package com.limegroup.gnutella.bugs; import; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.FixedsizeForgetfulHashMap; /** * This class handles creating the bug information for client reporting * the bug. It constructs the appropriate bug information based * on the data supplied by the client, such as the operating system, the * LimeWire version, etc.<p> * * This class is reconstructed on the client side by the * <tt>RemoteClientInfo</tt> class. */ //2345678|012345678|012345678|012345678|012345678|012345678|012345678|012345678| public final class RemoteServletInfo extends RemoteAbstractInfo { /** * The instance to use for constructing response strings. */ private static final RemoteServletInfo INSTANCE = new RemoteServletInfo(); /** * Map of recently seen stack traces. * Each stack trace maps to an integer which represents * the number of times we've seen this bug. * A FixedsizeForgetfulHashMap is used so that only recently reported * bugs are remembered. Those reported less frequently will eventually * fall out of the map. * * The information is used to tell the host reporting the bug to not * respond with this particular bug again for a long time period. * * LOCKING: Obtain this' monitor. */ private final FixedsizeForgetfulHashMap /* String -> Integer */ BUGS = new FixedsizeForgetfulHashMap(TOTAL_BUGS); /** * The number of bugs to keep in the above map. */ private static final int TOTAL_BUGS = 100; /** * The amount of times we'll read a bug before telling them to stop * reporting it. */ private static final int BUG_CUTOFF = 3; /** * The time, in milliseconds (as a string), that we'll tell people * to wait before sending us another bug if the count was over * the cutoff. (1 day) */ private static final String WAIT_TIME = "" + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); /** * The time, in milliseconds (as a string), that we'll tell people * to wait before sending any bug after a single bug is sent. * (10 minutes) */ private static final String ANY_TIME = "" + (10 * 60 * 1000); /** * The 'never' time to use for older clients that we just want to say: * "SHUT UP" to. (1 year) */ private static final String SHUT_UP = "" + (365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); /** * The response to send back to these clients. */ private static final String OLD_RESPONSE = NEXT_THIS_BUG_TIME + "=" + SHUT_UP + "&" + NEXT_ANY_BUG_TIME + "=" + SHUT_UP; /** * The last version whose bug reports we'll accept without telling the * client to be quiet. */ private static final int MAJOR_VERSION = 4; private static final int MINOR_VERSION = 9; private static final int SERVICE_VERSION = 30; /** * The only instance of this class to use. */ public static RemoteServletInfo instance() { return INSTANCE; } /** * Generates the appropriate response based on the information supplied * by the client reporting the bug. * * Returns a string in url encoding containing the data for the remote * remote update.<p> * * @param localInfo the <tt>LocalServletInfo</tt> instance * containing data about the client reporting the bug * * @return an url-encoded <tt>String</tt> containing all of the * necessary fields for responding to the bug report */ public String getURLEncodedString(LocalServletInfo localInfo) throws IOException { String version = localInfo.getLimeWireVersion(); String os = localInfo.getOS(); if(version == null || version.equals("")) throw new IOException("invalid version"); if(os == null || os.equals("")) throw new IOException("invalid operating system"); if( isOldClient(localInfo) ) return OLD_RESPONSE; String nextThisBugTime; String nextAnyBugTime; synchronized(this) { String bug = localInfo.getParsedBug(); Integer count = (Integer)BUGS.get(bug); nextAnyBugTime = ANY_TIME; if( count == null ) { // first time, insert. BUGS.put(bug, new Integer(1)); nextThisBugTime = "0"; } else { int newCount = count.intValue() + 1; BUGS.put(bug, new Integer(newCount)); if( newCount >= BUG_CUTOFF ) { nextThisBugTime = WAIT_TIME; } else { nextThisBugTime = "0"; } } } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); append(sb, NEXT_THIS_BUG_TIME, nextThisBugTime); append(sb, NEXT_ANY_BUG_TIME, nextAnyBugTime); sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); return sb.toString(); } /** * Appends 'k=URLEncoder.encode(v)&' to sb if v is non-null. */ private final void append(StringBuffer sb, final String k, final String v) { if( v != null ) { sb.append(k); sb.append("="); sb.append(URLEncoder.encode(v)); sb.append("&"); } } /** * Determines whether or not the specified client is considered 'old'. */ public static final boolean isOldClient(LocalServletInfo info) { final String vers = info.getLimeWireVersion(); final String os = info.getOS(); int major, minor, service; int dot1, dot2; // too many bugs being reported under @version@. if(vers.equals("@version@")) return true; // unsolvable. if(os.equals("Mac OS")) return true; dot1 = vers.indexOf("."); if(dot1 == -1) return true; // unknown, tell'm to go away. dot2 = vers.indexOf(".", dot1 + 1); if(dot2 == -1) return true; // unknown, tell'm to go away too. try { major = Integer.parseInt(vers.substring(0, dot1)); } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) { return true; // unknown again. } try { minor = Integer.parseInt(vers.substring(dot1 + 1, dot2)); } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) { return true; // unknown still. } try { int q = dot2 + 1; while(q < vers.length() && Character.isDigit(vers.charAt(q))) q++; service = Integer.parseInt(vers.substring(dot2 + 1, q)); } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) { return true; // unknown. } if( major < MAJOR_VERSION ) return true; if( major == MAJOR_VERSION ) { if( minor < MINOR_VERSION ) return true; if( minor == MINOR_VERSION ) { if( service < SERVICE_VERSION ) return true; } } return false; } }