package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.Test; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.BaseTestCase; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.PrivilegedAccessor; /** * Tests that Throttle does its thing. */ public final class NBThrottleTest extends BaseTestCase { private final int TICKS_PER_SECOND = 10; private final float RATE = 3 * 1024; // 3KB/s private final int BYTES_PER_TICK = (int)((float)RATE / TICKS_PER_SECOND); private final int MILLIS_PER_TICK = 1000 / TICKS_PER_SECOND; private Data[] DATA = new Data[50]; private NBThrottle THROTTLE; public NBThrottleTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(NBThrottleTest.class); } public static void main(String[] args) {; } public void setUp() throws Exception { THROTTLE = newNBThrottle(true, RATE, MILLIS_PER_TICK); for(int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i++) DATA[i] = new Data(THROTTLE); // control. for(int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i++) assertEquals(0, DATA[i].STUB.available()); } // nothing should have bandwidth if nothing was interested public void testNoBandwidthIfNothingInterested() throws Exception { THROTTLE.tick(0); for(int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i++) assertEquals(0, DATA[i].STUB.available()); } // only those that were interested should be given bandwidth. public void testBandwidthOnTickWithInterest() throws Exception { // Set interest on some things, tick & check. for(int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i+=3) THROTTLE.interest(DATA[i].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(1000); for(int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i++) assertEquals(i%3==0 ? 1 : 0, DATA[i].STUB.available()); } // only those that were NEWLY interested should be given bandwidth // on the second tick. public void testBandwidthOnTickToNewInterestOnly() throws Exception { for(int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i+=3) THROTTLE.interest(DATA[i].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(1000); // When requesting interest again, people who already were interested // should not be given bandwidth again, but new people should. for(int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i+=2) THROTTLE.interest(DATA[i].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(2000); // if this wasn't working, i%3 && i%2 would give two availables. for(int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i++) assertEquals((i%3==0 || i%2 == 0)? 1 : 0, DATA[i].STUB.available()); } // make sure that if bandwidth is still available, ticks within the tick interval // will spread bandwidth also. public void testBandwidthWithinTickIntervalSpreadsAvailable() throws Exception { for(int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i+=3) THROTTLE.interest(DATA[i].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(1000); for(int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i+=5) THROTTLE.interest(DATA[i].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(1001); // if this wasn't working (i%5 && !i%3) would give 0 available. for(int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i++) assertEquals((i%3==0 || i%5 == 0)? 1 : 0, DATA[i].STUB.available()); } // make sure it gives no bandwidth if it isn't active (within a selectableKeys call) public void testNoRequestIfNotActive() throws Exception { THROTTLE.tick(1000); assertEquals(0, THROTTLE.request()); } // tests the internal implementation details of NBThrottle -- // but, if this is wrong, all other tests aren't going to work // ('cause they rely on this being the implementation) public void testBytesPerTick() throws Exception { int bytesPerTick = ((Integer)PrivilegedAccessor.getValue(THROTTLE, "_bytesPerTick")).intValue(); assertEquals(BYTES_PER_TICK, bytesPerTick); } // make sure we give bandwidth within a selectableKeys after it was active. public void testRequestWithinSelectable() throws Exception { THROTTLE.interest(DATA[0].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(1000); THROTTLE.selectableKeys(set(DATA[0].KEY)); assertEquals(BYTES_PER_TICK, DATA[0].ATTACHMENT.given()); } // make sure that no bandwidth is given if we're ticked and bandwidth is used up. public void testNoBandwidthIfEmptyWithinTickInterval() throws Exception { THROTTLE.interest(DATA[0].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(1000); assertEquals(1, DATA[0].STUB.available()); THROTTLE.selectableKeys(set(DATA[0].KEY)); assertEquals(BYTES_PER_TICK, DATA[0].ATTACHMENT.given()); DATA[0].STUB.clear(); THROTTLE.interest(DATA[1].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(1001); assertEquals(0, DATA[0].STUB.available()); assertEquals(0, DATA[1].STUB.available()); } // make sure bandwidth fills back up after tick interval public void testBandwidthFillsAfterTickInterval() throws Exception { THROTTLE.interest(DATA[0].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(1000); assertEquals(1, DATA[0].STUB.available()); THROTTLE.selectableKeys(set(DATA[0].KEY)); assertEquals(BYTES_PER_TICK, DATA[0].ATTACHMENT.given()); DATA[0].STUB.clear(); THROTTLE.interest(DATA[1].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(1001); assertEquals(0, DATA[0].STUB.available()); assertEquals(0, DATA[1].STUB.available()); THROTTLE.tick(1000 + MILLIS_PER_TICK + 1); assertEquals(1, DATA[1].STUB.available()); THROTTLE.selectableKeys(set(DATA[1].KEY)); assertEquals(BYTES_PER_TICK, DATA[1].ATTACHMENT.given()); } // make sure that if the first interested ready host used up all the bandwidth, // the next one won't be told to write. public void testStopsReadiesWhenNoneLeft() throws Exception { // interest in two different ticks to ensure that 0 is in line before 1. THROTTLE.interest(DATA[0].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(1000); THROTTLE.interest(DATA[1].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(2000); THROTTLE.selectableKeys(set( new Object[] { DATA[0].KEY, DATA[1].KEY } ) ); assertEquals(BYTES_PER_TICK, DATA[0].ATTACHMENT.given()); assertEquals(0, DATA[1].ATTACHMENT.given()); assertEquals(1, DATA[0].ATTACHMENT.wrote()); assertEquals(0, DATA[1].ATTACHMENT.wrote()); } // make sure that releases are added back into the pool & given to future folks. public void testReleaseGivesToReadies() throws Exception { // interest in two different ticks to ensure that 0 is in line before 1. THROTTLE.interest(DATA[0].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(1000); THROTTLE.interest(DATA[1].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(2000); DATA[0].ATTACHMENT.setAmountToUse(BYTES_PER_TICK - 100); THROTTLE.selectableKeys(set( new Object[] { DATA[0].KEY, DATA[1].KEY } ) ); assertEquals(BYTES_PER_TICK, DATA[0].ATTACHMENT.given()); assertEquals(100, DATA[1].ATTACHMENT.given()); assertEquals(1, DATA[0].ATTACHMENT.wrote()); assertEquals(1, DATA[1].ATTACHMENT.wrote()); } // make sure that if someone didn't get to write on this turn, they'll be told to write // before others on the next turn. public void testInterestGivenReadiesInOrderThroughSuccessiveCalls() throws Exception { THROTTLE.interest(DATA[0].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(1000); THROTTLE.interest(DATA[1].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(2000); THROTTLE.selectableKeys(set( new Object[] { DATA[0].KEY, DATA[1].KEY } ) ); assertEquals(BYTES_PER_TICK, DATA[0].ATTACHMENT.given()); assertEquals(0, DATA[1].ATTACHMENT.given()); assertEquals(1, DATA[0].ATTACHMENT.wrote()); assertEquals(0, DATA[1].ATTACHMENT.wrote()); //[1] didn't get used, so it's still in line. THROTTLE.interest(DATA[0].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(3000); DATA[1].ATTACHMENT.setAmountToUse(BYTES_PER_TICK - 50); THROTTLE.selectableKeys(set( new Object[] { DATA[0].KEY, DATA[1].KEY } ) ); assertEquals(BYTES_PER_TICK, DATA[1].ATTACHMENT.given()); assertEquals(50, DATA[0].ATTACHMENT.given()); assertEquals(1, DATA[1].ATTACHMENT.wrote()); assertEquals(2, DATA[0].ATTACHMENT.wrote()); } // make sure that uninterested parties aren't given any data to write. public void testUniterestedNotUsed() throws Exception { THROTTLE.tick(1000); THROTTLE.selectableKeys(set(DATA[0].KEY)); assertEquals(0, DATA[0].ATTACHMENT.given()); assertEquals(0, DATA[0].ATTACHMENT.wrote()); } // tests that the tick interval is dependent on the millis per tick. public void testTickFollowsGivenMillis() throws Exception { THROTTLE = newNBThrottle(true, 5000, 77); fixDataThrottles(); THROTTLE.interest(DATA[0].STUB); THROTTLE.tick(1000); assertEquals(1, DATA[0].STUB.available()); THROTTLE.selectableKeys(set(DATA[0].KEY)); THROTTLE.interest(DATA[1].STUB); assertEquals(0, DATA[1].STUB.available()); THROTTLE.tick(1076); assertEquals(0, DATA[1].STUB.available()); THROTTLE.tick(1077); assertEquals(1, DATA[1].STUB.available()); } private Set set(Object o) { Set set = new HashSet(); set.add(o); return set; } private Set set(Object[] os) { Set set = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(os)); return set; } private void fixDataThrottles() { for(int i = 0; i < DATA.length; i++) DATA[i].ATTACHMENT.setThrottle(THROTTLE); } private static class Data { private StubReadWriteObserver ATTACHMENT = new StubReadWriteObserver(); private StubThrottleListener STUB = new StubThrottleListener(ATTACHMENT); private FakeSelectionKey KEY = new FakeSelectionKey(NIODispatcher.instance().new Attachment(ATTACHMENT)); Data(Throttle throttle) { ATTACHMENT.setThrottle(throttle); } } private NBThrottle newNBThrottle(boolean write, float bps, int millisPerTick) throws Exception { return (NBThrottle)PrivilegedAccessor.invokeConstructor( NBThrottle.class, new Object[] { new Boolean(write), new Float(bps), Boolean.FALSE, new Integer(millisPerTick) }, new Class[] { Boolean.TYPE, Float.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE, Integer.TYPE } ); } }