package com.limegroup.gnutella.util; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Assert; /** * A priority queue with bounded size. Similar to BinaryHeap, but implemented * with a balanced tree instead of a binary heap. This results in some * subtle differences: * * <ol> * <li>FixedsizePriorityQueue guarantees that the lowest priority element * is ejected when exceeding capacity. BinaryHeap provides no such * guarantees. * <li>Fetching the max element takes O(lg N) time, where N is the number of * elements. Compare with O(1) for BinaryHeap. Extracting and adding * elements is still O(lg N) time. * <li>FixedsizePriorityQueue can provide operations for extracting the minimum * and the maximum element. Note, however, that this is still considered * a "max heap", for reasons in (1). * <li>FixedsizePriorityQueue REQUIRES an explicit Comparator; it won't * use the natural ordering of values. * </ol> * * <b>This class is not synchronized; that is up to the user.</b><p> * * @see BinaryHeap */ public class FixedsizePriorityQueue { /** * The underlying data structure. * INVARIANT: tree.size()<=capacity * INVARIANT: all elements of tree instanceof Node */ private SortedSet /* of Node */ tree; /** The maximum number of elements to hold. */ private int capacity; /** Used to sort data. Note that tree is actually sorted by Node' * natural ordering. */ private Comparator comparator; /** Used to allocate Node.myID. */ private static int nextID=0; /** * Wraps data to guarantee that no two Nodes are ever equal. This * is necessary to allow multiple nodes with same priority. See * */ private final class Node implements Comparable { /** The underlying data. */ private final Object data; /** Used to guarantee two nodes are never equal. */ private final int myID; Node(Object data) {; this.myID=nextID++; //allocate unique ID } public Object getData() { return data; } public int compareTo(Object o) { Node other=(Node)o; //Compare by priority (primary key). int, other.getData()); if (c!=0) return c; else //Compare by ID. return this.myID-other.myID; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (! (o instanceof Node)) return false; return compareTo(o)==0; } public String toString() { return data.toString(); } } /** * Creates a new FixedsizePriorityQueue that will hold at most * <tt>capacity</tt> elements. * @param comparator expresses priority. Note that * comaparator.compareTo(a,b)==0 does not imply that a.equals(b). * @param capacity the maximum number of elements * @exception IllegalArgumentException capacity negative */ public FixedsizePriorityQueue(Comparator comparator, int capacity) throws IllegalArgumentException { this.comparator=comparator; if (capacity<=0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); tree=new TreeSet(); this.capacity=capacity; } /** * Adds x to this, possibly removing some lower priority entry if necessary * to ensure this.size()<=this.capacity(). If this has capacity, x will be * added even if already in this (possibly with a different priority). * * @param x the entry to add * @param priority the priority of x, with higher numbers corresponding * to higher priority * @return the element ejected, possibly x, or null if none */ public Object insert(Object x) { repOk(); Node node=new Node(x); if (size()<capacity()) { //a) Size less than capacity. Just add x. boolean added=tree.add(node); Assert.that(added); repOk(); return null; } else { //Ensure size does not exceeed capacity. //Micro-optimizations are possible. Node smallest=(Node)tree.first(); if (node.compareTo(smallest)>0) { //b) x larger than smallest of this: remove smallest and add x tree.remove(smallest); boolean added=tree.add(node); Assert.that(added); repOk(); return smallest.getData(); } else { //c) Otherwise do nothing. repOk(); return x; } } } /** * Returns the highest priority element of this. * @exception NoSuchElementException this.size()==0 */ public Object getMax() throws NoSuchElementException { return ((Node)tree.last()).getData(); } /** * Returns the lowest priority element of this. * @exception NoSuchElementException this.size()==0 */ public Object getMin() throws NoSuchElementException { return ((Node)tree.first()).getData(); } /** * Returns true if this contains o. Runs in O(N) time, where N is * number of elements in this. * * @param true this contains a x s.t. o.equals(x). Note that * priority is ignored in this operation. */ public boolean contains(Object o) { //You can't just look up o in tree, as tree is sorted by priority, which //isn't necessarily consistent with equals. for (Iterator iter=tree.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { if (o.equals(((Node) return true; } return false; } /** * Removes the first occurence of o. Runs in O(N) time, where N is * number of elements in this. * * @param true this contained an x s.t. o.equals(x). Note that * priority is ignored in this operation. */ public boolean remove(Object o) { //You can't just look up o in tree, as tree is sorted by priority, which //isn't necessarily consistent with equals. for (Iterator iter=tree.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { if (o.equals(((Node) { iter.remove(); return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns an iterator of the elements in this, from <b>worst to best</b>. */ public Iterator iterator() { return new DataIterator(); } /** Applies getData() to elements of tree.iterator(). */ private class DataIterator implements Iterator { Iterator delegate=tree.iterator(); public boolean hasNext() { return delegate.hasNext(); } public Object next() { return ((Node); } public void remove() { delegate.remove(); } } /** * Returns the number of elements in this. */ public int size() { return tree.size(); } /** * Returns the maximum number of elements this can hold. * @return the value passed to this constructor */ public int capacity() { return capacity; } static boolean DEBUG=false; protected void repOk() { if (!DEBUG) return; Assert.that(size()<=capacity()); for (Iterator iter=tree.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Assert.that( instanceof Node); } } public String toString() { return tree.toString(); } }