYER.getStatus() != AudioPlayer.STATUS_STOPPED) { GUIMediator.getPlayList().setBackwardsMode(); if (PLAYER.getStatus() == AudioPlayer.STATUS_PAUSED) PLAYER.unpause(); stopSong(); } } } /** * Listens for the pause button being pressed. */ private class PauseListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { pauseSong(); } } /** * Runnable that waits a little bit before playing songs, to give the * user time to click 'next' a bunch. */ private class SongBuffer implements Runnable { public void run() { if(getNextSong() == null) { LOG.trace("no next song, leaving."); return; } // if something's already playing, sleep a bit until someone // stops it -- hopefully shouldn't take too long. while(PLAYER.getStatus() != AudioPlayer.STATUS_STOPPED) { LOG.trace("player isn't stopped, sleeping."); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch(InterruptedException ignored) {} } // if we're already playing the song, nothing to do. if(isPlaying(getNextSong())) { LOG.trace("already playing requested song, leaving."); return; } // if we're already playing something, wait until it finishes... while(myCurrentPlayingFile != null) { LOG.trace("player is still completing something, sleeping..."); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch(InterruptedException ignored) {} } // get the latest file File playFile = null; // While the song the user wants is changing, // sleep a bit, so we don't play the first second // of each. while(playFile != getNextSong()) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("new song, setting as: " + getNextSong() + " and waiting for changes..."); playFile = getNextSong(); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch(InterruptedException ignored) {} } // nothing to play? if(playFile == null) { LOG.debug("song selection cancelled, leaving."); return; } if(LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("starting song: " + playFile); myCurrentPlayingFile = playFile; setNextSong(null); try { PlaylistMediator playlist = GUIMediator.getPlayList(); if (playlist != null) { if(! { myCurrentPlayingFile = null; return; } GUIMediator.getPlayList().playStarted(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { myCurrentPlayingFile = null; ErrorService.error(ioe); } } } /** * Constructs the media panel. */ private JPanel constructMediaPanel() { int tempWidth = 0, tempHeight = 0; tempHeight += PLAY_BUTTON.getIcon().getIconHeight() + 2; tempWidth += PLAY_BUTTON.getIcon().getIconWidth() + 2 + PAUSE_BUTTON.getIcon().getIconWidth() + 2 + STOP_BUTTON.getIcon().getIconWidth() + 2 + FORWARD_BUTTON.getIcon().getIconWidth() + 2 + REWIND_BUTTON.getIcon().getIconWidth() + 2; // create sliders PROGRESS = new SongProgressBar(); PROGRESS.setMaximumSize(_progressBarDimension); PROGRESS.setPreferredSize(_progressBarDimension); PROGRESS.setString(GUIMediator.getStringResource("MEDIA_PLAYER_DEFAULT_STRING")); // setup buttons PLAY_BUTTON.addActionListener(new PlayListener()); PAUSE_BUTTON.addActionListener(new PauseListener()); STOP_BUTTON.addActionListener(new StopListener()); FORWARD_BUTTON.addActionListener(new NextListener()); REWIND_BUTTON.addActionListener(new BackListener()); // setup sliders updatePBValue(0); // add everything JPanel buttonPanel = new BoxPanel(BoxPanel.X_AXIS); buttonPanel.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(tempWidth, tempHeight)); buttonPanel.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(tempWidth, tempHeight)); buttonPanel.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); buttonPanel.add(REWIND_BUTTON); buttonPanel.add(PLAY_BUTTON); buttonPanel.add(PAUSE_BUTTON); buttonPanel.add(STOP_BUTTON); buttonPanel.add(FORWARD_BUTTON); buttonPanel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(GUIConstants.SEPARATOR)); buttonPanel.add(PROGRESS); if (CommonUtils.isMacOSX()) buttonPanel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(16)); buttonPanel.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); return buttonPanel; } /** * Gets the media panel, constructing it if necessary. */ public JPanel getMediaPanel() { if (myMediaPanel == null) myMediaPanel = constructMediaPanel(); return myMediaPanel; } /** * Plays the file immediately, marking the player as 'playing'. */ public static void playSongImmediately(File f) { if(INSTANCE == null || f == null) return; MediaPlayerComponent.stopWasLast = false; // only do stuff if we're not already playing it. if (!MediaPlayerComponent.isPlaying(f)) INSTANCE.setNextSong(f); } /** * Launches the specified song. */ public static void launchAudio(File toPlay) { if (INSTANCE == null || toPlay == null) return; // already playing this audio file? if (MediaPlayerComponent.isPlaying(toPlay)) return; switch(INSTANCE.PLAYER.getStatus()) { case AudioPlayer.STATUS_STOPPED: INSTANCE.setNextSong(toPlay); break; case AudioPlayer.STATUS_PLAYING: if(GUIMediator.getPlayList().isSongPlaying()) GUIMediator.getPlayList().playSongNext(toPlay); else INSTANCE.setNextSong(toPlay); break; case AudioPlayer.STATUS_PAUSED: INSTANCE.setNextSong(toPlay); break; } } /** * Determines if the given file is playing right now. */ public static boolean isPlaying(File f) { return f != null && f.equals(INSTANCE.myCurrentPlayingFile); } /** * Pauses the currently playing audio file. */ private void pauseSong() { if (PLAYER.getStatus() == AudioPlayer.STATUS_PAUSED) { if (PLAYER.getFrameSeek() != 0) PLAYER.stop(); else PLAYER.unpause(); } else { PLAYER.pause(); } } /** * Sets the next song to be played. */ private void setNextSong(File f) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("setting next song to be: " + f); nextSongToPlay = f; stopSong(); if(f != null) SONG_QUEUE.add(new SongBuffer()); } /** * Gets the next song to be played. */ private File getNextSong() { return nextSongToPlay; } /** * Stops the currently playing audio file. */ private void stopSong() { if(PLAYER.getStatus() != AudioPlayer.STATUS_STOPPED) PLAYER.stop(); } /** * Unpauses the song, if it was paused. */ private void unpause() { if (PLAYER.getStatus() == AudioPlayer.STATUS_PAUSED) { // player was paused, play from current audio file location if (PLAYER.getFrameSeek() == 0) PLAYER.unpause(); } } /** * Notification that a song has finished playing. * If play is continuous & the user didn't manually stop, * queues up the next song to play. * * Implements one method of BasicPlayerListener Interface. */ public void playComplete() { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("play completed for: " + myCurrentPlayingFile); myCurrentPlayingFile = null; // complete progress bar updatePBValue(PROGRESS.getMaximum()); updatePBString(""); PlaylistMediator playlist = GUIMediator.getPlayList(); if (playlist == null) return; // inform the GUI on whether or not we're going to continue playing. if (stopWasLast || !playlist.isContinuous()) playlist.playComplete(true); else { playlist.playComplete(false); // if we don't already have another song to play, // get one. if (getNextSong() == null) setNextSong(playlist.getFileToPlay()); } } /** * Notification of the number of frames that will be played in this song. * Updates the progress bar with the appropriate values. * * - called before playing a audio file * - gets the size of the audio file in frames * - sets the maximum slider value * Implements one method of AudioPlayerListener Interface. * */ public void setUpSeek(int lengthInFrames) { // set slider max to audio file length updatePBValue(0); updatePBMaximum(lengthInFrames); // others may need access to this badboy.... synchronized (cfnLock) { currentFileName = myCurrentPlayingFile.getName(); if (currentFileName.length() > STRING_SIZE_TO_SHOW) { currentFileName = currentFileName + " *** " + currentFileName + " *** "; } updatePBString(currentFileName); currBeginIndex = -5; } } /** * Updates the progress bar to have the correct progress & name. */ public void updateAudioPosition(int value) { updatePBValue(value); synchronized (cfnLock) { if (currentFileName == null) return; if (currentFileName.length() <= STRING_SIZE_TO_SHOW) return; Assert.that(currentFileName.length() > (STRING_SIZE_TO_SHOW * 2)); currBeginIndex = currBeginIndex + 5; if ((currBeginIndex + STRING_SIZE_TO_SHOW) >= currentFileName.length()) { currBeginIndex = currBeginIndex - (currentFileName.length()/2); } updatePBString(currentFileName.substring( currBeginIndex, currBeginIndex + STRING_SIZE_TO_SHOW)); } } /** * Updates the audio player. */ public void refresh() { PLAYER.refresh(); } /** * Updates the maximum value of the progress bar, on the Swing thread. */ private void updatePBMaximum(final int update) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { PROGRESS.setMaximum(update); } }); } /** * Updates the displayed value of the progress bar, on the Swing thread. */ private void updatePBString(final String update) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { PROGRESS.setString(update); } }); } /** * Updates the current progress of the progress bar, on the Swing thread. */ private void updatePBValue(final int update) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { PROGRESS.setValue(update); } catch(ClassCastException ignored) { //see: //who knows why it happens, but who cares about it. } } }); } }