package com.limegroup.gnutella.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * this class is used to create the data files required by * I18NConvert and I18NData classes... * more details can be found at on codepoints, categories, etc. * esp. UAX#15, UCD (Unicode Character Database Documentation) * * necessary files are : CaseFolding.txt, - from * MnKeep.txt, - created * UnicodeData.txt - from * NormalizationTest-3.2.0.txt - from */ public class UDataFileCreator { private static final String DATA_DIR = "data/"; private static final String BUILD_DIR = DATA_DIR + "built/"; //created file names private static final String NUDATA = "nudata.txt"; private static final String EXCLUDED_DAT = "excluded.dat"; private static final String CASE_MAP = "caseMap.dat"; private static final String REPLACE_SPACE = "replaceSpace.dat"; //data file names //case mapping private static final String CASE_FOLDING = "CaseFolding.txt"; //characters we don't want to exclude/replace even if they are punctuation private static final String MN_KEEP = "MnKeep.txt"; //get all codepoints and categories private static final String UNICODE_DATA = "UnicodeData.txt"; //get full deKomposition (nfkd) private static final String NORMALIZATION_TEST = "NormalizationTest-3.2.0.txt"; /** * @param args unused */ public static void main(String[] args) { UDataFileCreator ufc = new UDataFileCreator(); ufc.createFile(); } /** * */ public void createFile() { java.util.BitSet dontExclude = new java.util.BitSet(); Map codepoints = new TreeMap(new StringComparator()); HashMap caseMap = new HashMap(); java.util.BitSet excludedChars = new java.util.BitSet(); java.util.BitSet replaceWithSpace = new java.util.BitSet(); HashMap tempNFKC = new HashMap(); try { readNonExclusion(dontExclude); dealWithUnicodeData(codepoints, dontExclude, excludedChars, replaceWithSpace); readNTestPopKD(codepoints, tempNFKC); readCaseFolding(caseMap); replaceCase(codepoints, caseMap, excludedChars); //all we need now is caseMap and excludedChars writeOutObjects(codepoints, caseMap, excludedChars, replaceWithSpace, tempNFKC); } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("number of excluded code points : " + numEx); } /** * write out object files */ private void writeOutObjects(Map codepoint, Map caseMap, java.util.BitSet excludedChars, java.util.BitSet replaceWithSpace, HashMap nfkc) throws IOException { FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(new File(BUILD_DIR + NUDATA)); BufferedWriter bufo = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fo)); Iterator iter = codepoint.keySet().iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { String s = (String); udata u = (udata)codepoint.get(s); if(!u.deKomp.equals("")) { bufo.write(s + ";"); String composition = (String)nfkc.get(u.deKomp); composition = composition == null || composition.equals(u.deKomp)?"":composition; bufo.write(u.deKomp + ";" + composition + ";\n"); } } bufo.flush(); bufo.close(); fo = new FileOutputStream(new File(BUILD_DIR+EXCLUDED_DAT)); ObjectOutputStream oo = new ObjectOutputStream(fo); oo.writeObject(excludedChars); fo = new FileOutputStream(new File(BUILD_DIR+CASE_MAP)); oo = new ObjectOutputStream(fo); oo.writeObject(caseMap); fo = new FileOutputStream(new File(BUILD_DIR+REPLACE_SPACE)); oo = new ObjectOutputStream(fo); oo.writeObject(replaceWithSpace); } /** * read in the file that lists code points that are to be kept even * though they might belong to a category that should be excluded * (ie. dakuon, etc) */ private void readNonExclusion(java.util.BitSet ex) throws IOException { //most Mn will be excluded but few will be kept like voiced marks //this list may change BufferedReader buf = getBR(DATA_DIR+MN_KEEP); String line, codepoint; String[] s; int dI, start, end; while((line = buf.readLine()) != null) { dI = line.indexOf(';'); codepoint = (line.substring(0,dI)).trim(); //if the listed codepoint represents a range (ie. 3099..309A) if(codepoint.indexOf("..") > -1) { s = StringUtils.split(codepoint, ".."); start = Integer.parseInt(s[0],16) -1; end = Integer.parseInt(s[1],16); while(end != start) ex.set(end--); } else ex.set(Integer.parseInt(codepoint, 16)); } buf.close(); } /** * read in the unicode data file to get a list of all the codepoints * and to determine the category of these codepoints */ private void dealWithUnicodeData(Map cp, java.util.BitSet dontExclude, java.util.BitSet excluded, java.util.BitSet replaceWithSpace) throws IOException { BufferedReader buf = getBR(DATA_DIR+UNICODE_DATA); //file has codepoints below FFFD String line; boolean go = true; while((line = buf.readLine()) != null && go) go = processLine(cp, dontExclude, line, excluded, replaceWithSpace); buf.close(); } /** * variable keeping track of number of excluded codepoints. */ int numEx = 0; private boolean processLine(Map cp, java.util.BitSet dontExclude, String line, java.util.BitSet excluded, java.util.BitSet replaceWithSpace) { String[] parts = StringUtils.splitNoCoalesce(line, ";"); if(parts[0].equals("FFEE")) return false; if(parts[2].charAt(0) == 'P' || parts[2].equals("Zs")) { //puctuations should be mostly be replaces with \u0020 (space). //except for apostraphes if(excludedPClass(parts[0])) { numEx++; excluded.set(Integer.parseInt(parts[0],16)); } else if(!isExcluded(parts, dontExclude)) { //not expluded //put this codepoint into the cp map udata u = new udata(); //populate the category for the data wrapper = parts[2]; u.CC = parts[3]; cp.put(parts[0], u); } else { replaceWithSpace.set(Integer.parseInt(parts[0], 16)); udata u = new udata(); //populate the category for the data wrapper = parts[2]; u.CC = parts[3]; cp.put(parts[0], u); } } else if(isExcluded(parts, dontExclude)) { //put the codepoint into the excluded list numEx++; excluded.set(Integer.parseInt(parts[0],16)); } else { //not expluded //put this codepoint into the cp map udata u = new udata(); //populate the category for the data wrapper = parts[2]; u.CC = parts[3]; cp.put(parts[0], u); } return true; } /** * check if this puctuation class should be excluded */ private boolean excludedPClass(String codepoint) { //TODO: may need to add to this list of one //for all the different languages if (codepoint.equals("0027")) return true; return false; } /** * check to see if code point in the array p * is excluded. */ private boolean isExcluded(String[] p, java.util.BitSet ex) { String cat = p[2]; String cc = p[3]; char first = cat.charAt(0); if(ex.get(Integer.parseInt(p[0].trim(), 16))) return false; else if(cat.equals("Lu") || cat.equals("Ll") || cat.equals("Lt") || cat.equals("Lo") || cat.equals("Lm") || cat.equals("Nd") || cat.equals("Mc") || cat.equals("Cs") || cat.equals("Co") || cat.equals("Zs") || cat.equals("So") || first == 'P' ) return false; else if(cat.equals("Mn") && cc.equals("0")) { //don't exclude Mn category which has a combining class of 0 return false; } else return true; } /** * read in the case folding file to find the correct * case mappings from uppercase to lowercase */ private void readCaseFolding(Map c) throws IOException { BufferedReader buf = getBR(DATA_DIR+CASE_FOLDING); String line, status; String[] splitUp; int index; while((line = buf.readLine()) != null) { if(line.length() > 0 && line.charAt(0) != '#') { index = line.indexOf('#'); line = line.substring(0,index).trim(); splitUp = StringUtils.split(line, ";"); status = splitUp[1].trim(); //C - common case folding, F - full case folding if(status.equals("C") || status.equals("F")) { //c.put(splitUp[0].trim(), splitUp[2].trim()); c.put(code2char(splitUp[0].trim()), code2char(splitUp[2].trim())); } } } buf.close(); } /** * converts the hex representation of a String to a String * ie. 0020 -> " " * 0061 0062 -> "ab" * @param s String to convert * @return converted s */ private String code2char(String s) { StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); if(s.indexOf(" ") > -1) { String[] splitup = StringUtils.split(s, " "); for(int i = 0; i < splitup.length; i++) b.append((char)Integer.parseInt(splitup[i], 16)); } else b.append((char)Integer.parseInt(s, 16)); return b.toString(); } /** * reverse of code2char * converts from String to hex rep * ie. "ab" -> 0061 0062 */ private String char2code(String s) { if(s == null) return s; StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); String temp; for(int i = 0, n = s.length(); i < n; i++) { temp = Integer.toString(s.charAt(i), 16); if(temp.length() < 4) { b.append("00"); b.append(temp); } else b.append(temp); b.append(" "); } return b.toString().trim(); } /** * run thru codepoints and replace case or replace with space 0020 if * necessary */ private void replaceCase(Map codepoint, Map casF, java.util.BitSet ex) { //run thru and check the codepoint or deKomp for uppercase //this could probably done in the write out process? Iterator iter = codepoint.keySet().iterator(); String code; String up; String[] splitUp; //final int CJKLow = Integer.parseInt("3400", 16); //final int CJKHigh = Integer.parseInt("9FA5", 16); while(iter.hasNext()) { code = (String); udata u = (udata)codepoint.get(code); if("P") > -1 ||"Zs")) { //replace all punctuation with (ascii space) //and space (cat: Zs) with 0020 (ascii space) u.deKomp = "0020"; } else { if(u.deKomp.equals("")) { up = (String)casF.get(code2char(code)); if(up != null) u.deKomp = char2code(up); } else { StringBuffer dek = new StringBuffer(); splitUp = StringUtils.split(u.deKomp, " "); //boolean removed = false; for(int i = 0; i < splitUp.length; i++) { //check if it should be removed... int codeInt = Integer.parseInt(splitUp[i], 16); if(!ex.get(codeInt)) { up = char2code((String)casF.get(code2char(splitUp[i]))); if(up != null) dek.append(up + " "); else { udata ud = (udata)codepoint.get(splitUp[i]); String cat = (ud == null)?""; if(cat.indexOf("P") > -1) up = "0020"; else up = splitUp[i]; //dek.append(splitUp[i] + " "); dek.append(up + " "); } } } u.deKomp = dek.toString().trim(); } } } } /** * Reads through the NormalizationTest file provided by * to get the full decomposition of codepoints. UnicodeData file * doesn't provide the full decomposition but its used to get * the codepoints and combining classes... see NormalizationTest * file for more info. */ private void readNTestPopKD(Map c, Map kc) throws IOException { //c - codepoints that weren't excluded... BufferedReader buf = getBR(DATA_DIR+NORMALIZATION_TEST); String line; String[] parts; char first; boolean skip = false; //int hangulFirst = 0xAC00; //int hangulLast = 0xD7A3; while((line = buf.readLine()) != null) { first = line.charAt(0); if(first != '#') { if(first == '@') { if(line.indexOf("Part2") > -1) break; else if(line.indexOf("Part0") > -1) skip = true; else skip = false; } else { if(!skip) { line = line.substring(0, line.indexOf('#')).trim(); parts = StringUtils.split(line, ";"); udata u = (udata)c.get(parts[0].trim()); if(u != null) u.deKomp = parts[4].trim(); //create a KC mapping to be used to //build final data... kc.put(parts[4].trim(), parts[3].trim()); } } } } buf.close(); } private BufferedReader getBR(String filename) throws IOException { FileInputStream fi = new FileInputStream(new File(filename)); return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fi)); } //just a datawrapper to be used during the building of the files private class udata { /** * Comment for <code>cat</code> */ public String cat; /** * Comment for <code>CC</code> */ public String CC; /** * Comment for <code>deKomp</code> */ public String deKomp = ""; } }