package com.limegroup.gnutella.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; import com.limegroup.gnutella.FileDesc; import com.limegroup.gnutella.RouterService; import com.limegroup.gnutella.UploadManager; /** * This class provides static functions to load/store the files. * @author Anurag Singla */ public class FileUtils { /** * Writes the passed map to corresponding file * @param filename The name of the file to which to write the passed map * @param map The map to be stored */ public static void writeMap(String filename, Map map) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ObjectOutputStream out = null; try { //open the file out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename)); //write to the file out.writeObject(map); } finally { //close the stream if(out != null) out.close(); } } /** * Reads the map stored, in serialized object form, * in the passed file and returns it. from the file where it is stored * @param filename The file from where to read the Map * @return The map that was read */ public static Map readMap(String filename) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ObjectInputStream in = null; try { //open the file in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename)); //read and return the object return (Map)in.readObject(); } finally { //close the file if(in != null) in.close(); } } /** * Gets the canonical path, catching buggy Windows errors */ public static String getCanonicalPath(File f) throws IOException { try { return f.getCanonicalPath(); } catch(IOException ioe) { String msg = ioe.getMessage(); // windows bugs out :( if(CommonUtils.isWindows() && msg != null && msg.indexOf("There are no more files") != -1) return f.getAbsolutePath(); else throw ioe; } } /** Same as f.getCanonicalFile() in JDK1.3. */ public static File getCanonicalFile(File f) throws IOException { try { return f.getCanonicalFile(); } catch(IOException ioe) { String msg = ioe.getMessage(); // windows bugs out :( if(CommonUtils.isWindows() && msg != null && msg.indexOf("There are no more files") != -1) return f.getAbsoluteFile(); else throw ioe; } } /** * Detects attempts at directory traversal by testing if testDirectory * really is the parent of testPath. This method should be used to make * sure directory traversal tricks aren't being used to trick * LimeWire into reading or writing to unexpected places. * * Directory traversal security problems occur when software doesn't * check if input paths contain characters (such as "../") that cause the * OS to go up a directory. This function will ignore benign cases where * the path goes up one directory and then back down into the original directory. * * @return false if testParent is not the parent of testChild. * @throws IOException if getCanonicalPath throws IOException for either input file */ public static final boolean isReallyParent(File testParent, File testChild) throws IOException { // Don't check testDirectory.isDirectory... // If it's not a directory, it won't be the parent anyway. // This makes the tests more simple. String testParentName = getCanonicalPath(testParent); String testChildParentName = getCanonicalPath(testChild.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile()); if (! testParentName.equals(testChildParentName)) return false; return true; } /** * Utility method that returns the file extension of the given file. * * @param f the <tt>File</tt> instance from which the extension * should be extracted * @return the file extension string, or <tt>null</tt> if the extension * could not be extracted */ public static String getFileExtension(File f) { String name = f.getName(); return getFileExtension(name); } /** * Utility method that returns the file extension of the given file. * * @param name the file name <tt>String</tt> from which the extension * should be extracted * @return the file extension string, or <tt>null</tt> if the extension * could not be extracted */ public static String getFileExtension(String name) { int index = name.lastIndexOf("."); if(index == -1) return null; // the file must have a name other than the extension if(index == 0) return null; // if the last character of the string is the ".", then there's // no extension if(index == (name.length()-1)) return null; return name.substring(index+1); } /** * Utility method to set a file as non read only. * If the file is already writable, does nothing. * * @param f the <tt>File</tt> instance whose read only flag should * be unset. * * @return whether or not <tt>f</tt> is writable after trying to make it * writeable -- note that if the file doesn't exist, then this returns * <tt>true</tt> */ public static boolean setWriteable(File f) { if(!f.exists()) return true; // non Windows-based systems return the wrong value // for canWrite when the argument is a directory -- // writing is based on the 'x' attribute, not the 'w' // attribute for directories. if(f.canWrite()) { if(CommonUtils.isWindows()) return true; else if(!f.isDirectory()) return true; } String fName; try { fName = f.getCanonicalPath(); } catch(IOException ioe) { fName = f.getPath(); } String cmds[] = null; if( CommonUtils.isWindows() || CommonUtils.isMacOSX() ) SystemUtils.setWriteable(fName); else if ( CommonUtils.isOS2() ) cmds = null; // Find the right command for OS/2 and fill in else { if(f.isDirectory()) cmds = new String[] { "chmod", "u+w+x", fName }; else cmds = new String[] { "chmod", "u+w", fName}; } if( cmds != null ) { try { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmds); p.waitFor(); } catch(SecurityException ignored) { } catch(IOException ignored) { } catch(InterruptedException ignored) { } } return f.canWrite(); } /** * Touches a file, to ensure it exists. */ public static void touch(File f) throws IOException { if(f.exists()) return; File parent = f.getParentFile(); if(parent != null) parent.mkdirs(); try { f.createNewFile(); } catch(IOException failed) { // Okay, createNewFile failed. Let's try the old way. FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(f); } catch(IOException ioe) { ioe.initCause(failed); throw ioe; } finally { if(fos != null) { try { fos.close(); } catch(IOException ignored) {} } } } } public static boolean forceRename(File a, File b) { // First attempt to rename it. boolean success = a.renameTo(b); // If that fails, try killing any partial uploads we may have // to unlock the file, and then rename it. if (!success) { FileDesc fd = RouterService.getFileManager().getFileDescForFile( a); if( fd != null ) { UploadManager upMan = RouterService.getUploadManager(); // This must all be synchronized so that a new upload // doesn't lock the file before we rename it. synchronized(upMan) { if( upMan.killUploadsForFileDesc(fd) ) success = a.renameTo(b); } } } // If that didn't work, try copying the file. if (!success) { success = CommonUtils.copy(a, b); //if copying succeeded, get rid of the original //at this point any active uploads will have been killed if (success) a.delete(); } return success; } /** * Saves the data iff it was written exactly as we wanted. */ public static boolean verySafeSave(File dir, String name, byte[] data) { File tmp; try { tmp = File.createTempFile(name, "tmp", dir); } catch(IOException hrorible) { return false; } File out = new File(dir, name); OutputStream os = null; try { os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmp)); os.write(data); os.flush(); } catch(IOException bad) { return false; } finally { IOUtils.close(os); } //verify that we wrote everything correctly byte[] read = readFileFully(tmp); if(read == null || !Arrays.equals(read, data)) return false; return forceRename(tmp, out); } /** * Reads a file, filling a byte array. */ public static byte[] readFileFully(File source) { DataInputStream raf = null; int length = (int)source.length(); if(length <= 0) return null; byte[] data = new byte[length]; try { raf = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(source))); raf.readFully(data); } catch(IOException ioe) { return null; } finally { IOUtils.close(raf); } return data; } /** * @param directory Gets all files under this directory RECURSIVELY. * @param filter If null, then returns all files. Else, only returns files * extensions in the filter array. * @return An array of Files recursively obtained from the directory, * according to the filter. * */ public static File[] getFilesRecursive(File directory, String[] filter) { ArrayList dirs = new ArrayList(); // the return array of files... ArrayList retFileArray = new ArrayList(); File[] retArray = new File[0]; // bootstrap the process if (directory.exists() && directory.isDirectory()) dirs.add(directory); // while i have dirs to process while (dirs.size() > 0) { File currDir = (File) dirs.remove(0); String[] listedFiles = currDir.list(); for (int i = 0; (listedFiles != null) && (i < listedFiles.length); i++) { File currFile = new File(currDir,listedFiles[i]); if (currFile.isDirectory()) // to be dealt with later dirs.add(currFile); else if (currFile.isFile()) { // we have a 'file'.... boolean shouldAdd = false; if (filter == null) shouldAdd = true; else { String ext = FileUtils.getFileExtension(currFile); for (int j = 0; (j < filter.length) && (ext != null); j++) { if (ext.equalsIgnoreCase(filter[j])) { shouldAdd = true; // don't keep looping through all filters -- // one match is good enough break; } } } if (shouldAdd) retFileArray.add(currFile); } } } if (!retFileArray.isEmpty()) { retArray = new File[retFileArray.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < retArray.length; i++) retArray[i] = (File) retFileArray.get(i); } return retArray; } public static boolean deleteRecursive(File file) { // make sure we only delete canonical children of the parent file we // wish to delete. I have a hunch this might be an issue on OSX and // Linux under certain circumstances. // If anyone can test whether this really happens (possibly related to // symlinks), I would much appreciate it. String canonicalParent; try { canonicalParent = file.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException ioe) { return false; } if (!file.isDirectory()) return file.delete(); File[] files = file.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { try { if (!files[i].getCanonicalPath().startsWith(canonicalParent)) continue; } catch (IOException ioe) { return false; } if (!deleteRecursive(files[i])) return false; } return file.delete(); } }