package com.limegroup.gnutella.archive; import; import java.util.Set; import com.limegroup.gnutella.FileDesc; public interface Contribution { /** * * A contribution consists of one or more files that we upload to a location * such as the Internet Archive. * * Follow these steps to do upload a contribution to the * Internet Archive: * * 1. create a Contribution object by calling ContributionFactory.createContribution() * 2. call reservetIdentifier() with your requested identifier * 3. if step 2 successful, call getVerificationUrl() to get the verification URL * 4. call addFile() for each file you want to add to the contribution * 5. call addListener() with your UploadListener * 6. call upload() to upload the contribution */ public static final int NOT_CONNECTED = 0; public static final int CONNECTED = 1; public static final int FILE_STARTED = 2; public static final int FILE_PROGRESSED = 3; public static final int FILE_COMPLETED = 4; public static final int CHECKIN_STARTED = 5; public static final int CHECKIN_COMPLETED = 6; /** * @return the verification URL that should be used for the contribution */ public String getVerificationUrl(); /** * @return normalized identifier */ public String requestIdentifier(String identifier) throws IdentifierUnavailableException, IOException; /** * only call this after having successfully called requestIdentifier() * @return */ public String getIdentifier(); public void upload() throws IOException; public void addFileDesc(FileDesc fd); public void removeFileDesc(FileDesc fd); public boolean containsFileDesc(FileDesc fd); public void cancel(); /** * @return a set of the files in the collection * * I'm guessing that LinkedHashMap returns a LinkedHashSet for keySet() * so the order should be in the order they were added * */ public Set getFileDescs(); public void setTitle(String title); public String getTitle(); public void setDescription( String description ) throws DescriptionTooShortException; public String getDescription(); public void setMedia(int media); public int getMedia(); public void setCollection(int collection); public int getCollection(); public void setType(int type); public int getType(); public String getPassword(); public void setPassword(String password); public String getUsername(); public void setUsername(String username); /** * Fields You can include whatever fields you like, but the following are * known (possibly semantically) by the Internet Archive * * Movies and Audio: date, description, runtime * * Audio: creator, notes, source, taper * * Movies: color, contact, country, credits, director, producer, * production_company, segments, segments, sound, sponsor, shotlist * * Also see the Dublin Core: * */ public void setField(String field, String value); public String getField(String field); public void removeField(String field); public void addListener(UploadListener l); public void removeListener(UploadListener l); public int getFilesSent(); public int getTotalFiles(); public long getFileBytesSent(); public long getFileSize(); public long getTotalBytesSent(); public long getTotalSize(); public String getFileName(); public int getID(); }