package com.limegroup.gnutella; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.LeafHeaders; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.UltrapeerHeaders; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.ConnectionSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.FilterSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.SharingSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.UltrapeerSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.BaseTestCase; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.CommonUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.EmptyResponder; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.PrivilegedAccessor; /** * Common code to test an Ultrapeer. Allows you to control how many * Ultrapeer and Leaf connections you maintain. Also allows you to control * their QRP tables. * * Standard setup has the following settings: * * Blocks all addresses, whitelists 127.*.*.* and your local IP . * * Node is in Ultrapeer mode with GWebCache and Watchdog off. * * Sharing 2 files - berkeley.txt and susheel.txt * * Max number of leaf connections is 4, max number of UP connections is 3. * * You MUST implement the following methods: getActivityCallback, numLeaves, * numUPs, setUpQRPTables * You CAN implement the following methods: setSettings */ public abstract class ServerSideTestCase extends BaseTestCase { /** * Simple IP so a blank one isn't used. */ protected static final byte[] IP = new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1}; /** * The port that the central Ultrapeer listens on, and that the other nodes * connect to it on. */ protected static final int PORT = 6667; /** * Leaf connections to the Ultrapeer. */ protected static Connection LEAF[]; /** * Ultrapeer connections to the Ultrapeer. */ protected static Connection ULTRAPEER[]; private static ActivityCallback callback; protected static ActivityCallback getCallback() { return callback; } /** * The central Ultrapeer used in the test. */ protected static RouterService ROUTER_SERVICE; public ServerSideTestCase(String name) { super(name); } private static void buildConnections() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < LEAF.length; i++) { LEAF[i] = new Connection("localhost", PORT); assertTrue(LEAF[i].isOpen()); } for (int i = 0; i < ULTRAPEER.length; i++) { ULTRAPEER[i] = new Connection("localhost", PORT); assertTrue(ULTRAPEER[i].isOpen()); } } public static void setSettings() throws Exception { String localIP = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); FilterSettings.BLACK_LISTED_IP_ADDRESSES.setValue( new String[] {"*.*.*.*"}); FilterSettings.WHITE_LISTED_IP_ADDRESSES.setValue( new String[] {"127.*.*.*", localIP}); ConnectionSettings.PORT.setValue(PORT); SharingSettings.EXTENSIONS_TO_SHARE.setValue("txt;"); // get the resource file for com/limegroup/gnutella File berkeley = CommonUtils.getResourceFile("com/limegroup/gnutella/berkeley.txt"); File susheel = CommonUtils.getResourceFile("com/limegroup/gnutella/susheel.txt"); // now move them to the share dir CommonUtils.copy(berkeley, new File(_sharedDir, "berkeley.txt")); CommonUtils.copy(susheel, new File(_sharedDir, "susheel.txt")); ConnectionSettings.CONNECT_ON_STARTUP.setValue(false); UltrapeerSettings.EVER_ULTRAPEER_CAPABLE.setValue(true); UltrapeerSettings.DISABLE_ULTRAPEER_MODE.setValue(false); UltrapeerSettings.FORCE_ULTRAPEER_MODE.setValue(true); UltrapeerSettings.MAX_LEAVES.setValue(33); ConnectionSettings.NUM_CONNECTIONS.setValue(33); ConnectionSettings.LOCAL_IS_PRIVATE.setValue(false); ConnectionSettings.USE_GWEBCACHE.setValue(false); ConnectionSettings.WATCHDOG_ACTIVE.setValue(false); UltrapeerSettings.NEED_MIN_CONNECT_TIME.setValue(false); } public static void globalSetUp(Class callingClass) throws Exception { // calls all doSettings() for me and my children PrivilegedAccessor.invokeAllStaticMethods(callingClass, "setSettings", null); callback= (ActivityCallback)PrivilegedAccessor.invokeMethod(callingClass, "getActivityCallback", null); assertEquals("unexpected port", PORT, ConnectionSettings.PORT.getValue()); ROUTER_SERVICE = new RouterService(callback); ROUTER_SERVICE.preGuiInit(); ROUTER_SERVICE.start(); ROUTER_SERVICE.clearHostCatcher(); ROUTER_SERVICE.connect(); assertEquals("unexpected port", PORT, ConnectionSettings.PORT.getValue()); // set up ultrapeer stuff Integer numUPs = (Integer)PrivilegedAccessor.invokeMethod(callingClass, "numUPs", null); if ((numUPs.intValue() < 0) || (numUPs.intValue() > 30)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad value for numUPs!!!"); ULTRAPEER = new Connection[numUPs.intValue()]; Integer numLs = (Integer)PrivilegedAccessor.invokeMethod(callingClass, "numLeaves", null); if ((numLs.intValue() < 0) || (numLs.intValue() > 30)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad value for numLs!!!"); LEAF = new Connection[numLs.intValue()]; connect(callingClass); } public void setUp() throws Exception { // calls all doSettings() for me and my children PrivilegedAccessor.invokeAllStaticMethods(this.getClass(), "setSettings", null); for (int i = 0; i < ULTRAPEER.length; i++) { assertTrue("should be open, index = " + i, ULTRAPEER[i].isOpen()); assertTrue("should be up -> up, index = " + i, ULTRAPEER[i].isSupernodeSupernodeConnection()); } for (int i = 0; i < LEAF.length; i++) { assertTrue("should be open, index = " + i, LEAF[i].isOpen()); assertTrue("should be up -> up, index = " + i, LEAF[i].isClientSupernodeConnection()); } } public static void globalTearDown() throws Exception { ROUTER_SERVICE.disconnect(); sleep(); for (int i = 0; i < LEAF.length; i++) LEAF[i].close(); for (int i = 0; i < ULTRAPEER.length; i++) ULTRAPEER[i].close(); sleep(); } protected static void sleep() { try {Thread.sleep(300);}catch(InterruptedException e) {} } /** * Drains all messages */ protected static void drainAll() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < ULTRAPEER.length; i++) if(ULTRAPEER[i].isOpen()) drain(ULTRAPEER[i]); for (int i = 0; i < LEAF.length; i++) if(LEAF[i].isOpen()) drain(LEAF[i]); } /** * Connects all of the nodes to the central test Ultrapeer. */ private static void connect(Class callingClass) throws Exception { buildConnections(); // init connections for (int i = ULTRAPEER.length-1; i > -1; i--) ULTRAPEER[i].initialize(new UltrapeerHeaders("localhost"), new EmptyResponder()); for (int i = 0; i < LEAF.length; i++) LEAF[i].initialize(new LeafHeaders("localhost"), new EmptyResponder()); for (int i = 0; i < ULTRAPEER.length; i++) assertTrue(ULTRAPEER[i].isOpen()); for (int i = 0; i < LEAF.length; i++) assertTrue(LEAF[i].isOpen()); // set up QRP tables for the child PrivilegedAccessor.invokeAllStaticMethods(callingClass, "setUpQRPTables", null); } /** Builds a conenction with default headers */ protected Connection createLeafConnection() throws Exception { return createConnection(new LeafHeaders("localhost")); } /** Builds an ultrapeer connection with default headers */ protected Connection createUltrapeerConnection() throws Exception { return createConnection(new UltrapeerHeaders("localhost")); } /** Builds a single connection with the given headers. */ protected Connection createConnection(Properties headers) throws Exception { Connection c = new Connection("localhost", PORT); c.initialize(headers, new EmptyResponder()); assertTrue(c.isOpen()); return c; } }