package; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Assert; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.ApproximateMatcher; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.Comparators; /** * Used by TableLineModel to quickly find similar SearchResults. This takes * advantage of the fact that two SearchResults' are similar only if their file * sizes are similar. A typical TableLineGrouper is a set of SearchResults', * {a1,..., an}. */ final public class TableLineGrouper { /** Maps sizes to lists of index/line pairs. This list is needed in case * there are multiple files with same size. (Performance is severely degraded * in this case.) */ private /* Integer -> List<SearchResult> */ SortedMap map= new TreeMap(Comparators.integerComparator()); /** Used to compare all filenames in this. Ignores case, whitespace. */ final private ApproximateMatcher matcher; public TableLineGrouper() { this.matcher=new ApproximateMatcher(120); this.matcher.setIgnoreCase(true); this.matcher.setIgnoreWhitespace(true); this.matcher.setCompareBackwards(true); } /** Returns true if empty, i.e., cleared. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return map.isEmpty(); } public void clear() { map.clear(); } /** Returns an j s.t. list[j].match(line), * or -1 if no such i but the caller should keep searching * (because no line in list is close in size) * or -2 if no such i but the caller shouldn't keep searching * (because no line in list is close in size) * @requires elements of list are GrouperPair */ private int matchHelper(List /* of SearchResult */ list, SearchResult line) { Assert.that(list!=null, "Trying to match null list"); Assert.that(line!=null, "Trying to match null line"); for (int j=0; j<list.size(); j++) { SearchResult line2=(SearchResult)list.get(j); int match=line2.match(line, matcher); if (match==0) //matches return j; else if (match==2) //non-similar sizes return -2; } return -1; } /** Returns a line G in this s.t. G.similar(line), or null of no such line * exists. */ public SearchResult match(SearchResult line) { //OK. This line has no hash...use old algorithm... Integer key=new Integer(line.getSize()); //1. Search forward for results with similar (but possibly larger) sizes Iterator iter=map.tailMap(key).values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { List lines=(List); int ret=matchHelper(lines, line); if (ret>=0) return (SearchResult)lines.get(ret); else if (ret==-2) break; } //2. Search backwards for results with similar (but possibly smaller) // sizes. Note that we do this in a different way from (1) because // sorted maps provide no way of iterating through values backwards. SortedMap; while (true) { Integer key2; try { key2=(Integer)map.lastKey(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { break; } List lines=(List)map.get(key2); int ret=matchHelper(lines, line); if (ret>=0) return (SearchResult)lines.get(ret); else if (ret==-2) break; map=map.headMap(key2); } //3. No luck? return null; } /** * Adds line to this. Generally there should be no lines similar to line * in this, i.e., this.match(line)==null, but this isn't strictly required. * @requires line not in this * @modifies this */ public void add(SearchResult line) { Assert.that(line!=null,"Attempting to add null line"); Integer key=new Integer(line.getSize()); List lines=(List)map.get(key); if (lines==null) { lines=new LinkedList(); map.put(key, lines); } lines.add(line); } /* public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Starting."); //1. Basic tests TableLineGrouper grouper=new TableLineGrouper(); TableLine line1=new TableLine("file.mp3", new Integer(100), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); TableLine line2=new TableLine("file.mp3", new Integer(99), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); TableLine line3=new TableLine("file.mp3", new Integer(101), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); TableLine line4=new TableLine("different.mp3", new Integer(100), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); Assert.that(grouper.match(line1)==null); grouper.add(line1); Assert.that(grouper.match(line1)==line1); Assert.that(grouper.match(line2)==line1); Assert.that(grouper.match(line3)==line1); Assert.that(grouper.match(line4)==null); TableLine line5=new TableLine("file.mp3", new Integer(1000000), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); TableLine line6=new TableLine("file.mp3", new Integer(1001000), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); TableLine line7=new TableLine("file.mp3", new Integer(999000), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); TableLine line8=new TableLine("file.mp3", new Integer(10000000), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); Assert.that(grouper.match(line5)==null); grouper.add(line5); grouper.add(line8); Assert.that(grouper.match(line6)==line5); Assert.that(grouper.match(line7)==line5); System.out.println("Done."); } */ /* //Old unit test not adapted to new interface. //2. Tests whether match searches forward and backward correctly grouper=new TableLineGrouper(); TableLine line0=new TableLine("zero.mp3", new Integer(98), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); line1=new TableLine("first.mp3", new Integer(99), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); line2=new TableLine("second.mp3", new Integer(100), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); line3=new TableLine("third.mp3", new Integer(101), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); line4=new TableLine("fourth.mp3", new Integer(102), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); Assert.that(grouper.add(line0)==0); Assert.that(grouper.add(line1)==1); Assert.that(grouper.add(line2)==2); Assert.that(grouper.add(line3)==3); Assert.that(grouper.add(line4)==4); TableLine line0c=new TableLine("zero.mp3", new Integer(100), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); TableLine line1c=new TableLine("first.mp3", new Integer(100), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); TableLine line3c=new TableLine("third.mp3", new Integer(100), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); TableLine line4c=new TableLine("fourth.mp3", new Integer(100), new Integer(0), new Integer(0), "host", new Integer(6346), new byte[16], new Integer(0)); Assert.that(grouper.match(line1c)==1); Assert.that(grouper.match(line3c)==3); Assert.that(grouper.match(line0c)==0); Assert.that(grouper.match(line4c)==4); } */ }