package com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.tables; /** * Wrapper class that acts as a comparable for the attempted / completed upload info. * @author sam berlin */ public final class UploadCountHolder implements Comparable { /** * Variable for the string representation of the file size. */ private String _string; /** * Variable for the info. */ private int _attempted, _completed; /** * The constructor sets attempted / completed * */ public UploadCountHolder(int attempted, int completed) { _string = Integer.toString(completed) + " / " + Integer.toString(attempted); _attempted = attempted; _completed = completed; } /** * This one is larger if it has had more completed downloads. * If the two have completed the same, it's larger if it * had more attempted downloads */ public int compareTo(Object o) { UploadCountHolder other = (UploadCountHolder)o; if ( other.getCompleted() == _completed ) return _attempted - other.getAttempted(); return _completed - other.getCompleted(); } /** * * @return the formatted string */ public String toString() { return _string; } public int getAttempted() { return _attempted; } public int getCompleted() { return _completed; } }