package; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.GUIMediator; import com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.xml.XMLUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.StringUtils; /** * Represents a single selector. */ class Selector { /** * A SCHEMA selector. */ public static final int SCHEMA = 1; /** * A FIELD selector. */ public static final int FIELD = 2; /** * A PROPERTY selector. */ public static final int PROPERTY = 3; /** * The value for the selector if it represents listing all schemas. */ private static final String S_SCHEMA = "schema"; /** * The value for the selector if it represents a specific field within * a schema. */ private static final String S_FIELD = "field"; /** * The value for the selector if it represents a property, such as * "extension", "quality", "speed", etc. */ private static final String S_PROPERTY = "property"; /** * The schema of this selector. */ private final String _SCHEMA; /** * The value of this selector. */ private final String _VALUE; /** * The type of this selector. */ private final int _TYPE; /** * Whether or not this selector is minimized. */ private boolean _minimized = false; /** * Stores the once computed hash code of this selector. This works as long * as the Selector class stays immutable, as it is now. */ private int cachedHashCode; /** * Constructs a new selector. */ private Selector(String schema, String value, int type) { this._SCHEMA = schema; this._VALUE = value; this._TYPE = type; } /** * Creates a new schema selector. */ public static Selector createSchemaSelector() { return new Selector("", "", SCHEMA); } /** * Creates a new selector for the specified field within a schema. */ public static Selector createFieldSelector(String schema, String field) { return new Selector(schema, field, FIELD); } /** * Creates a new selector for the specified property. */ public static Selector createPropertySelector(String property) { return new Selector("", property, PROPERTY); } /** * Creates a selector from a string. * * Valid strings are: * schema | <true|false> * field, <schema>, <value> | <true|false> * property, <value> | <true|false> * * All other strings will throw an IllegalArgumentException */ public static Selector createFromString(String value) { if(value == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null value"); value = value.toLowerCase(); String left, right; int pipe = value.indexOf("|"); if(pipe == -1 || pipe == value.length()) { left = value.trim(); right = ""; } else { left = value.substring(0, pipe).trim(); right = value.substring(pipe+1).trim(); } String[] data = StringUtils.split(left, ","); if(data.length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(value); for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) data[i] = data[i].trim(); Selector selector; // First parse the 'data' if(S_SCHEMA.equals(data[0])) { selector = createSchemaSelector(); // must have nothing else if(data.length != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(value); } else if(S_FIELD.equals(data[0])) { // Must have schema & value if(data.length != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(value); String schema = data[1]; String info = data[2]; selector = createFieldSelector(schema, info); } else if(S_PROPERTY.equals(data[0])) { // must have value. if(data.length != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException(value); String info = data[1].toUpperCase(); selector = createPropertySelector(info); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(value); } // Then process the additional fields data = StringUtils.split(right, ","); for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) data[i] = data[i].trim(); if(data.length > 0) selector.setMinimized(data[0].equals("true")); // as more fields are added, process them here, ala: // if(data.length > 1) // selector.setNewData(data[1].equals("data")); return selector; } /** * Writes the selector out in the specified format. */ public String toString() { String value; switch(_TYPE) { case SCHEMA: value = S_SCHEMA; break; case FIELD: value = S_FIELD + ", " + _SCHEMA + ", " + _VALUE; break; case PROPERTY: value = S_PROPERTY + ", " + _VALUE; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("invalid type: " + _TYPE); } return value + " | " + _minimized; } /** * Determines if this is minimized. */ public boolean isMinimized() { return _minimized; } /** * Sets the minimized status. */ public void setMinimized(boolean minimized) { _minimized = minimized; } /** * Determines the title of this selector. * * TODO: Move somewhere else? Don't want to have dependencies... */ public String getTitle() { switch(_TYPE) { case Selector.SCHEMA: return GUIMediator.getStringResource("SEARCH_FILTER_MEDIA"); case Selector.FIELD: return XMLUtils.getResource(_VALUE); case Selector.PROPERTY: try { return GUIMediator.getStringResource(_VALUE); } catch(MissingResourceException mse) { return _VALUE; } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid type: " + _TYPE); } } /** * Determines if this is a schema selector. */ public boolean isSchemaSelector() { return _TYPE == SCHEMA; } /** * Determines if this is a field selector. */ public boolean isFieldSelector() { return _TYPE == FIELD; } /** * Determines if this is a property selector. */ public boolean isPropertySelector() { return _TYPE == PROPERTY; } /** * Determines the type of selector. */ public int getSelectorType() { return _TYPE; } /** * Determines the schema of this selector. Only valid * if the type is a field. */ public String getSchema() { if(_TYPE != FIELD) throw new IllegalStateException("invalid type: " + _TYPE); return _SCHEMA; } /** * Determines the value of this schema. Only valid if the type * is a field or property. */ public String getValue() { if(_TYPE != FIELD && _TYPE != PROPERTY) throw new IllegalStateException("invalid type: " + _TYPE); return _VALUE; } /** * Determines whether or not the specified selector is the same as this one. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { if(o == this) return true; if(o instanceof Selector) { Selector f = (Selector)o; return f._TYPE == _TYPE && f._SCHEMA.equals(_SCHEMA) && f._VALUE.equals(_VALUE); } else { return false; } } /** * Returns the hash code of this object. */ public int hashCode() { if (cachedHashCode == 0) { cachedHashCode = _TYPE + 31 * _SCHEMA.hashCode() + 31 * 31 * _VALUE.hashCode(); } return cachedHashCode; } }