package com.limegroup.gnutella.bugs; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.NameValuePair; import com.limegroup.gnutella.RouterService; import com.limegroup.gnutella.UDPService; import com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.GUIMediator; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.LimeProps; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.Setting; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.SettingsFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.simpp.SimppManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.CommonUtils; /** * This class encapsulates all of the data for an individual client machine * for an individual bug report.<p> * * This class collects all of the data for the local machine and provides * access to that data in url-encoded form. */ //2345678|012345678|012345678|012345678|012345678|012345678|012345678|012345678| public final class LocalClientInfo extends LocalAbstractInfo { /** * Creates information about this bug from the bug, thread, and detail. */ public LocalClientInfo(Throwable bug, String threadName, String detail, boolean fatal) { //Store the basic information ... _limewireVersion = CommonUtils.getLimeWireVersion(); _javaVersion = CommonUtils.getJavaVersion(); _javaVendor = prop("java.vendor"); _os = CommonUtils.getOS(); _osVersion = prop("os.version"); _architecture = prop("os.arch"); _freeMemory = "" + Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); _totalMemory = "" + Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); //Store information about the bug and the current thread. StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); bug.printStackTrace(pw); pw.flush(); _bug = sw.toString(); _currentThread = threadName; _bugName = bug.getClass().getName(); _fatalError = "" + fatal; //Store the properties. sw = new StringWriter(); pw = new PrintWriter(sw); File propsFile = new File(CommonUtils.getUserSettingsDir(), "limewire.props"); Properties props = new Properties(); // Load the properties from SettingsFactory, excluding // FileSettings and FileArraySettings. SettingsFactory sf = LimeProps.instance().getFactory(); synchronized(sf) { Iterator it = sf.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Setting set = (Setting); if(!set.isPrivate() && !set.isDefault()) props.put(set.getKey(), set.getValueAsString()); } } // list the properties in the PrintWriter. props.list(pw); pw.flush(); _props = sw.toString(); //Store extra debugging information. if( GUIMediator.isConstructed() && RouterService.isStarted() ) { _upTime = CommonUtils.seconds2time( (int)(RouterService.getCurrentUptime()/1000)); _connected = "" + RouterService.isConnected(); _upToUp = ""+RouterService.getNumUltrapeerToUltrapeerConnections(); _upToLeaf = "" + RouterService.getNumUltrapeerToLeafConnections(); _leafToUp = "" + RouterService.getNumLeafToUltrapeerConnections(); _oldConnections = "" + RouterService.getNumOldConnections(); _ultrapeer = "" + RouterService.isSupernode(); _leaf = "" + RouterService.isShieldedLeaf(); _activeUploads = "" + RouterService.getNumUploads(); _queuedUploads = "" + RouterService.getNumQueuedUploads(); _activeDownloads = "" + RouterService.getNumActiveDownloads(); _httpDownloaders = "" +RouterService.getNumIndividualDownloaders(); _waitingDownloaders = "" + RouterService.getNumWaitingDownloads(); _acceptedIncoming = "" +RouterService.acceptedIncomingConnection(); _sharedFiles = "" + RouterService.getNumSharedFiles(); _guessCapable = "" + RouterService.isGUESSCapable(); _solicitedCapable= ""+RouterService.canReceiveSolicited(); _latestSIMPP= "" + SimppManager.instance().getVersion(); _portStable = "" +UDPService.instance().portStable(); _canDoFWT = "" + UDPService.instance().canDoFWT(); _lastReportedPort = ""+UDPService.instance().lastReportedPort(); _externalPort = ""+RouterService.getPort(); _receivedIpPong = ""+UDPService.instance().receivedIpPong(); } //Store the detail, thread counts, and other information. _detail = detail; Thread[] allThreads = new Thread[Thread.activeCount()]; int copied = Thread.enumerate(allThreads); _threadCount = "" + copied; Map threads = new HashMap(); for(int i = 0; i < copied; i++) { String name = allThreads[i].getName(); Object val = threads.get(name); if(val == null) threads.put(name, new Integer(1)); else { int num = ((Integer)val).intValue()+1; threads.put(name,new Integer(num)); } } sw = new StringWriter(); pw = new PrintWriter(sw); for(Iterator i = threads.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Map.Entry info = (Map.Entry); pw.println( info.getKey() + ": " + info.getValue()); } pw.flush(); _otherThreads = sw.toString(); } /** * Returns the System property with the given name, or * "?" if it is unknown. */ private final String prop(String name) { String value = System.getProperty(name); if (value == null) return "?"; else return value; } /** * Returns a an array of the name/value pairs of this info. * * @return an array of the name/value pairs of this info. */ public final NameValuePair[] getPostRequestParams() { List params = new LinkedList(); append(params, LIMEWIRE_VERSION, _limewireVersion); append(params, JAVA_VERSION, _javaVersion); append(params, OS, _os); append(params, OS_VERSION, _osVersion); append(params, ARCHITECTURE, _architecture); append(params, FREE_MEMORY, _freeMemory); append(params, TOTAL_MEMORY, _totalMemory); append(params, BUG, _bug); append(params, CURRENT_THREAD, _currentThread); append(params, PROPS, _props); append(params, UPTIME, _upTime); append(params, CONNECTED, _connected); append(params, UP_TO_UP, _upToUp); append(params, UP_TO_LEAF, _upToLeaf); append(params, LEAF_TO_UP, _leafToUp); append(params, OLD_CONNECTIONS, _oldConnections); append(params, ULTRAPEER, _ultrapeer); append(params, LEAF, _leaf); append(params, ACTIVE_UPLOADS, _activeUploads); append(params, QUEUED_UPLOADS, _queuedUploads); append(params, ACTIVE_DOWNLOADS, _activeDownloads); append(params, HTTP_DOWNLOADERS, _httpDownloaders); append(params, WAITING_DOWNLOADERS, _waitingDownloaders); append(params, ACCEPTED_INCOMING, _acceptedIncoming); append(params, SHARED_FILES, _sharedFiles); append(params, OTHER_THREADS, _otherThreads); append(params, DETAIL, _detail); append(params, OTHER_BUG, _otherBug); append(params, JAVA_VENDOR, _javaVendor); append(params, THREAD_COUNT, _threadCount); append(params, BUG_NAME, _bugName); append(params, GUESS_CAPABLE, _guessCapable); append(params, SOLICITED_CAPABLE,_solicitedCapable); append(params, LATEST_SIMPP,_latestSIMPP); //append(params, IP_STABLE,_ipStable); append(params, PORT_STABLE, _portStable); append(params, CAN_DO_FWT, _canDoFWT); append(params, LAST_REPORTED_PORT, _lastReportedPort); append(params, EXTERNAL_PORT, _externalPort); append(params, RECEIVED_IP_PONG, _receivedIpPong); append(params, FATAL_ERROR, _fatalError); return (NameValuePair[])params.toArray( new NameValuePair[params.size()]); } /** * Appends a NameValuePair of k/v to l if v is non-null. */ private final void append(List l, final String k, final String v){ if( v != null ) l.add(new NameValuePair(k, v)); } }