package; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.util.Arrays; import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import javax.swing.text.Document; import javax.swing.text.PlainDocument; import com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.ClearableAutoCompleteTextField; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.SearchSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.I18NConvert; /** * Specialized class that only allows valid search characters to be * entered into text fields. */ public class SearchField extends ClearableAutoCompleteTextField { /** * Constant for the array of characters that should not be * allowed in search strings. */ private static final char[] ILLEGAL_CHARS = SearchSettings.ILLEGAL_CHARS.getValue(); /** * Constant for the maximum number of bytes to allow in queries. */ private static final int MAX_QUERY_LENGTH = SearchSettings.MAX_QUERY_LENGTH.getValue(); // statically make sure that the array of illegal characters is // sorted static { Arrays.sort(ILLEGAL_CHARS); } /** * Toolkit for sounding beeps when invalid characters are entered. */ private static final Toolkit TOOLKIT = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); /** * Creates a new search field. */ public SearchField() { super(); } /** * Creates a new search field with the specified number of columns. * * @param columns the number of columns to display in the field */ public SearchField(int columns) { super(columns); } // overridden to filter out invalid search characters protected Document createDefaultModel() { return new SearchFieldDocument(); } /** * Helper class that filters out all characters that are not * accepted as search strings. If the character is not accepted, * the system should beep. */ private static class SearchFieldDocument extends PlainDocument { public void insertString(int offs, String str, AttributeSet a) throws BadLocationException { if(str == null) { super.insertString(offs, str, a); return; } if(offs >= MAX_QUERY_LENGTH) { TOOLKIT.beep(); return; } // Normalized String are maybe longer than MAX_QUERY_LENGTH String norm = I18NConvert.instance().getNorm(str); if (norm.length() > MAX_QUERY_LENGTH) { TOOLKIT.beep(); return; } char[] source = str.toCharArray(); char[] result = new char[source.length]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i<result.length; i++) { // if the character is not in the illegal chars, put // it in the search string if(Arrays.binarySearch(ILLEGAL_CHARS, source[i]) < 0) { result[j++] = source[i]; } else { // beep to let the user know we won't accept it TOOLKIT.beep(); } } super.insertString(offs, new String(result, 0, j), a); } } }