package com.limegroup.gnutella.messages; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.LinkedList; import junit.framework.Test; import com.limegroup.gnutella.GUID; import com.limegroup.gnutella.RouterService; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.NameValue; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.PrivilegedAccessor; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.ConnectionSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.ApplicationSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.UltrapeerSettings; public class PingRequestTest extends com.limegroup.gnutella.util.BaseTestCase { public PingRequestTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(PingRequestTest.class); } public static void main(String[] args) {; } public void setUp() { // runs before every testX method } public void tearDown() { // runs after every testX method } public static void globalSetUp() { // runs before the first testX } public static void globalTearDown() { // runs after the last textX } //TODO: test other parts of ping! public void testQueryKeyPing() throws Exception { PingRequest pr = PingRequest.createQueryKeyRequest(); assertFalse(pr.isQueryKeyRequest()); // hasn't been hopped yet ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pr.write(baos); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); PingRequest prRead = (PingRequest); prRead.hop(); assertTrue(prRead.isQueryKeyRequest()); } public void testGGEPPing() throws Exception { // first make a GGEP block.... GGEP ggepBlock = new GGEP(false); ggepBlock.put(GGEP.GGEP_HEADER_QUERY_KEY_SUPPORT); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ggepBlock.write(baos); byte[] ggepBytes = baos.toByteArray(); //Headers plus payload(6 bytes) byte[] buffer = new byte[23+ggepBytes.length+1]; byte[] guid = GUID.makeGuid();//get a GUID System.arraycopy(guid,0,buffer,0,guid.length);//copy GUID int currByte = guid.length; buffer[currByte] = Message.F_PING; currByte++; buffer[currByte] = 0x0001; // TTL currByte++; buffer[currByte] = 0x0000;// Hops currByte++; buffer[currByte] = (byte)(ggepBytes.length+1);//1st byte = 6 currByte++; buffer[currByte] = 0x0000;//2nd byte = 0 currByte++; buffer[currByte] = 0x0000;//3rd byte = 0 currByte++; buffer[currByte] = 0x0000;//4th byte = 0 - remember it's little endian currByte++; // stick in GGEP for (int i = 0; i < ggepBytes.length; i++) buffer[currByte++] = ggepBytes[i]; buffer[currByte++] = 0; // trailing 0 assertGreaterThanOrEquals(buffer.length, currByte); //OK, ggep ping ready ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer); Message m = null; m =; PingRequest pr = null; pr = (PingRequest)m; assertTrue(!pr.isQueryKeyRequest()); pr.hop(); assertTrue(pr.isQueryKeyRequest()); //Came this far means its all OK } public void testBigPing() throws Exception { byte[] buffer = new byte[23+16];//Headers plus payload(16 bytes) //Note: We choose a size of 16 to make sure it does not create a //group ping, byte[] guid = GUID.makeGuid();//get a GUID System.arraycopy(guid,0,buffer,0,guid.length);//copy GUID int currByte = guid.length; buffer[currByte] = Message.F_PING; currByte++; buffer[currByte] = 0x0004; // TTL currByte++; buffer[currByte] = 0x0000;// Hops currByte++; buffer[currByte] = 0x0010;//1st byte = 16, A thro' P currByte++; buffer[currByte] = 0x0000;//2nd byte = 0 currByte++; buffer[currByte] = 0x0000;//3rd byte = 0 currByte++; buffer[currByte] = 0x0000;//4th byte = 0 - remember it's little endian currByte++; byte c = 65;//"A" byte[] payload = new byte[16];//to be used to test constrcutor for(int i=0; i<16; i++){ buffer[currByte] = c; payload[i] = buffer[currByte]; currByte++; c++; } //OK, Big ping ready ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer); Message m = null; m =; PingRequest pr = null; pr = (PingRequest)m; ByteArrayOutputStream outBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pr.write(outBuffer); byte [] outb = outBuffer.toByteArray(); String out = new String(outb,23,outb.length-23); assertEquals("Wrong payload", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP", out); //Test the new constructor for big pings read from the network PingRequest bigPing = new PingRequest(GUID.makeGuid(),(byte)7, (byte)0,payload); assertEquals(0, bigPing.getHops()); assertEquals(7, bigPing.getTTL()); assertEquals("bad length", 16, bigPing.getLength()); //Came this far means its all OK } public void testStripNoPayload() { byte[] guid=new byte[16]; guid[0]=(byte)0xFF; PingRequest pr=new PingRequest(guid, (byte)3, (byte)4); assertEquals(pr, pr.stripExtendedPayload()); } public void testStripPayload() throws Exception { byte[] guid=new byte[16]; guid[0]=(byte)0xFF; byte[] payload=new byte[20]; payload[3]=(byte)0xBC; PingRequest pr=new PingRequest(guid, (byte)3, (byte)4, payload); PingRequest pr2=(PingRequest)pr.stripExtendedPayload(); assertEquals(pr.getHops(), pr2.getHops()); assertEquals(pr.getTTL(), pr2.getTTL()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(pr.getGUID(), pr2.getGUID())); assertEquals(pr2.getTotalLength(),23); ByteArrayOutputStream out=new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pr2.write(out); assertEquals(out.toByteArray().length, 23); } public void testAddIP() throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); //try a ping which doesn't ask for ip PingRequest noRequest = new PingRequest((byte)1); assertFalse(noRequest.requestsIP()); noRequest.write(baos); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); PingRequest fromNet = (PingRequest); assertFalse(fromNet.requestsIP()); //try a ping without any other ggeps except the ip request byte []guid = GUID.makeGuid(); PingRequest noPayload = new PingRequest(guid,(byte)1,(byte)0); assertFalse(noPayload.requestsIP()); noPayload.addIPRequest(); assertTrue(noPayload.requestsIP()); baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); noPayload.write(baos); bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); fromNet = (PingRequest); assertTrue(fromNet.requestsIP()); // now try a ping with locale String original = ApplicationSettings.LANGUAGE.getValue(); ApplicationSettings.LANGUAGE.setValue("zz"); PingRequest withLocale = new PingRequest((byte)1); ApplicationSettings.LANGUAGE.setValue(original); withLocale.addIPRequest(); baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); withLocale.write(baos); bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); fromNet = (PingRequest); assertTrue(fromNet.requestsIP()); assertEquals("zz",fromNet.getLocale()); assertFalse(fromNet.supportsCachedPongs()); assertNull(fromNet.getSupportsCachedPongData()); } public void testUDPPingRequest() { PingRequest pr = PingRequest.createUDPPing(); assertTrue(pr.supportsCachedPongs()); UltrapeerSettings.MIN_CONNECT_TIME.setValue(0); UltrapeerSettings.FORCE_ULTRAPEER_MODE.setValue(true); ConnectionSettings.EVER_ACCEPTED_INCOMING.setValue(true); ConnectionSettings.LOCAL_IS_PRIVATE.setValue(false); UltrapeerSettings.EVER_ULTRAPEER_CAPABLE.setValue(true); assertTrue(RouterService.isSupernode()); pr = PingRequest.createUDPPing(); assertFalse(pr.requestsIP()); byte[] data = pr.getSupportsCachedPongData(); assertEquals(0x1, data[0] & 0x1); UltrapeerSettings.DISABLE_ULTRAPEER_MODE.setValue(true); UltrapeerSettings.FORCE_ULTRAPEER_MODE.setValue(false); assertFalse(RouterService.isSupernode()); pr = PingRequest.createUDPPing(); assertFalse(pr.requestsIP()); data = pr.getSupportsCachedPongData(); assertEquals(0x0, data[0] & 0x1); ConnectionSettings.EVER_ACCEPTED_INCOMING.setValue(false); pr = PingRequest.createUDPPing(); assertTrue(pr.requestsIP()); } public void testSupportsCachedPongData() throws Exception { List ggeps = new LinkedList(); ggeps.add(new NameValue(GGEP.GGEP_HEADER_SUPPORT_CACHE_PONGS)); PingRequest pr = make(ggeps); assertTrue(pr.supportsCachedPongs()); byte[] data = pr.getSupportsCachedPongData(); assertNotNull(data); assertEquals(0, data.length); ggeps.clear(); ggeps.add(new NameValue(GGEP.GGEP_HEADER_SUPPORT_CACHE_PONGS, new byte[1])); pr = make(ggeps); assertTrue(pr.supportsCachedPongs()); data = pr.getSupportsCachedPongData(); assertNotNull(data); assertEquals(1, data.length); } private PingRequest make(List ggeps) throws Exception { return (PingRequest)PrivilegedAccessor.invokeConstructor( PingRequest.class, new Object[] { new byte[16], new Byte((byte)1), ggeps }, new Class[] { byte[].class, byte.class, List.class }); } }