package com.limegroup.gnutella; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import junit.framework.Test; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PingReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PingRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.LimeACKVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.MessagesSupportedVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.QueryStatusResponse; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.ReplyNumberVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.UDPConnectBackVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.routing.QueryRouteTable; import com.limegroup.gnutella.routing.RouteTableMessage; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.ConnectionSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.stubs.ActivityCallbackStub; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.PrivilegedAccessor; /** * Tests that an Ultrapeer correctly proxies for a Leaf. * * ULTRAPEER[0] ---- CENTRAL TEST ULTRAPEER ---- ULTRAPEER[1] * | * | * | * LEAF[0] * */ public final class ServerSideOOBProxyTest extends ServerSideTestCase { private final int MAX_RESULTS = SearchResultHandler.MAX_RESULTS; private static final long EXPIRE_TIME = 20 * 1000; protected static int TIMEOUT = 2000; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ServerSideOOBProxyTest.class); /** * Ultrapeer 1 UDP connection. */ private static DatagramSocket UDP_ACCESS; public ServerSideOOBProxyTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(ServerSideOOBProxyTest.class); } public static void main(String[] args) {; } public static Integer numUPs() { return new Integer(2); } public static Integer numLeaves() { return new Integer(2); } public static ActivityCallback getActivityCallback() { return new ActivityCallbackStub(); } public static void setSettings() throws Exception { // we want to test the expirer so make the expire period small PrivilegedAccessor.setValue(ManagedConnection.class, "TIMED_GUID_LIFETIME", new Long(EXPIRE_TIME)); ConnectionSettings.MULTICAST_PORT.setValue(10100); UDP_ACCESS = new DatagramSocket(); UDP_ACCESS.setSoTimeout(500); } public static void setUpQRPTables() throws Exception { QueryRouteTable qrt = new QueryRouteTable(); qrt.add("stanford"); qrt.add("susheel"); qrt.addIndivisible(HugeTestUtils.UNIQUE_SHA1.toString()); for (Iterator iter=qrt.encode(null).iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { LEAF[0].send((RouteTableMessage); LEAF[0].flush(); } qrt = new QueryRouteTable(); qrt.add("stanford"); qrt.addIndivisible(HugeTestUtils.UNIQUE_SHA1.toString()); for (Iterator iter=qrt.encode(null).iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { LEAF[1].send((RouteTableMessage); LEAF[1].flush(); } qrt = new QueryRouteTable(); qrt.add("leehsus"); qrt.add("stanford"); for (Iterator iter=qrt.encode(null).iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ULTRAPEER[0].send((RouteTableMessage); ULTRAPEER[0].flush(); } qrt = new QueryRouteTable(); qrt.add("leehsus"); for (Iterator iter=qrt.encode(null).iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ULTRAPEER[1].send((RouteTableMessage); ULTRAPEER[1].flush(); } } // BEGIN TESTS // ------------------------------------------------------ // PLEASE RUN THIS TEST FIRST!!! public void testProxiesOnlyWhenSupposedTo() throws Exception { // before we set up GUESS we should see that the UP does not proxy //------------------------------ { drainAll(); sendF(LEAF[1], MessagesSupportedVendorMessage.instance()); Thread.sleep(100); // wait for processing of msvm QueryRequest query = QueryRequest.createQuery("stanford"); sendF(LEAF[1], query); Thread.sleep(1000); // the Ultrapeer should get it. QueryRequest queryRec = (QueryRequest) getFirstInstanceOfMessageType(ULTRAPEER[0], QueryRequest.class); assertNotNull(queryRec); assertEquals(new GUID(query.getGUID()), new GUID(queryRec.getGUID())); // shut off query QueryStatusResponse resp = new QueryStatusResponse(new GUID(queryRec.getGUID()), MAX_RESULTS); sendF(LEAF[1], resp); } //------------------------------ PrivilegedAccessor.setValue(RouterService.getUdpService(),"_acceptedSolicitedIncoming",Boolean.TRUE); PrivilegedAccessor.setValue(RouterService.getUdpService(),"_acceptedUnsolicitedIncoming",Boolean.TRUE); Thread.sleep(500); assertTrue(ROUTER_SERVICE.isGUESSCapable()); assertTrue(ROUTER_SERVICE.isOOBCapable()); //no one has sent a MessagesSupportedVM yet so no queries should be //proxied //------------------------------ { drainAll(); QueryRequest query = QueryRequest.createQuery("stanford"); sendF(LEAF[0], query); Thread.sleep(1000); // the Ultrapeer should get it. QueryRequest queryRec = (QueryRequest) getFirstInstanceOfMessageType(ULTRAPEER[0], QueryRequest.class); assertNotNull(queryRec); assertEquals(new GUID(query.getGUID()), new GUID(queryRec.getGUID())); // shut off query QueryStatusResponse resp = new QueryStatusResponse(new GUID(queryRec.getGUID()), MAX_RESULTS); sendF(LEAF[0], resp); } //------------------------------ //now send a MSM and make sure that the query is proxied //------------------------------ { drainAll(); sendF(LEAF[0], MessagesSupportedVendorMessage.instance()); Thread.sleep(100); // wait for processing of msvm QueryRequest query = QueryRequest.createQuery("stanford"); sendF(LEAF[0], query); Thread.sleep(1000); // the Ultrapeer should get it and proxy it QueryRequest queryRec = (QueryRequest) getFirstInstanceOfMessageType(ULTRAPEER[0], QueryRequest.class); assertNotNull(queryRec); assertTrue(queryRec.desiresOutOfBandReplies()); byte[] proxiedGuid = new byte[queryRec.getGUID().length]; System.arraycopy(queryRec.getGUID(), 0, proxiedGuid, 0, proxiedGuid.length); GUID.addressEncodeGuid(proxiedGuid, ROUTER_SERVICE.getAddress(), ROUTER_SERVICE.getPort()); assertEquals(new GUID(proxiedGuid), new GUID(queryRec.getGUID())); // shut off query QueryStatusResponse resp = new QueryStatusResponse(new GUID(queryRec.getGUID()), MAX_RESULTS); sendF(LEAF[0], resp); } //------------------------------ //now send a OOB query and make sure it isn't proxied //------------------------------ { drainAll(); QueryRequest query = QueryRequest.createOutOfBandQuery("leehsus", LEAF[0].getInetAddress().getAddress(), LEAF[0].getPort()); sendF(LEAF[0], query); Thread.sleep(1000); // the Ultrapeer should get it. QueryRequest queryRec = (QueryRequest) getFirstInstanceOfMessageType(ULTRAPEER[1], QueryRequest.class); assertNotNull(queryRec); assertTrue(queryRec.desiresOutOfBandReplies()); assertEquals(new GUID(query.getGUID()), new GUID(queryRec.getGUID())); assertEquals(LEAF[0].getPort(), queryRec.getReplyPort()); // shut off query QueryStatusResponse resp = new QueryStatusResponse(new GUID(queryRec.getGUID()), MAX_RESULTS); sendF(LEAF[0], resp); } //------------------------------ //now send a 'no proxy' query and make sure it isn't proxied //------------------------------ { drainAll(); QueryRequest query = new QueryRequest(GUID.makeGuid(), (byte) 3, "whatever", null, null, null, null, false, Message.N_UNKNOWN, false, 0, true, 0); sendF(LEAF[0], query); Thread.sleep(1000); // the Ultrapeer should get it. QueryRequest queryRec = (QueryRequest) getFirstInstanceOfMessageType(ULTRAPEER[1], QueryRequest.class); assertNotNull(queryRec); assertTrue(queryRec.doNotProxy()); assertEquals(new GUID(query.getGUID()), new GUID(queryRec.getGUID())); // shut off query QueryStatusResponse resp = new QueryStatusResponse(new GUID(queryRec.getGUID()), MAX_RESULTS); sendF(LEAF[0], resp); } //------------------------------ //we should never proxy for a Ultrapeer //now send a MSM and make sure that the query is proxied //------------------------------ { drainAll(); sendF(ULTRAPEER[0], MessagesSupportedVendorMessage.instance()); Thread.sleep(100); // wait for processing of msvm QueryRequest query = QueryRequest.createQuery("stanford"); sendF(ULTRAPEER[0], query); Thread.sleep(1000); // the Leaf should get the non-OOB query QueryRequest queryRec = (QueryRequest) getFirstInstanceOfMessageType(LEAF[0], QueryRequest.class); assertNotNull(queryRec); assertEquals(new GUID(query.getGUID()), new GUID(queryRec.getGUID())); // no need shut off query } //------------------------------ } // tests that: // 1) routed TCP results are mapped // 2) OOB results are acked and mapped public void testBasicProxy() throws Exception { drainAll(); QueryRequest query = QueryRequest.createQuery("stanford"); sendF(LEAF[0], query); Thread.sleep(1000); // the Ultrapeer should get it and proxy it QueryRequest queryRec = (QueryRequest) getFirstInstanceOfMessageType(ULTRAPEER[0], QueryRequest.class); assertNotNull(queryRec); assertTrue(queryRec.desiresOutOfBandReplies()); byte[] proxiedGuid = new byte[queryRec.getGUID().length]; System.arraycopy(queryRec.getGUID(), 0, proxiedGuid, 0, proxiedGuid.length); GUID.addressEncodeGuid(proxiedGuid, ROUTER_SERVICE.getAddress(), ROUTER_SERVICE.getPort()); assertEquals(new GUID(proxiedGuid), new GUID(queryRec.getGUID())); // 1) route some TCP results back and make sure they are mapped back to // the leaf { Response[] res = new Response[1]; for (int j = 0; j < res.length; j++) res[j] = new Response(10, 10, "stanford0"); Message m = new QueryReply(proxiedGuid, (byte) 3, 6355, myIP(), 0, res, GUID.makeGuid(), new byte[0], false, false, true, true, false, false, null); sendF(ULTRAPEER[0], m); Thread.sleep(1000); // processing wait // leaf should get a reply with the correct guid QueryReply queryRep = (QueryReply) getFirstInstanceOfMessageType(LEAF[0], QueryReply.class); assertNotNull(queryRep); assertEquals(new GUID(query.getGUID()),new GUID(queryRep.getGUID())); assertEquals(((Response)queryRep.getResults().next()).getName(), "stanford0"); assertEquals(2, queryRep.getTTL()); assertEquals(1, queryRep.getHops()); } // 2) participate in a OOB exchange and make sure results are mapped // back to the leaf { Response[] res = new Response[1]; for (int j = 0; j < res.length; j++) res[j] = new Response(10, 10, "stanford1"); Message m = new QueryReply(proxiedGuid, (byte) 3, 6356, myIP(), 0, res, GUID.makeGuid(), new byte[0], false, false, true, true, false, false, null); // send a ReplyNumberVM ReplyNumberVendorMessage replyNum = new ReplyNumberVendorMessage(new GUID(proxiedGuid), 1); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); replyNum.write(baos); DatagramPacket pack = new DatagramPacket(baos.toByteArray(), baos.toByteArray().length, InetAddress.getLocalHost(), PORT); UDP_ACCESS.send(pack); // we expect an ACK LimeACKVendorMessage ack = null; while (ack == null) { pack = new DatagramPacket(new byte[1000], 1000); try { UDP_ACCESS.receive(pack); } catch (IOException bad) { fail("Did not get ack", bad); } InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(pack.getData()); Message mTemp =; if (mTemp instanceof LimeACKVendorMessage) ack = (LimeACKVendorMessage) mTemp; } assertEquals(new GUID(proxiedGuid), new GUID(ack.getGUID())); assertEquals(1, ack.getNumResults()); // send off the reply baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); m.write(baos); pack = new DatagramPacket(baos.toByteArray(), baos.toByteArray().length, InetAddress.getLocalHost(), PORT); UDP_ACCESS.send(pack); // now we should get a reply at the leaf QueryReply queryRep = (QueryReply) getFirstInstanceOfMessageType(LEAF[0], QueryReply.class); assertNotNull(queryRep); assertEquals(new GUID(query.getGUID()),new GUID(queryRep.getGUID())); assertEquals(((Response)queryRep.getResults().next()).getName(), "stanford1"); assertEquals(2, queryRep.getTTL()); assertEquals(1, queryRep.getHops()); } // 3) shut off the query, make sure the OOB is bypassed but TCP is still // sent { // shut off query QueryStatusResponse resp = new QueryStatusResponse(new GUID(queryRec.getGUID()), MAX_RESULTS); sendF(LEAF[0], resp); Thread.sleep(500); // let it process Response[] res = new Response[1]; for (int j = 0; j < res.length; j++) res[j] = new Response(10, 10, "stanford2"); Message m = new QueryReply(proxiedGuid, (byte) 3, 6356, myIP(), 0, res, GUID.makeGuid(), new byte[0], false, false, true, true, false, false, null); // send a ReplyNumberVM ReplyNumberVendorMessage replyNum = new ReplyNumberVendorMessage(new GUID(proxiedGuid), 1); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); replyNum.write(baos); DatagramPacket pack = new DatagramPacket(baos.toByteArray(), baos.toByteArray().length, InetAddress.getLocalHost(), PORT); UDP_ACCESS.send(pack); // we better not get an ACK try { while (true) { pack = new DatagramPacket(new byte[1000], 1000); UDP_ACCESS.receive(pack); InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(pack.getData()); Message mTemp =; if (mTemp instanceof LimeACKVendorMessage) fail("Should not get ACK!!!"); } } catch (InterruptedIOException expected) {} // send via TCP, we better get it... sendF(ULTRAPEER[0], m); Thread.sleep(1000); // processing wait // leaf should get a reply with the correct guid QueryReply queryRep = (QueryReply) getFirstInstanceOfMessageType(LEAF[0], QueryReply.class); assertNotNull(queryRep); assertEquals(new GUID(query.getGUID()),new GUID(queryRep.getGUID())); assertEquals(((Response)queryRep.getResults().next()).getName(), "stanford2"); assertEquals(2, queryRep.getTTL()); assertEquals(1, queryRep.getHops()); } } // tests that the expirer works public void testExpirer() throws Exception { // see if anything is going to be expired Class guidMapExpirer = PrivilegedAccessor.getClass(ManagedConnection.class, "GuidMapExpirer"); List expireList = (List) PrivilegedAccessor.getValue(guidMapExpirer, "toExpire"); assertNotNull(expireList); Thread.sleep(EXPIRE_TIME*2); // old guids should be expired... synchronized (expireList) { assertEquals(1, expireList.size()); // iterator through all the maps and confirm they are empty Iterator iter = expireList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map currMap = (Map); synchronized (currMap) { assertTrue(currMap.isEmpty()); } } } // now add a few queries and make sure some are expired but others not { QueryRequest query = QueryRequest.createQuery("sumeet"); sendF(LEAF[0], query); Thread.sleep(500); QueryStatusResponse resp = new QueryStatusResponse(new GUID(query.getGUID()), MAX_RESULTS); sendF(LEAF[0], resp); Thread.sleep(500); } { QueryRequest query = QueryRequest.createQuery("berlin"); sendF(LEAF[0], query); Thread.sleep(500); QueryStatusResponse resp = new QueryStatusResponse(new GUID(query.getGUID()), MAX_RESULTS); sendF(LEAF[0], resp); Thread.sleep(500); } Thread.sleep(EXPIRE_TIME*2); synchronized (expireList) { // iterator through all the maps and confirm they are empty Iterator iter = expireList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map currMap = (Map); synchronized (currMap) { assertTrue(currMap.isEmpty()); } } } // close the leaf and make sure the MC purges it's guidmap LEAF[0].close(); ROUTER_SERVICE.query(GUID.makeGuid(), "stanford"); Thread.sleep(2000); assertTrue(expireList.isEmpty()); } private final void sendF(Connection c, Message m) throws Exception { c.send(m); c.flush(); } private static byte[] myIP() { return new byte[] { (byte)127, (byte)0, 0, 1 }; } }