package com.limegroup.gnutella.browser; import; import; import; import; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.CommonUtils; /** * Handle a pure HTTP request */ public class HTTPHandler { /** The relative document root. */ private static final String ROOT = "root/"; private Socket _socket; private OutputStream _ostream; private boolean _inErrorState; private String _line; /** * Create and execute the handler without a new thread. */ public static HTTPHandler createPage( Socket socket, String content ) { HTTPHandler handler = new HTTPHandler(socket, null); handler.handlePage(content); return(handler); } public HTTPHandler( Socket socket, String line ) { _socket = socket; _line = line; _inErrorState = false; } /** * Return a precreated page */ public void handlePage(String page) { // Setup streams setupIO(); uploadPage(page); } private void setupIO() { try { _ostream = _socket.getOutputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { _inErrorState = true; } } /** * Parse out the path component. */ private String getRelativePath( String line ) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( line ); String path = null; if ( st.hasMoreTokens() ) path = st.nextToken(); else _inErrorState = true; return path; } /** * Return the file if a file request. Error out as appropriate. */ private void processRequest( File apath, String rpath ) { // Check to see if this is a control request String rbase = rpath; int rloc = rbase.indexOf("?"); if ( rloc > 0 ) rbase = rbase.substring(0, rloc); if ( !apath.exists() ) _inErrorState =true; if ( !apath.canRead() ) _inErrorState =true; if ( _inErrorState ) writeError(); } /** * Echo back a page. */ public void uploadPage(String page) { int length = page.length(); byte[] content; try { writeHeader(length, getMimeType(".html")); content = page.getBytes(); _ostream.write(content); } catch( IOException e ) { _inErrorState =true; } try { _ostream.close(); } catch( IOException e ) { } } /** * Setup the few mime-types currently required. */ private String getMimeType(String filename) { if ( filename.endsWith(".gif") ) return "image/gif"; else if ( filename.endsWith(".img") ) return "image/gif"; else if ( filename.endsWith(".js") ) return "application/x-javascript"; else if ( filename.endsWith(".css") ) return "text/css"; return "text/html"; } /** * Write a simple header */ private void writeHeader(int length, String mimeType) throws IOException { String str; str = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK \r\n"; _ostream.write(str.getBytes()); str = "Server: "+CommonUtils.getVendor()+"\r\n"; _ostream.write(str.getBytes()); str = "Content-type:" + mimeType + "\r\n"; _ostream.write(str.getBytes()); str = "Content-length:"+ length + "\r\n"; _ostream.write(str.getBytes()); str = "\r\n"; _ostream.write(str.getBytes()); } /** * Write out a 404 error. */ public void writeError() { try { /* Sends a 404 File Not Found message */ String str; str = "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n"; _ostream.write(str.getBytes()); /** str = "Server: " + CommonUtils.getVendor() + "\r\n"; _ostream.write(str.getBytes()); str = "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"; _ostream.write(str.getBytes()); str = "Content-Length: " + 0 + "\r\n"; _ostream.write(str.getBytes()); str = "\r\n"; _ostream.write(str.getBytes()); */ _ostream.flush(); } catch( IOException e ) { } try { _ostream.close(); } catch( IOException e ) { } } }