package com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor; import; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.BadPacketException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.statistics.SentMessageStatHandler; /** * VendorMessage for sending a LimeWire node a request for statistics. * The requester sends */ public class GiveStatsVendorMessage extends VendorMessage { public static final int VERSION = 1; /** * The opcode in this Vendor message to ask the other end to give us the * various statistics. */ public static final byte GNUTELLA_INCOMING_TRAFFIC = (byte)0; public static final byte GNUTELLA_OUTGOING_TRAFFIC = (byte)1; public static final byte HTTP_DOWNLOAD_TRAFFIC_STATS = (byte)2; public static final byte HTTP_UPLOAD_TRAFFIC_STATS = (byte)3; public static final byte PER_CONNECTION_STATS = (byte)0; public static final byte ALL_CONNECTIONS_STATS = (byte)1; public static final byte LEAF_CONNECTIONS_STATS = (byte)2; public static final byte UP_CONNECTIONS_STATS = (byte)3; /** * A vendor message read off the network. Package access */ GiveStatsVendorMessage(byte[] guid, byte ttl, byte hops, int version, byte[] payload, int network) throws BadPacketException { super(guid, ttl, hops, F_LIME_VENDOR_ID, F_GIVE_STATS, version,payload, network); if(getPayload().length < 2) throw new BadPacketException("INVALID PAYLOAD LENGTH: "+ payload.length); if(version == 1 && getPayload().length != 2) throw new BadPacketException("UNSUPPORTED PAYLOAD LENGTH: "+ payload.length); } /** * Constructs a new GiveStatsMessage to be sent out. * @param statsControl the byte the receiver will look at to decide the * ganularity of the desired stats (this connection, all connections, UPs * only, leaves only etc.) * @param statType the byte the receiver of this message will look at to * decide what kind of statistics are desired -- upload, download, gnutella * etc. * @param network to decide whether this message should go out via TCP, UDP, * multicast, etc. */ public GiveStatsVendorMessage(byte statsControl, byte statType, int network) { super(F_LIME_VENDOR_ID, F_GIVE_STATS, VERSION, derivePayload(statsControl, statType),network); } /** * Constructs the payload of the message, given the desired control & type. */ private static byte[] derivePayload(byte control, byte type) { if(control < (byte)0 || control > (byte)3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(" invalid control byte "); if(type < (byte)0 || type > (byte)3) throw new IllegalArgumentException(" invalid stat type "); byte[] ret = {control, type}; return ret; } protected void writePayload(OutputStream out) throws IOException { super.writePayload(out); if(isTCP()) SentMessageStatHandler.TCP_GIVE_STATS.addMessage(this); else if(isUDP()) SentMessageStatHandler.UDP_GIVE_STATS.addMessage(this); } /** Overridden purely for stats handling. */ public void recordDrop() { super.recordDrop(); } protected byte getStatControl() { byte[] payload = getPayload(); return payload[0]; } protected byte getStatType() { byte[] payload = getPayload(); return payload[1]; } }