package; import; import; import java.nio.channels.CancelledKeyException; import java.nio.channels.ClosedSelectorException; import java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.Selector; import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ErrorService; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.CommonUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.ManagedThread; /** * Dispatcher for NIO. * * To register interest initially in either reading, writing, accepting, or connecting, * use registerRead, registerWrite, registerReadWrite, registerAccept, or registerConnect. * * A channel registering for a connect can specify a timeout. If the timeout is greater than * 0 and a connect event hasn't happened in that length of time, the channel will be cancelled * and handleIOException will be called on the Observer. * * When handling events, future interest is done different ways. A channel registered for accepting * will remain registered for accepting until that channel is closed. There is no way to * turn off interest in accepting. A channel registered for connecting will turn off all * interest (for any operation) once the connect event has been handled. Channels registered * for reading or writing must manually change their interest when they no longer want to * receive events (and must turn it back on when events are wanted). * * To change interest in reading or writing, use interestRead(SelectableChannel, boolean) or * interestWrite(SelectableChannel, boolean) with the appropriate boolean parameter. The * channel must have already been registered with the dispatcher. If it was not registered, * changing interest is a no-op. The attachment the channel was registered with must also * implement the appropriate Observer to handle read or write events. If interest in an event * is turned on but the attachment does not implement that Observer, a ClassCastException will * be thrown while attempting to handle that event. * * If any unhandled events occur while processing an event for a specific Observer, that Observer * will be shutdown and will no longer receive events. If any IOExceptions occur while handling * events for an Observer, handleIOException is called on that Observer. */ public class NIODispatcher implements Runnable { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(NIODispatcher.class); private static final NIODispatcher INSTANCE = new NIODispatcher(); public static final NIODispatcher instance() { return INSTANCE; } /** * Constructs the sole NIODispatcher, starting its thread. */ private NIODispatcher() { boolean failed = false; try { selector =; } catch(IOException iox) { failed = true; } if(!failed) { dispatchThread = new ManagedThread(this, "NIODispatcher"); dispatchThread.start(); } else { dispatchThread = null; } } /** * Maximum number of times an attachment can be hit in a row without considering * it suspect & closing it. */ private static final long MAXIMUM_ATTACHMENT_HITS = 10000; /** * Maximum number of times Selector can return quickly without having anything * selected. */ private static final long SPIN_AMOUNT = 5000; /** Ignore up to this many non-zero selects when suspecting selector is broken */ private static final int MAX_IGNORES = 5; /** The thread this is being run on. */ private final Thread dispatchThread; /** The selector this uses. */ private Selector selector = null; /** The current iteration of selection. */ private long iteration = 0; /** Queue lock. */ private final Object Q_LOCK = new Object(); /** The invokeLater queue. */ private final Collection /* of Runnable */ LATER = new LinkedList(); /** The throttle queue. */ private volatile List /* of NBThrottle */ THROTTLE = new ArrayList(); /** The timeout manager. */ private final TimeoutController TIMEOUTER = new TimeoutController(); /** * Temporary list used where REGISTER & LATER are combined, so that * handling IOException or running arbitrary code can't deadlock. * Otherwise, it could be possible that one thread locked some arbitrary * Object and then tried to acquire Q_LOCK by registering or invokeLatering. * Meanwhile, the NIODispatch thread may be running pending items and holding * Q_LOCK. If while running those items it tries to lock that arbitrary * Object, deadlock would occur. */ private final ArrayList UNLOCKED = new ArrayList(); /** * A common ByteBufferCache that classes can use. * TODO: Move somewhere else. */ private final ByteBufferCache BUFFER_CACHE = new ByteBufferCache(); /** The last time the ByteBufferCache was cleared. */ private long lastCacheClearTime; /** The length of time between clearing intervals for the cache. */ private static final long CACHE_CLEAR_INTERVAL = 30000; /** Returns true if the NIODispatcher is merrily chugging along. */ public boolean isRunning() { return dispatchThread != null; } /** Determine if this is the dispatch thread. */ public boolean isDispatchThread() { return Thread.currentThread() == dispatchThread; } /** Gets the common ByteBufferCache */ public ByteBufferCache getBufferCache() { return BUFFER_CACHE; } /** Adds a Throttle into the throttle requesting loop. */ // TODO: have some way to remove Throttles, or make these use WeakReferences public void addThrottle(NBThrottle t) { synchronized(Q_LOCK) { ArrayList throttle = new ArrayList(THROTTLE); throttle.add(t); THROTTLE = throttle; } } /** Registers a channel for nothing. */ public void register(SelectableChannel channel, IOErrorObserver attachment) { register(channel, attachment, 0, 0); } /** Register interest in accepting */ public void registerAccept(SelectableChannel channel, AcceptChannelObserver attachment) { register(channel, attachment, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT, 0); } /** Register interest in connecting */ public void registerConnect(SelectableChannel channel, ConnectObserver attachment, int timeout) { register(channel, attachment, SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT, timeout); } /** Register interest in reading */ public void registerRead(SelectableChannel channel, ReadObserver attachment) { register(channel, attachment, SelectionKey.OP_READ, 0); } /** Register interest in writing */ public void registerWrite(SelectableChannel channel, WriteObserver attachment) { register(channel, attachment, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, 0); } /** Register interest in both reading & writing */ public void registerReadWrite(SelectableChannel channel, ReadWriteObserver attachment) { register(channel, attachment, SelectionKey.OP_READ | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, 0); } /** Register interest */ private void register(SelectableChannel channel, IOErrorObserver handler, int op, int timeout) { if(Thread.currentThread() == dispatchThread) { registerImpl(selector, channel, op, handler, timeout); } else { synchronized(Q_LOCK) { LATER.add(new RegisterOp(channel, handler, op, timeout)); } } } /** * Registers a SelectableChannel as being interested in a write again. * * You must ensure that the attachment that handles events for this channel * implements WriteObserver. If not, a ClassCastException will be thrown * while handling write events. */ public void interestWrite(SelectableChannel channel, boolean on) { interest(channel, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, on); } /** * Registers a SelectableChannel as being interested in a read again. * * You must ensure that the attachment that handles events for this channel * implements ReadObserver. If not, a ClassCastException will be thrown * while handling read events. */ public void interestRead(SelectableChannel channel, boolean on) { interest(channel, SelectionKey.OP_READ, on); } /** Registers interest on the channel for the given op */ private void interest(SelectableChannel channel, int op, boolean on) { try { SelectionKey sk = channel.keyFor(selector); if(sk != null && sk.isValid()) { // We must synchronize on something unique to each key, // (but not the key itself, 'cause that'll interfere with // so that multiple threads calling interest(..) will be atomic with // respect to each other. Otherwise, one thread can preempt another's // interest setting, and one of the interested ops may be lost. synchronized(sk.attachment()) { if((op & SelectionKey.OP_READ) == SelectionKey.OP_READ) ((Attachment)sk.attachment()).changeReadStatus(on); if(on) sk.interestOps(sk.interestOps() | op); else sk.interestOps(sk.interestOps() & ~op); } } } catch(CancelledKeyException ignored) { // Because closing can happen in any thread, the key may be cancelled // between the time we check isValid & the time that interestOps are // set or gotten. } } /** Shuts down the handler, possibly scheduling it for shutdown in the NIODispatch thread. */ public void shutdown(Shutdownable handler) { handler.shutdown(); } /** Invokes the method in the NIODispatch thread. */ public void invokeLater(Runnable runner) { if(Thread.currentThread() == dispatchThread) {; } else { synchronized(Q_LOCK) { LATER.add(runner); } } } /** Invokes the method in the NIODispatcher thread & returns after it ran. */ public void invokeAndWait(final Runnable future) throws InterruptedException { if(Thread.currentThread() == dispatchThread) {; } else { Runnable waiter = new Runnable() { public void run() {; synchronized(this) { notify(); } } }; synchronized(waiter) { synchronized(Q_LOCK) { LATER.add(waiter); } waiter.wait(); } } } /** Gets the underlying attachment for the given SelectionKey's attachment. */ public IOErrorObserver attachment(Object proxyAttachment) { return ((Attachment)proxyAttachment).attachment; } /** * Cancel SelectionKey & shuts down the handler. */ private void cancel(SelectionKey sk, Shutdownable handler) { sk.cancel(); if(handler != null) handler.shutdown(); } /** * Accept an icoming connection * * @throws IOException */ private void processAccept(long now, SelectionKey sk, AcceptChannelObserver handler, Attachment proxy) throws IOException { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Handling accept: " + handler); ServerSocketChannel ssc = (ServerSocketChannel); SocketChannel channel = ssc.accept(); if (channel == null) return; if (channel.isOpen()) { channel.configureBlocking(false); handler.handleAcceptChannel(channel); } else { try { channel.close(); } catch (IOException err) { LOG.error("SocketChannel.close()", err); } } } /** * Process a connected channel. */ private void processConnect(long now, SelectionKey sk, ConnectObserver handler, Attachment proxy) throws IOException { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Handling connect: " + handler); SocketChannel channel = (SocketChannel); proxy.clearTimeout(); boolean finished = channel.finishConnect(); if(finished) { sk.interestOps(0); // interested in nothing just yet. handler.handleConnect(channel.socket()); } else { cancel(sk, handler); } } /** Process a channel read operation. */ private void processRead(long now, ReadObserver handler, Attachment proxy) throws IOException { proxy.updateReadTimeout(now); handler.handleRead(); } /** Process a channel write operation. */ private void processWrite(long now, WriteObserver handler, Attachment proxy) throws IOException { handler.handleWrite(); } /** * Does a real registration. */ private void registerImpl(Selector selector, SelectableChannel channel, int op, IOErrorObserver attachment, int timeout) { try { Attachment guard = new Attachment(attachment); SelectionKey key = channel.register(selector, op, guard); guard.setKey(key); if(timeout != 0) guard.addTimeout(System.currentTimeMillis(), timeout); else if((op & SelectionKey.OP_READ) != 0) guard.changeReadStatus(true); } catch(IOException iox) { attachment.handleIOException(iox); } } /** * Adds any pending actions. * * This works by adding any pending actions into a temporary list so that actions * to the outside world don't need to hold Q_LOCK. * * Interaction with UNLOCKED doesn't need to hold a lock, because it's only used * in the NIODispatch thread. * * Throttle is not moved to UNLOCKED because it is not cleared, and because the * actions are all within this package, so we can guarantee that it doesn't * deadlock. */ private void runPendingTasks() { long now; synchronized(Q_LOCK) { now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int i = 0; i < THROTTLE.size(); i++) ((NBThrottle)THROTTLE.get(i)).tick(now); UNLOCKED.addAll(LATER); LATER.clear(); } if(now > lastCacheClearTime + CACHE_CLEAR_INTERVAL) { BUFFER_CACHE.clearCache(); lastCacheClearTime = now; } if(!UNLOCKED.isEmpty()) { for(Iterator i = UNLOCKED.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Runnable item = (Runnable); try {; } catch(Throwable t) { LOG.error(t); ErrorService.error(t); } } UNLOCKED.clear(); } } /** * Loops through all Throttles and gives them the ready keys. */ private void readyThrottles(Collection keys) { List throttle = THROTTLE; for(int i = 0; i < throttle.size(); i++) ((NBThrottle)throttle.get(i)).selectableKeys(keys); } /** * The actual NIO run loop */ private void process() throws ProcessingException, SpinningException { boolean checkTime = false; long startSelect = -1; int zeroes = 0; int ignores = 0; while(true) { // This sleep is technically not necessary, however occasionally selector // begins to wakeup with nothing selected. This happens very frequently on Linux, // and sometimes on Windows (bugs, etc..). The sleep prevents busy-looping. // It also allows pending registrations & network events to queue up so that // selection can handle more things in one round. // This is unrelated to the wakeup()-causing-busy-looping. There's other bugs // that cause this. if (!checkTime || !CommonUtils.isWindows()) { try { Thread.sleep(50); } catch(InterruptedException ix) { LOG.warn("Selector interrupted", ix); } } runPendingTasks(); try { if(checkTime) startSelect = System.currentTimeMillis(); // see register(...) for why this has a timeout; } catch (NullPointerException err) { LOG.warn("npe", err); continue; } catch (CancelledKeyException err) { LOG.warn("cancelled", err); continue; } catch (IOException iox) { throw new ProcessingException(iox); } Collection keys = selector.selectedKeys(); if(keys.size() == 0) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(startSelect == -1) { LOG.warn("No keys selected, starting spin check."); checkTime = true; } else if(startSelect + 30 >= now) { if(LOG.isWarnEnabled()) LOG.warn("Spinning detected, current spins: " + zeroes); if(zeroes++ > SPIN_AMOUNT) throw new SpinningException(); } else { // waited the timeout just fine, reset everything. checkTime = false; startSelect = -1; zeroes = 0; ignores = 0; } TIMEOUTER.processTimeouts(now); continue; } else if (checkTime) { // skip up to certain number of good selects if we suspect the selector is broken ignores++; if (ignores > MAX_IGNORES) { checkTime = false; zeroes = 0; startSelect = -1; ignores = 0; } } if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Selected (" + keys.size() + ") keys (" + this + ")."); readyThrottles(keys); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(Iterator it = keys.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { SelectionKey sk = (SelectionKey); if(sk.isValid()) process(now, sk, sk.attachment(), 0xFFFF); } keys.clear(); iteration++; TIMEOUTER.processTimeouts(now); } } /** * Processes a single SelectionKey & attachment, processing only * ops that are in allowedOps. */ void process(long now, SelectionKey sk, Object proxyAttachment, int allowedOps) { Attachment proxy = (Attachment)proxyAttachment; IOErrorObserver attachment = proxy.attachment; if(proxy.lastMod == iteration) { proxy.hits++; // do not count ones that we've already processed (such as throttled items) } else if(proxy.lastMod < iteration) proxy.hits = 0; proxy.lastMod = iteration + 1; if(proxy.hits < MAXIMUM_ATTACHMENT_HITS) { try { try { if ((allowedOps & SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT) != 0 && sk.isAcceptable()) processAccept(now, sk, (AcceptChannelObserver)attachment, proxy); else if((allowedOps & SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT)!= 0 && sk.isConnectable()) processConnect(now, sk, (ConnectObserver)attachment, proxy); else { if ((allowedOps & SelectionKey.OP_READ) != 0 && sk.isReadable()) processRead(now, (ReadObserver)attachment, proxy); if ((allowedOps & SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) != 0 && sk.isWritable()) processWrite(now, (WriteObserver)attachment, proxy); } } catch (CancelledKeyException err) { LOG.warn("Ignoring cancelled key", err); } catch(IOException iox) { LOG.warn("IOX processing", iox); attachment.handleIOException(iox); } } catch(Throwable t) { ErrorService.error(t, "Unhandled exception while dispatching"); safeCancel(sk, attachment); } } else { if(LOG.isErrorEnabled()) LOG.error("Too many hits in a row for: " + attachment); // we've had too many hits in a row. kill this attachment. safeCancel(sk, attachment); } } /** A very safe cancel, ignoring errors & only shutting down if possible. */ private void safeCancel(SelectionKey sk, Shutdownable attachment) { try { cancel(sk, (Shutdownable)attachment); } catch(Throwable ignored) {} } /** * Swaps all channels out of the old selector & puts them in the new one. */ private void swapSelector() { Selector oldSelector = selector; Collection oldKeys = Collections.EMPTY_SET; try { if(oldSelector != null) oldKeys = oldSelector.keys(); } catch(ClosedSelectorException ignored) { LOG.warn("error getting keys", ignored); } try { selector =; } catch(IOException iox) { LOG.error("Can't make a new selector!!!", iox); throw new RuntimeException(iox); } for(Iterator i = oldKeys.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { try { SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey); SelectableChannel channel =; Attachment attachment = (Attachment)key.attachment(); int ops = key.interestOps(); try { SelectionKey newKey = channel.register(selector, ops, attachment); attachment.setKey(newKey); } catch(IOException iox) { attachment.attachment.handleIOException(iox); } } catch(CancelledKeyException ignored) { LOG.warn("key cancelled while swapping", ignored); } } try { if(oldSelector != null) oldSelector.close(); } catch(IOException ignored) { LOG.warn("error closing old selector", ignored); } } /** * The run loop */ public void run() { while(true) { try { if(selector == null) selector =; process(); } catch(SpinningException spin) { LOG.warn("selector is spinning!", spin); swapSelector(); } catch(ProcessingException uhoh) { LOG.warn("unknown exception while selecting", uhoh); swapSelector(); } catch(IOException iox) { LOG.error("Unable to create a new Selector!!!", iox); throw new RuntimeException(iox); } catch(Throwable err) { LOG.error("Error in Selector!", err); ErrorService.error(err); swapSelector(); } } } /** * Encapsulates an attachment. * Contains methods for timing out an attachment, * keeping track of the number of successive hits, etc... */ class Attachment implements Timeoutable { private final IOErrorObserver attachment; private long lastMod; private long hits; private SelectionKey key; private boolean timeoutActive = false; private long storedTimeoutLength = Long.MAX_VALUE; private long storedExpireTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; Attachment(IOErrorObserver attachment) { this.attachment = attachment; } synchronized void clearTimeout() { timeoutActive = false; } synchronized void updateReadTimeout(long now) { if(attachment instanceof ReadTimeout) { long timeoutLength = ((ReadTimeout)attachment).getReadTimeout(); if(timeoutLength != 0) { long expireTime = now + timeoutLength; // We need to add a new timeout if none is scheduled or we need // to timeout before the next one. if(expireTime < storedExpireTime || storedExpireTime == -1 || storedExpireTime < now) { addTimeout(now, timeoutLength); } else { // Otherwise, store the timeout info so when we get notified // we can reschedule it for the future. storedExpireTime = expireTime; storedTimeoutLength = timeoutLength; timeoutActive = true; } } else { clearTimeout(); } } } synchronized void changeReadStatus(boolean reading) { if(reading) updateReadTimeout(System.currentTimeMillis()); else clearTimeout(); } synchronized void addTimeout(long now, long timeoutLength) { timeoutActive = true; storedTimeoutLength = timeoutLength; storedExpireTime = now + timeoutLength; TIMEOUTER.addTimeout(this, now, timeoutLength); } public void notifyTimeout(long now, long expireTime, long timeoutLength) { boolean cancel = false; long timeToUse = 0; synchronized(this) { if(timeoutActive) { if(expireTime == storedExpireTime) { cancel = true; timeoutActive = false; timeToUse = storedTimeoutLength; storedExpireTime = -1; } else if(expireTime < storedExpireTime) { TIMEOUTER.addTimeout(this, now, storedExpireTime - now); } else { // expireTime > storedExpireTime storedExpireTime = -1; if(LOG.isWarnEnabled()) LOG.warn("Ignoring extra timeout for: " + attachment); } } else { storedExpireTime = -1; storedTimeoutLength = -1; } } // must do cancel & IOException outside of the lock. if(cancel) { cancel(key, attachment); attachment.handleIOException(new SocketTimeoutException("operation timed out (" + timeToUse + ")")); } } public void setKey(SelectionKey key) { this.key = key; } } /** Encapsulates a register op. */ private class RegisterOp implements Runnable { private final SelectableChannel channel; private final IOErrorObserver handler; private final int op; private final int timeout; RegisterOp(SelectableChannel channel, IOErrorObserver handler, int op, int timeout) { = channel; this.handler = handler; this.op = op; this.timeout = timeout; } public void run() { registerImpl(selector, channel, op, handler, timeout); } } private static class SpinningException extends Exception { public SpinningException() { super(); } } private static class ProcessingException extends Exception { public ProcessingException() { super(); } public ProcessingException(Throwable t) { super(t); } } }